Dr. Kevin Brown Sentenced To 12.5 Yrs

December 16, 2011

Dr. Kevin Brown was sentenced to twelve-and-a-half years in a California prison today [Dec. 16] for fondling female patients during inappropriate breast and pelvic exams.

Dr. Brown was also ordered to pay more than $13,000 in restitution, and to register for life as a sex offender.

He had faced a maximum sentence of 17 years behind bars, after previously being acquitted in 2004 and 2006 of similar charges.

In August 2011, Dr. Kevin Brown was found guilty by a California jury of 21 charges related to sexually assaulting nearly a dozen patients, including a 15-year-old and an undercover Los Angeles police officer.

During the trial prosecutors said the 40-year-old doctor molested multiple women over five years at three of his California clinics, with female patients given inappropriate breast or pelvic exams for unrelated complaints like lightheadedness or flulike symptoms.

The “Los Angeles Times” reported that “defense attorney Edi Faal called the accusations outright lies and said authorities had a vendetta against Brown because he had previously been acquitted in two other sexual assault cases. They also allege bias because one of the women was the niece of a Los Angeles Police Department officer.

His sentencing was originally set for September 2011 but was postponed more than once.

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Comments (94)

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  1. star man says:

    The apple doesn’t fall… well, you know the rest.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    That is one less scumbag out on the streets, at least for a little while. California prisons are full like Westgate. He will be out in 6 years or less.

    That high priced lawyer must have cost a few coin … Just sayin’ …

    • Yup says:

      Doesn’t that make both of DREB’s sons in jail? Hmmm, we have one in jail already for robbing a bank (which is what Rolf C. got casemates for) and now we have another son in jail for violating women.

      • Real Talk 4 real says:

        Correction get your facts straight its not both of his sons but two of his sons and there is only one of his sons in jail the other one has been released typical local talk to talk and yes jail time is what he desevered I dont condone wrong as I dont condone gossip can you elaborate on what Ralph Commissiong has to do with this as I said typical talk to talk

        • James says:

          Pathetic Sorry Apologist – the likes of Rolfe have everything to do with this: it was old man Brown who raised this convicted armed bank robber to a $120,000.00 a year job he was patently unqualified and unsuitable for at taxpayers’ expense just as it was old man Brown who raised another convicted armed robber and a convicted pervert.

  3. Vexed Onion says:

    I am glad to see him get this sentence. I am fearful that due to prison overcrowding and California’s release policies he probably be out in a couple of years. I also am concerned that upon his release as a convicted sex offender his living and work options in the USA are severely limited. I hope that he doesn’t move to Bermuda and become a Politician!

    • Rob says:

      I am sure the Premier will be able to find a position for him. She may put him alongside Col. Burch, “the Evil Duo!” ” I have nowhere to go” please let me stay” will the Premier fall for it again. The electorate certainly will!

  4. Downsized says:

    This too shall pass … hope he has a few good books.

  5. Sonesta 80s Kid says:

    jeeeez I wud rather have played ‘doctor’ with my wife ;-)

  6. drunkenUrsula says:

    soap on a rope..

  7. Time says:

    Now he’s going to a real prison. Kevin Brown will now be called Kelly Brown.

    • Maddog says:


  8. Duane P. Santucci says:

    Regardless of what anyone thinks, Kevin Brown is still a part of us as a human and more so as a Bermudian, we can not condone any wrong doing but must find it in our hearts to understanding such were many of us who can cast a stone at this man. his fault maybe that of which he is charged but the venom and hatred on these blogs tells me that there are some folk headed for a great fall in life that they are not expecting and may God have mercy on them when it comes, for whatsoever we sow we reap that includes everybody and so when we kicked this man when he is down,please remember your down day is coming so don’t let it catch you by surprise. let us earnestly Pray for Dr. Kevin Brown and his parents and siblings and the victims that are on both side of this situation.as we may cast him out and aside God will pick him up and carry him when he cant carry himself,i challenge us as Bermudians to try and find a way to reach out to this young man and write to him while he is in prison so that he can truly know the real spirit of Christ,Christmas and the Bermuda people who are widely known for their love for those down on it’s luck in the time of need.may God bless you all and have a safe and Christ filled Christmas is my prayer.

    • Yup says:

      I’ll cast a freak’n stone!!!! Now lock that scum back up!!!!

