Keep Bermuda Beautiful Clean Up Day A Success

May 17, 2010

It was polka dots from one end of the Island to the other, said one volunteer who participated in KBB’s Spring Clean over the weekend. They were referring to the distinct polka dots on the Happy Trash bags that are being used by KBB volunteers to give Bermuda a Spring Clean.
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The annual Island wide event brought out 434 volunteers to clean up 43 locations across Bermuda. Many motorists stopped to honk and cheer on the volunteers as they piled bagged trash, recyclables and big items into piles for the Waste Collection trucks to haul away. Works and Engineering trucks, Corporation of Hamilton trucks and Parks Department trucks were out to assist.

This year’s participants included school and sport groups, corporate and community organizations, families, students and individuals who care about Bermuda’s beauty and environmental health. The Green Teams from ACE, Novartis and Hiscox each took a location needing a litter clean up.
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Students, teachers and parents from Dellwood Middle School, Clearwater Middle School, West Pembroke Primary, Victor Scott, Francis Patton and Somerset Primary all choose locations to improve. Members of the St. George’s Parish Council and Smiths Parish Council picked up along the roads in their parishes. The Bermuda Hockey Federation was out in force along the Kindley Field Road. Members of the Bermuda Junior Service League cleaned up the Arboretum again, as they did last year.

Several Neighbourhood Watch groups scoured the roadside hedges and made immediate improvements to their neighbourhoods.
The newly formed North East Hamilton Neighbourhood Watch group partnered with the EEZ to bring its members out to clean up along Dundonald, Union, Elliot and Court Streets. Business owners, neighbours and people doing community service hours helped to remove trash from a derelict lot and litter blowing along the street.
kbb bermuda clean up day
Normally when KBB holds its annual Marine Clean Up in September all the divers come out to assist, but several divers volunteered for the Spring Clean Up as well. Mother and daughter, Louise and Karen Jones, went to Paradise Lake and found beer bottles from last year that they removed. Glass lasts several thousand years, so when people throw bottles from their boats, the bottle will remain down there. Members of the Bermuda Sub Aqua Club were busy at Admiralty Cove hauling in submerged bottles as well.

A KBB spokesperson commented:

We are very proud of all of the volunteers who joined in to give Bermuda a Spring Clean. Our biggest wish is to educate those who litter on a daily basis and those who are dumping entire truckloads of waste in our beautiful woods. We need to protect our Island for our children and grandchildren’s future.

KBB’s annual Island wide Marine clean up will be held on September 18th, 2010. For more on KBB, see their website.

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