Police React to Verdict in Bribery Case

March 5, 2011

The Bermuda Police Service acknowledged the acquittal of a man charged with trying to bribe a Police officer, and said, “Integrity is one of the core values of the BPS and Detective Sergeant Christopher’s conduct throughout the investigation demonstrates such integrity.”

The Police spokesman salso said “It should also be a warning to others who might seek to undermine the ethical conduct of police officers.”

51-year-old Kenneth Thompson of Sandys had been charged with one count of attempting to pervert the course of justice, and one count of corruptly giving property to a public official. Both charges stemmed from an incident in November 2008, in which Police found a small amount of cannabis in Mr Thompson’s home.

The Royal Gazette reported that during the trial the Crown alleged that Detective Sergeant Kevin Christopher, who lead the drug raid at Mr Thompson’s home, was approached by a friend of Mr Thompson’s who handed the officer a white envelope containing $10,000 in cash. Mr Thompson denied both charges, and was acquitted earlier this week.

Reacting to the judgement a Police spokesman said, “The Bermuda Police Service acknowledges the acquittal of a man on trial with respect to Corruption charges.”

“Integrity is one of the core values of the BPS and Detective Sergeant Christopher’s conduct throughout the investigation demonstrates such integrity and serves as an example to his fellow officers.”

“It should also be a warning to others who might seek to undermine the ethical conduct of police officers. The BPS remains committed to investigating any circumstances where it is suspected that there has been an attempt to corrupt our officers.”

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Comments (15)

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  1. Terry says:

    Who is in possession of the envelope and the $10,000. Was it produced as evidence?

  2. J Smith says:

    Sorry? Just what warning is conveyed by the verdict; do not talk to the police if you know someone on bail because you may be prosecuted for something you are not guilty of?

  3. shamel says:

    or “bribe us and we’ll make it go away =p”

  4. Rockfish#2 says:

    In the interest of transparency, and in light of our current social climate, more information re. this case, should be made public.

  5. strong says:

    So happy the he got off, however i as well would like to know where is the $10.000?

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    I’m pretty sure that one of the radio newscasts on the case, I don’t remember which statiion I was listening too, reported that the star prosecution witness, the in between guy, had a memory loss when he got on the stand. The answer to questions was that he “did not recall”.


  7. W.T.F.??? says:

    WHERE IS THE $10G…
    until then…this stinks like rotting fish!

  8. Rockfish#2 says:

    Seems as if Pandora’s Box aka a can of worms has been opened!

  9. Can you handle this says:

    “Stuff” like this has gone on before but has never been bought to court…was it because $10,000 wasn’t enough? perhaps Mr. Thompson should have “upped the enty”….

    • Speechless says:

      ….or was it because the officer just simply couldnt be bought? You know – integrity? You all make me laugh – talk a whole bunch of nonsense – strangers to reality! Get a hobby

  10. Terry says:

    Speechless, I never questioned the Officers integrity. Whilst you “laugh” I still want to know where the money is…….

    • Speechless says:

      Relevance?? It probably went to the consolidated fund, or if the accused was found not guilty, then in all likelihood it was returned to him.

  11. Can you handle this says:

    Ca n you handle this says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. March 6, 2011 at 11:17 amMaybe YOU should get a hobby and while your at it get your head out of the sand that it is buried in..If you know the officer personally and want to defend him than that’s your business and I’ll respect that..but what you need to know my comment is based on FACTS..not saying Im referring to Kevin Christopher and not saying that I am not..it happens..trust me….back in the day when Tradewinds came out you could make a ticket disappear simply by buying the officer a case of them..buying cases of beer could get you of the hook as well..you could even just make a simple phone call and get it taken care of..that’s illegal as wll but it happens..so like I said if you want to defend go right ahead…there are good and bad cops and even Senator Burch elluded to that..they just have to be weeded out..there is good and bad in everything and everywher..it’s called life..it’s reality!

    • Speechless says:

      But really you are referring to Sgt Christopher – the article isnt about Tradewinds or cases of beer. It’s about a particular officer – whom YOU have named involved in an attempted bribe. YOU suggested that perhaps the defendant should have upped the ante – so we are left to infer that you believe that in doing so, he particular officer’s integrity could have been bought and sold. I can rely only on facts – that being that a member of the public appeared in court alleged to have attempted to bribe an officer. He was acquited. I dont concoct ‘what ifs’. (ie upping the ante) By putting this person before the courts it is clear that the officer acted appropriately. But lets not let the truth get in the way of a good bit of gossip!

  12. Can you handle this says:

    (My original answer to Speechless response was not posted so I’ll change it up a bit)As I am not about get into a “Tit for Tat Bernews Debate” with you let me just end by saying You have your opinion and I have mine..my opinion just as you feel yours is, is based on facts not gossip as I said reality!!!!!!..whether there is money exchanged or goods exchanged bribery happens…it happens everywhere else in the world so why would one think that Bermuda is exempt and that nothing like that could ever happen here (sarcastic)….Stay blessed..Peace and Love