    • WTF says:

      Duane P. Santucci – that post has got to be the biggest load of BS I have ever heard. You should hang your head in absolute shame!! We should NEVER commiserate with a perverted man who abuses his position to take advantage sexually of people who trust him. Anyone who does so is not a human that deserves my support and the fact that he is a Bermudian serves only as an embarasment for me! You pray for his soul – I hope Karma calls while he is in prison.

      I’ve been on this site since it opened, and I rarely post, but I can tell you that your comment is the most atrocious one that I have read on here. Next time you look at a female loved one, imagine this disgusting indivudual abusing them the way he did his victims. These are PEOPLE, not statistics. Each and every one of them has to carry this with them for the rest of their lives, long after this creep gets out of jail!

    • Dru Hill says:

      May he rot. How you like that stone?

    • Tolerate says:

      I had to read your comments again to acknowledge the total craziness you are trying to pass off here. If you think I’m just heartless than check my comments on Mr. Blakeney’s sons situation. You appear to correct others by passing yourself off as some saint, however some things are better “NOT SAID”. Even with your “pray for the victims” states your sympathy for all parties, if this was one of my children; I can guarantee I would find your words offensive.
      As in Mr. Blakeney’s case, I do pass on my sorrow to the Brown family for what this creep has put them through. I can not imagine going from the utter pride in a kid for becoming a successful doctor and than stooping to so low an act. Over such a period of time, it appears he needed help a long time ago and I do hope a program is in place for him to get it now before he is released back on society.
      I’ll save my prayers for the family of both parties (his family and the victims) but don’t ask me to join in for him; as you alluded to, he is in “GODS HANDS NOW”.

    • sharky says:

      @santucci…this is the most insane and poorly written post I have ever read.

    • Crystal Smith says:

      @ Duane Santucci

      I wonder If you would of had the same opinion if one of the victims were your daughter. And the “cocky son of a *****” touched your daughter!

      His peers have determined he is guilty. no one but brown did it!!

      Rut in hell doctor brown for what you have done to these women! Stealing many things from them including their sense of security!

    • Family Man says:

      Holy Crap Santucci, was that all one sentence? I tried but I couldn’t finish it.

    • navin johnson says:

      hey Duane his Father is no longer in power so no need to be kissing his butt….got what he deserves and the rest will come in prison….

    • specialgirl4you says:

      Well stated Mr. Santucci, we never know what road we shall travel or our children or relatives. Even those raised in the best of homes. It is always just a matter of time before one can be faced with such difficulty in their lives or their relatives. Every thing in life goes full circle, I have seen it happen and the pain, bad words they speak of others, or the joy they think they are gaining from someone else pain does not get rewarded, God has a way of allowing them to feel it sooner or later!! “Never kick a man when he is down, as God will kick you twice as hard when you think your up”"….it is just a matter of time……So I understand the pain that the victims faced as well as the family of Mr. Brown. Hang in there God always brings sunshine in good time !!

    • united says:

      Tell you what, have him wear a bracelet and move in to your house to live with your, your wife and daughters then. Everybody runs to Christ with these things and as a Christian I know we have to ask forgiveness but the good book also says taht you have to pay for your crimes. The problem with the liberal thought is that they totally and completely coddle the criminals and the victims THE REAL VICTIMS are hung out to dry. Everybody feels bad for the criminal.

      Enough is enough, I know that our human condition makes us all sinners but not too many of us in such privileged positions as, premier, doctors and lawyers are taking advantage of our clients or constituents for our personal gains and pleasures.

      Hopefully, he does NOT return to Bermuda and goes to where his daddy lived MOST of his life. Bermuda does not need more scumbags!

    • White Christ says:

      @Duane Well you threw the first stone bc you were stoned when you wrote that comment. Let it happen to your daughter and ill bet you’ll throw a stone. By the way Christ did not change one jot or title from the law so when he said “he who is without sin cast the first stone” he was not telling them not to carry out the law. He was showing them that they were doing so out of self righteousness and self gratification NOT for justice or God. Can you tell a judge to “judge not or ye shall be judged”? “Or, cast the first stone”? Those who are without the sin of molestation and rape can certainly cast this stone without fear of judgement. It is a stone we MUST cast. So I think you misunderstand Christ!

