Premier: Opposition’s “Over The Top” Criticisms

July 23, 2013

cannonier craig bermudaIn the six months since they became the Government, the Opposition have “indulged in over-the-top criticisms of the Government,” Premier Craig Cannonier said this morning [July 23].

The Premier was speaking after Opposition Leader Marc Bean delivered his address last night.

Premier Cannonier said the Opposition is “working any angle to paint this Government in the worst possible light, to undermine confidence and, by doing so, regain lost support.”

“The OBA confronted an unbelievable mess when we came into office,” continued the Premier.

“In January, we had to take emergency action to prevent the government from running out of money – not being able to pay civil servants and vendors.

“In February, out-of-control government spending left us little option but to project a $247 million operating deficit.

“The bad news continued with rating agencies downgrading Bermuda. We continue to be surrounded by the rubble of the previous government, but we’re digging out.

“Everything we are doing is for the recovery and renewal of the Island, putting in place conditions and policies to restore economic growth, making the Island safer and bringing Bermudians together.

“And that brings me to my personal goal as Premier, which is to bring Bermudians together; to help us move beyond divisions toward common ground on which we can join hands as one people, one Bermuda.

“We put up so many walls between each other. We’ve got to start breaking them down,” said Premier Cannonier.

“A couple of weeks ago, the Opposition Leader gave a television interview in which he spoke of concerns way beyond the just-passed Human Rights Amendment Act, saying the gay rights agenda would turn civilization upside down and become ‘an attack on life itself.’

“I understand that people’s views on all subjects will vary, but these statements were extreme, leaving no room for any kind of dialogue or meeting of the minds,” continued the Premier.

“Leaders who shut doors keep people apart, and that is what the Opposition Leader was doing with such rigid, inflexible statements. The reality is we must work together to come together. The Opposition Leader’s comments don’t take us there.”

The Premier’s full statement is below:

I’ve said many times that it’s not where you are but where you are headed that’s important.

It’s an approach to life that the Opposition does not appear to share.

In the six months since we formed the Government, they have indulged in over-the-top criticisms of the Government I lead, telling Bermuda we’re “destroying hopes and dreams” and taking the Island “backwards”. As if that’s not enough, the Opposition Leader has said we are “demonic” and practiced in “the Dark Arts”.

Clearly, they are working any angle to paint this Government in the worst possible light, to undermine confidence and, by doing so, regain lost support.

I’m writing today to say there is another way to look at things, another way to look at the work we’ve been doing since the December election.

First, let’s have some context: The OBA confronted an unbelievable mess when we came into office.

In January, we had to take emergency action to prevent the government from running out of money – not being able to pay civil servants and vendors. In February, out-of-control government spending left us little option but to project a $247 million operating deficit.

The bad news continued with rating agencies downgrading Bermuda. We continue to be surrounded by the rubble of the previous government, but we’re digging out.

Everything we are doing is for the recovery and renewal of the Island, putting in place conditions and policies to restore economic growth, making the Island safer and bringing Bermudians together.

And if you look past the Opposition attacks, there are signs of progress.

For example, Police statistics indicate we are safer, reporting the lowest crime levels since the year 2000. This is backed up by a recent poll that said Bermudians actually feel safer.

Consumer confidence is rising, now at a higher level than before the 2008 financial crisis.

There is new activity in the international business sector with company registrations up in the first half of this year – the first increase since 2008.

This Fall new construction projects will begin; first with the Hamilton Princess Hotel redevelopment creating at least 120 new jobs, and then with the promised start of renovations at Pink Beach.

The once-dead real estate market is also starting to come to life with new purchases creating new job opportunities for construction workers and suppliers.

None of these developments get us out of the woods, but they do indicate that change is happening – positive change.

Bermuda is starting to move in the right direction.

I would ask people to be as patient as they can be – there is much work to be done – but also to be assured that our decisions, all of them, are based on doing the right thing for the people of this great Island.

And that brings me to my personal goal as Premier, which is to bring Bermudians together; to help us move beyond divisions toward common ground on which we can join hands as one people, one Bermuda.

