Upcoming: CURB Racial Justice Conference

February 24, 2012

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] will host the Racial Justice Conference in March, a two-day event to promote dialogue and action around racial justice issues.

CURB says, “The Racial Justice Conference is a two-day event to promote dialogue and action around racial justice issues.

“This year’s theme is “Bermuda’s Criminal Justice System: Intent and Impact.” The Conference goals are to raise awareness as to the intent and impact of our existing criminal justice system; evaluate and discuss what is already being done; look for Bermuda-based ideas and solutions to help improve interagency collaboration; encourage community involvement; understand the root causes and offer solutions to the increasing violence in our community.

“The Conference seeks to create a proactive plan for fairness and unity in our communities, policies, politics, the economy and law. Its aim is to educate and offer concrete strategies, policy proposals and collaboration in an effort to reverse racial disparities and move our society towards a fully inclusive and racially equitable future.

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