    • Lizzie says:

      Indeed this man is a ‘human being’! However his behaviour is not ‘humanitarian’! When we talk of ‘not kicking someone when they’re down’, we talk of respecting, and not exploiting, someone’s vulnerability. What respect does a ‘sense of entitlement’ offer to anyone?
      Power dynamics (premier/politician over people, doctor over patient) should never be exploited, but respected and viewed as an absolute privilege. This man, and anyone like him, have exploited their power without any hesitation or thought for the impact on vulnerable or trusting others.
      As our good Lord was betrayed, so have these Brown men been both treacherous and violent. I see no evidence of humility, just a continued sense of ‘entitlement’ to take whatever they want from vulnerable and trusting others, regardless of the lifelong consequences. Should we give them our blessing? Ideally we could all offer forgiveness, but not until humility and respect are demonstrated – even Judas managed to do that!

    • KMHBermuda says:

      Kevin Brown lost his right to call himself a human when he behaved the way he did. He abused these women; end of story. Had that been my daughter or any other female member of my family, I’d have made damn sure that he was prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law; sadly, I don’t think 12.5 years was enough. He should have been sentenced to 12.5 years per victim.

    • Liars says:


      This guy is going to reap his rewards in the Prison system. And believe me, he will be not only punished by God…but those boys in them there prisons HATE people like him.

      He is going to be in hell on earth for the next several years because another thing guys hate in jail is a spoiled brat like Kevin Brown … l feel zero sympathy for this low life.

  9. Babs says:

    I’m happy to pray for his victims but I cant, in good conscience, pray for this pervert. The women/girls who went to him in need of medical assistance trusted this beast and sought his care …. instead he cared only about himself and his sick, disgusting needs. 12 years is not long enough. Here’s hoping that the women/girls he abused and assaulted are able to find peace and healing.

    • Yup says:

      Maybe with some luck the husbands or boyfriends of some of these ladies will show that scum bag one hell of a pelvis exam!!!!

  10. choices says:

    -nelson Bascome jnr, drugs

    - kevin brown, sexual molestation

    - Jahmel Blakeney, attempted murder

    - Andre Curtis?

    is there a pattern here

    • Family Man says:

      Rolf will tell you the system must be racist. Its a UBP plot.

    • specialgirl4you says:

      We should not take joy from another man’s pain and faults. This does not serve any good, Humans are not perfect, and will make mistakes, and fall on the wrong side of the law from time to time. But remember, you have children, relatives and friends. There is no telling what they may do in the future. So be careful that you do not take joy out of another family’s pain and sorrow. In good time God will throw this back to you. The pain you will experience will be two folded. To point out another persons errors, does not serve any real purpose. We can raise our children in the best conditions and ways we know, but as they become adults they may not always follow the path we set for them. So be careful that your words do not come back to hit you hard.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      All from great role model Bermuda families.

  11. Very Interesting ... says:

    Interesting that the Daily Mail’s article spends as much time talking about alleged corruption during Ewart Brown’s time in office as it does discussing the behavior of the son.


    of course there’s always this


    • LaVerne Furbert says:

      What’s so interesting? If my memory serves me correctly, Gareth Finighan was a reporter for the Mid Ocean News before it folded. All he had to do was copy and paste the lies that he wrote back then.

      • Very Interesting ... says:

        Unfortunately for Bermuda, everything in both those articles is true.

        • Triangle Drifter says:

          They must be lies. Laverne says they are. We all know that Laverne would never tell a lie or distort the truth.

          • Dee says:

            Ah! The Great Defender knows all!!! We can only hope that Mr. Finighan has now published the truth someone will sit up and take notice.

      • Soooooo says:

        Hey LaVerne,

        Did your lawyer approve that comment? Careful how you accuse someone….l might come back and bight you in the pocket!!!

  12. Common Sense says:

    To be honest Laverne, the whole story of a doctor who sexually abuses numerous patients and gets convicted despite the best efforts of his lawyers is both interesting (your word) and shocking. Believe it or not, that story would make headlines in any home town or city in any country, especially if the culprit was the son of the leader of the country when he committed these vile criminal acts. The media have covered it well and so they should.