We put up so many walls between each other. We’ve got to start breaking them down.

A couple of weeks ago, the Opposition Leader gave a television interview in which he spoke of concerns way beyond the just-passed Human Rights Amendment Act, saying the gay rights agenda would turn civilization upside down and become “an attack on life itself.”

I understand that people’s views on all subjects will vary, but these statements were extreme, leaving no room for any kind of dialogue or meeting of the minds.

Leaders who shut doors keep people apart, and that is what the Opposition Leader was doing with such rigid, inflexible statements.

I believe it is the duty of political leaders who want their country to advance to find ways to end divisions that keep people apart. We’ve got to have leadership that has the broadest understanding of people as they are.

There is no one way in this world, there are many ways.

The key is to find what keeps people moving forward together; moving toward greater fairness, greater equality and greater freedom.

The reality is we must work together to come together. The Opposition Leader’s comments don’t take us there.

Let’s try to avoid unnecessary conflict and division; let’s look for the common threads that people share and build on them for a stronger Bermuda.

That will keep us moving in the right direction.


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Comments (118)

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  1. Vote for Me says:

    Lets not have the typical back and forth. The Premier gave an address last week and MP Bean responded this week.

    My hope is that we take the positive from each presentation and start a national discussion on the way forward for Bermuda.


    • Tramsparency for Real!! says:

      The newly hired consultant wrote this for the Premier. He could not muster up such a response on his own. It is disappointing at best that he would write such an opinion piece, which is unusual at best. Why fear when the Oppositions is merely holding the government of the day accountable and Transparent.

      It is key for the Opposition to ensure that the government is acting in such a manner that is of great benefit to people of Bermuda. So far the government has messed up on may things, the AG has shown a high level of incompetence and made major errors. The Opposition should not sit back and not say anything and act like mummies. They must be on their feet to response and provide solutions. Over the pass several weeks the Opposition has been sharp and on point and addressed issues that should be mention and discussed and reviewed in an effective way.

      The Opposition has provided a brilliant response. No only a response, but SOLUTIONS and PLAN for moving Bermuda forward. Could it be that the OBA fear that the Oppoistion has provided a better response to the government’s lack of a PLAN.

      Rather than attempt to swing back and forward, the OBA should examine what the Opposition has brought to the table and work with them to get things moving. If the OBA believe in what they promoted in terms of working together pre-election, why write such an article that seems to move away from such a promise. This article seems to suggest that the OBA are not willing to work jointly together, but rather just want some do it, but not all. While they call on a coming together they themselves are not doing it. Certain folks always cross the line, while another sector of community seldom do.

      Well said Mr Bean, Brilliant ideas put forward.

      • Joonya says:

        TfR, they haven’t had time to “work jointly” or “come together” as they have been to busy fulfilling apology demands…

      • Hi my name is says:

        Where’s your facts?? (oba messing up) All your doing is spouting your retarded opinion.

      • frank says:

        well said and mr bean does not have a speech writer like the leader the oba is still acting like the old geezers graig is not in charge of sh===t

      • Sandy Bottom says:

        Hi Betty. How’s it going?

      • oh well says:

        I agree. The opposition port forward great ideas. The OBA replies with “Over the Top” WTF??? Is that the best comeback you have and again you list and blame the PLP. That blaming trick is getting very old.

        The OBA are like a one trick pony. They can’t fix anything but they damn sure know how to blame the PLP for everything under the sun.

        Earth to OBA: We need solutions not a news report of the past.

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        Yet ANOTHER screen name Betty????

      • navin johnson says:

        and you think Bean wrote his speech himself?

    • Mazumbo says:

      Yo boss too late you already had ya turn. What ever you say now is irrelevant, when a leader addresses the people its custom that the opposition counters and that’s it. So what’s up with this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

  2. Victor says:

    Mr. Premier, Spoken like a true leader. Thank You.