    And as for the alleged lies in the Daily Mail article written by Gareth Finighan – let’s see now:

    1. It’s true our National Debt ballooned from $300 million to more than $1 billion under his leadership.
    2. The Premier did run up $265,000 in expenses in 9 months on overseas travel.
    3. Leaked Police documents in 2007 did reveal that the Premier had been at the centre of an investigation into multi-million corruption at a “Government-run Housing Quango” that was later deemed to be “unethical rather than illegal”. I seem to remember our money being poured into a failed legal attempt to stop the matter becoming public, resulting in a victory for a free press.
    4. His regime was constantly accused of cronyism and corruption, particularly when Government contracts were “awarded” to his associates rather than putting them out to tender, only to have them run massively over budget.
    5. And yes the Accountant General’s Office has been granted fresh powers to investigate Government contracts under his leadership.
    And yes the Tourism Ministry portfolio secretly donated taxpayer-funded prizes to his son’s 2008 charity poker tournament at the Playboy Mansion that were only uncovered by an alert media, otherwise we would never have know about it – never!
    6. And yes he did survive a no-confidence motion over the Guantanamo prisoner deal that was extremely controversial.

    It rather looks like Mr. Finighan is just telling it like it was. It will be interesting to hear the results of the Accountant General’s investigation. At least he can no longer play the race card in that direction.

    • LaVerne Furbert says:

      My point was nothing to do with Kevin Brown’s trial, rather that “Very Interesting” finds it interesting that the Daily Mail article “spends as much time talking about corruption during Ewart Brown’s time in office as it does discussing the behavior of the son.”

      In my opinion, there was no corruption during Ewart Brown’s time in office, accusations yes, (and they continue and will continue until the end of time) and either way his premiership has nothing to do with Kevin Brown’s trial and subsequent sentencing.

      But you and others will continue to beat the dead horse as if you get some perverse pleasure out of it.

      • Dru Hill says:

        No corruption? Seriously?

      • Very Interesting ... says:

        It is interesting. As Common Sense points out, Kevin Brown’s conviction would be front page news simply because of who his father is. However, the fact that the Daily Mail spent as much time discussing what went on in Bermuda during his father’s time in office says a lot and can only draw the attention of the world to Bermuda. Of course if you believe that there’s no such thing as bad publicity it can only help the Island. After all, those expat CEO’s really want to see their companies’ names associated with things like that.

      • united says:

        Laverne, please, you need to see a specialist. If the truth smacks you in the face and you can’t see it then you may need the cataracts removed to improve your vision. Unless you drink the Dr. Brown Kool-Aid.What pleasure does a citizen get when the elected officials are draining the tax payer’s coffers to line their own pockets? What pleasure is there to a citizen when certain huge industries that a place is known and prized for have declined because of increased crime due to a lack of good governance?

      • Downsized says:

        @ Laverne, You ramblings are further evidence of delusion and denial … until death, gotta defend your cousin at all costs eh?! But what do you expect? This is an island where abuse of public office remains unethical, not illegal …

        Crazy …

    • Veritas says:

      And LaVerne, paid mouthpiece that she is, would deny the Titanic was sinking till it was on the bottom, and then she’d say this was an unadvertised excursion. And in typical PLP style, it’s “shoot the messenger” while ignoring the message. The truth is Brown was unscrupulous at best and all of his PLP lackeys who were in on it, are busy trying to cover their butts now. Maybe the Daily Mail article will indeed spur some action either on the part of the UK Government or HE the Governor here to actually look into these matters and try to get justice for this island. There are many “Concerned Bermudians” including those who put up the blog with all the details that is making the rounds by email just now, (sorry LaVerne you probably didn’t get one) and we deserve to have this scandalous behaviour exposed and the perpetrators brought to justice.

  13. Rick Rock says:

    One down, one to go.

    • Pat Ferguson says:

      Rick Rock, you have it wrong … it’s two down and one to go! Now that The Daily Mail has picked up the stofy of EB, I wonder where it will go from there? To a Royal Commission of Inquiry I hope.

  14. Duane P. Santucci says:

    i absolutely pay people no mind when they hide behind a pen name,i am a realist and have lived life on many fronts and have the shoulders to carry what i take on ,i say to all the pen names you just signed up for a real reality check and no i don’t want to see when your turn comes.we had another shooting and thank God the victim is stable and alive,so that is something to be thankful for. we don’t know when something horrific will hit you but it will.just live a little longer and you will see the circle of your venom comes to bite you in the rear when you least expect it and it don’t always come direct but most times through the ones you hold dear or the things you have that you thought you would never loose.our youth is our future ,corrupt or otherwise and time has a way of teaching you somethings.

    • Bermuda says:

      What you didn’t comment on is the questioned asked earlier!

      So I’ll ask again if it was your child he had performed this on, would you write to him while he is in prison, so that he can truly know the real spirit of Christ,Christmas?

      Bermuda awaits your reply Mr. Santucci.

      • Maddog says:


      • specialgirl4you says:

        No matter how bad a crime a child/adult child commits, he is still a mother and father’s child. The mother and father will work thur their hurt and pain in good time, but can never reject their child. It is just a biological intrinsic internal feelings and instincts that a mother and father has for a child/adult child from the day they are born. No matter what, they usually will be there for their child. This does not mean, that they accept the behaviours their adult child commits, it merely means that this is still their adult child with all their faults and problems. This is the same problem that many of our parents face daily in Bermuda. Even, recently with the “gang violence”, parents do not accept the behaviours of their adult children, but to act and live as if the child is dead, does not work either.

        However, somewhere along the way as the child becomes an adult, they make decisions that are “adult decisions” wrong or right. These decisions are not the fault of the parent. But, a parent will and often can not walk away from the child, after all this is still their blood. Often when an adult child has a difficulty it can be overlooked by many, whereby professional help may have assisted. But, this is not to say it is the parents fault or anyone else. Parents and family members know better the pain that they experience. This is why it is important that mankind does not seek joy and pleasure out of another man’s pain and sorrow. Or attempt to inflict pain upon others during a difficult time in their lives. As Some day they will be face with a similar situation….and the pain they will experience will be great….

    • specialgirl4you says:

      Mr. Santucci, your comments are correct, humans can be so cruel, and the behaviours and comments, they have displayed makes than no better than the persons they are throwing stones at. A human with great love for one another will be considerate of all mankind. Keep pushing out the good words of hope and wisdom, as we never know what life holds for us. It is just a matter of time before persons also will experience some extremely painful situation. God is not sleeping, he sees the evil in persons, and slowly it works out.

      I recall situation in which this mother was laughing, talking negative about another mother’s son who got into some trouble with the law. She did not for one moment consider the pain the family was going thru. I advised the mother, to hold her head up high as she did all she could to raise a good son, but somehow he choose the wrong road. I also told her it was just a matter of time for the the situation is turned over”. Two years later this same mother approached me, and told me that the mother that called her family and son all kinds of names, was now experiencing and even sadder situation regarding her own son. I told her you see “everything goes full-circle”.

      In these situations, one does not have to do anything to persons that seek pleasure and joy from another family’s pain and sorrow, in good time it will all be taken care of. Be careful folks that your words do not come back to bite you hard….. and it will be hard…..after all do not forget that you also have children, grandchildren, family members, relatives, and friends……who know which path they will choose in the future……????? No one knows………?????? We all wish them the best, but life often takes a funny turn from time to time…..

  15. Trident says:

    nelson Bascome jnr, drugs

    - kevin brown, sexual molestation

    - Jahmel Blakeney, attempted murder

    - Andre Curtis?


    Lawrence Scott (Alex’s son) – embry riddle grad (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – World’s Leader in Aviation)

    David Chapman (L Furbert’s son) PHD candidate

    Jay Butler (dale’s son) harvard grad/ rhodes scholar

    • Paul says:

      If you’re going to post under multiple names, at least change your IP address. Rookie error……..

      • Rob says:

        7 people use my wi fi, and I know of 3 that post. Sorry Paul!

        • Paul says:

          I bet those 3 people don’t always trot out the exact same stuff again and again and again and again, though, right?

          • Rob says:

            True, the whole idea is to make believe it’s another voice. I am one, are you?

    • Soooooo says:

      Soooo they all have an education.. What’s the point? Some use there education to further humanity and some for personal reasons, some are scum and a discrace to the rest of us… Some use their position for personal gain… There are few that are true advocates of the people, who give more than they take……

    • Notorious says:

      So what’s your point @Trident/Rob? Kevin Browns a doctor-pretty sure he needed/had education to be one and he’s still a pervert pedophile criminal. Whats your post supposed to prove?

  16. Rick Rock says:

    “Lawrence Scott (Alex’s son) – embry riddle grad (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – World’s Leader in Aviati David Chapman (L Furbert’s son) PHD candidate Jay Butler (dale’s son) harvard grad/ rhodes scholar”

    Must be nice being related to rich elite people.