    • Mazumbo says:

      Um listening to a true leader now on magic 102.7 LOL

    • Seriously.... says:

      You can’t be serious…

      “I understand that people’s views on all subjects will vary, but these statements were extreme, leaving no room for any kind of dialogue or meeting of the minds.” – Craig Cannonier

      3 weeks ago

      “Gay Marriage will not happen on my watch.”

      So, how exactly is he a real leader, when he does the same thing that he criticizes others for?

  3. Whistling Frog says:

    It looks like the OBA seem to be eating out of the PLP’s hands…

  4. swing voter says:

    That speech last night reminds me of my 2 year old son….abuses and breaks his toys but then wants me to fix it immediately or buy a new one. At least he’ll eventually grow out of his childish behavior and I don’t have to pay him to act his age.

  5. god1st says:

    @ Whistling Frog

    Very true

  6. Wow says:

    Seems like cannonier is on edge.

    Bean spoke of viable options for bermuda.

    All cannonier has done is attack the messenger.

    • Joonya says:

      No he didnt. Bean criticised the government (as the Opposition will do) and Cannonier criticised right back. Its politics mate.

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      Bean spoke of viable options? Like online gambling and mining the sea bed? They’re “viable options”? No. They’re more stupid ideas. Last year it was islamic finance. This year it’s mining the sea bed.

  7. Sandgrownan says:

    Bean is bigot. The PLP had their chance and did untold dmamge that the OBA have to rectifiy. Bean needs to crawl back under a rock.

    • frank says:

      mr bean will always speak up the oba are doing a bad as==s job of trying to mislead people ( secret plan

  8. campervan says:

    Bean is an extremist who hates gays. Imagine the draconian measures he would take if he had any real power. Its a scary thought, a leader driven by religious extremism and rabid homophobia.
    Keep him well away from the wheel for the safety of ALL in the community.
    There is no place in modern society for his type warped thinking.

    • Bermewjan says:

      Sadly, although I think your wording is a bit strong for the most part I have to agree.

      • Mazumbo says:

        I like when people like Mr Bean speak FRANK and STRAIGHT, something you haters cant stand. Keep on talking Mark ya got em squirming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

        • Mike Hind says:

          The only one promoting hate is Mr. Bean, with his homophobic rants.

          • Barracuda says:

            Trust me , no one is squirming.

            • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

              We know, you usually are floored afterward. Like in 2007.

        • Sandgrownan says:

          Bean is a bigot.

          • Mazumbo says:

            Bigot-chauvinist, fanatic, prejudiced. Personally I don’t view our future Premier as that, he is straight forward ,to the point , don’t look for brownie points and don’t kiss a**. That’s the type of leader that can lead me. All of you who don’t like it get over it. LMAO

            • Sandgrownan says:

              He’s a homophobe…it essentially puts him on a medieval intellectual level .

            • Sandy Bottom says:

              Nah. Bean is a bigot. We’ve all seen it. The only people that would vote for him are bigots.

              • Mazumbo says:

                I take joy how vile you all get when a strong black leader ruffles your feathers, knowing that not too long ago a man like him would be swinging from a tree, now your acting more CIVILIZED it comes out in your words. LMAO

                • Mike Hind says:

                  You take joy in rewriting the reality of why people are criticizing him and in making thinly veiled, racist accusations, apparently.

                • Sandy Bottom says:

                  There is apparently a strong black leader ruffling your feathers mate.

                  Does that make you a racist?

            • Mike Hind says:

              I love how you ignore any points made and just make up your own criteria.

              Mr. Bean IS a bigot. There’s no denying that. Based on his disgusting, hateful comments the other day, it’s an established fact that he is a bigot.

              And he’s not our future Premier. That’s not in the cards.

              • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

                Better check ya deck

                • Mike Hind says:

                  I don’t even know what this means…
                  How is this a response?

        • campervan says:

          Hitler spoke “frank and straight” when he demonized Jewish people and marched them off to death camps, did you like that too?
          Mugabee speaks “frank and straight” about homosexuality swell. Isn’t he a lovely man?