  17. List it says:

    Name any Oba leader who’s child is currently over the age of 21 and doing anything for the community besides making money and living for themselves.

    We will wait!

    • Terry says:

      What does this have to do with Dr. Browns conviction. He derserves it.

      Anyway, never mind.

    • Rick Rock says:

      Well they aren’t drug dealers, alleged murderers and scumbag creeps who touch up their patients for kicks.

    • Very Interesting ... says:

      And they aren’t (weren’t) running “charities” where the money wasn’t going to the intended recipients.

  18. Paul Clinton says:

    Hey, we needed a Royal Commission YESTERDAY. And those lick-spittle apologists that claim that there’s scant empirical evidence of PLP graft since ’98 need, first, our prayers and second, a decent psychiatrist. There could be no greater gift to our public weal than the complete disclosure that a Royal Commission will bring.

    But as Plato argues in his Allegory of the Cave, there are those who will vigorously fight against such

  19. navin johnson says:

    it took 5 years to get a conviction for Chirac for corruption…..5 years after he left office……..

  20. specialgirl4you says:

    We should not take joy from another man’s pain and faults. This does not serve any good, Humans are not perfect, and will make mistakes, and fall on the wrong side of the law from time to time. But remember, you have children, relatives and friends. There is no telling what they may do in the future. So be careful that you do not take joy out of another family’s pain and sorrow. In good time God will throw this back to you. The pain you will experience will be two folded. To point out another persons errors, does not serve any real purpose. We can raise our children in the best conditions and ways we know, but as they become adults they may not always follow the path we set for them. So be careful that your words do not come back to hit you hard.

    • star man says:


    • Notorious says:

      We got it the first 18 times, specialgirl4you. I’m sure that’s what you called yourself when you went in for your exams with Kevin Brown huh? Yes life is a waterfall and everyone is a rainbow! Lollipops and unicorns, peace and love, pass the dutchie!

      P.S. Look up the definition of “mistake” as you are confused on it’s meaning.

    • Rick Rock says:

      Betty, A “mistake” is when you wear mis-matching socks. It is not a “mistake” when you get yourself into a position of trust and then systematically, over a period of years, sexually abuse patients. That’s not “falling on the wrong side of the law from time to time”. That’s deliberately and systematically being a slimeball creep criminal.

      To characterize this as a “mistake” is ridiculous. Have you no morals at all? Are you really willing to defend this kind of activity just because he’s Ewart Brown son? It’s disgusting.

    • Mystery says:

      I’m not GOD but I am his victim and I am not thrilled his family had to suffer from his stupid choices. He is sick man, and his ass needs prison and some mental help that’s for damn sure… God did the judging and I am HAPPY he can’t hurt another little girl or woman!!! He has ample time to think of the stupid sick perverted choices he made. Wrong is wrong and even GOD sees fit and punishes the wrong… So enjoy your time Mr. Kevin Brown and yes once in a while I will pray for u that u get the help u need. 1st step is to ADMIT THE S***!!!

  21. Datbye says:

    All i have to say about this one is good and about time. Too bad it wasn’t more time.

  22. Revolting says:

    What Dr. Kevin Brown did was revolting, no doubt. However the comments I’ve read on this posting so far are almost just as revolting. People are filled with so much anger and hatred to the point of it being disturbing. I’m all for freedom of expression but this is just sad.

    • Cleancut says:

      Revolting, I don’t think the anger in these posts are directed towards Dr.K. Brown, most people couldn’t care less about this individual and his crimes. Dr.E. Brown is the one in the direct firing line here, along with the PLP. I guess people will never rest until justice has been served. Past activities from Dr.Brown and Col.Burch that has directly effect us all, will forever be on the forefront of conversation regarding this Government, and it will be with us for a very long time.

  23. Sick says:

    victim who visited Brown to be evaluated for weight loss treatment said she had her breasts fondled and Brown also nuzzled his face in the breasts of another victim and sucked on her nipples??.
    .!!??!?lsick or what?

    • Mystery says:

      Now that the case is closed, i can talk; that happened to me… No one knows what it felt like to assaulted. It was terrible and finally GOD seen fit!!! I never wish harm or anyone, but wrong is wrong!!!!