          • Mazumbo says:

            Ya and David Duke, Ian Smith, P.W. Botha, George Wallace LMAO

            • Mike Hind says:

              Idi Amin, Mobutu, Bokassa…

              How is listing bad leaders helping your point?

            • Mike Hind says:

              Oh, wait… those you listed were white… so you were just saying “White folks are racists”…

              Got it.

              • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

                Good . We thought you missed it . Whew

                • LOL (original TM*) says:

                  Sorry but now days it’s the PLP supporters who are amoung the most racist on the island PERIOD. Evidence just look at any thread were politics is discussed. You’ll see every trick in the book like trying to paint whites of this country as whites of other countries, you see it when events such as TM’s death in the US which has nothing to do with us at all but so how these jokers try to smear whites here with all types of crap….this is getting old……….


                  • Mazumbo says:

                    FYI black people can’t be racist because what
                    race of people did we enslave and try to controll and our deccsendants are benefiting economically and socially from the injustice over the years. That’s the criterior of being a RACIST!!!!! LMAO

                    • Mike Hind says:


                      You’ve just proved to everyone – other than other racists – JUST how racist you are.
                      Well done.

                      Prejudging people based solely on the colour of their skin? THAT’S racist.

                      Being a member of a race that had slave owners and racists? That’s not a criterion.


                    • Zombie Apocalypse says:

                      That’s a very narrow criteria for being a racist.

                      Are you saying that denying a job to someone based on race does not meet the criteria for being racist?

                    • Toodle-oo says:

                      Black North Africans enslaved all of the people of the Iberian Peninsula for almost 7 centuries starting in approx the 6th century AD

                      That happened to be a long time before and for a much longer time period than the North Atlantic slave trade.

                      So , what was it you were saying in you first sentence now .. ?

              • Mazumbo says:


  9. The Ombudsman makes a statement and says:

    come on Cannonier where is the 2000 jobs that was coming out of your mouth all before the election???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • sonso says:

      u think the PLP could have created those 2000 jobs if they won the election on 17/Dec?

      take it easy mate, i dont really support either party, but in the situation that we as an island nation see ourselves in, i think we need to give the OBA just a tad more credit that you are suggesting here!

      • oh well says:

        No I don’t think they could that’s why they didn’t SAY They could dummy.

        OBA giving people of Bermuda false hope.

    • Enough says:

      In 6 months in power do you actually believe that 2,000 jobs are just going to fall from the sky?? Plans and procedures have to be put back in place to correct all the wrongs from the last Government so that people can have confidence in Bermuda and jobs can be created once more. It isn’t going to happen overnight and the massive problem with a lot of people is that they seem to think it will – have some patience!

      • oh well says:

        Well if there weren’t so many job losses in the last 7 months people wouldn’t be bringing up the 2,000 jobs because we would have seen progress. Instead there have been over 100+ job losses. The OBA abolished term limits which have had 0 impact because all the expats that needed to stay always could. The only other major accomplishment aside from gay rights is the low class cruise liner jobs. For all that campaign talk and the hope they gave Bermudians its like a total slap in the face.

        • Terry says:

          Not true. I just joined a company as a secretary who were going to leave until term limits were abolishe. They not employ 8 people but I’m glad!

    • Bermewjan says:

      Your joking right! Unless you are being intentionally obtuse, it should be fairly obvious that any government cannot simply magic up 2,000 jobs… they can, however create the environment to make it happen.

      Let me be clear, although I support neither the OBA or the PLP, even I can recognise that the OBA are taking steps to create the environment to create more jobs. Whether their limited efforts will create 2,000 or more jobs during their tenure is yet to be seen.

      There is enough random hate on these blogs already. Why not try being a bit more constructive in your comments. While they certainly do not need to be supportive of either political party, at least try and make them realistic.

      • Joonya says:

        You are making too much sense for the pr1ck above you with all the question marks. Judging by the amount of (?) he seems very confused. I wish everyone could see the “big picture” like you Bermewjan, rather than seeing everything with their emotional, angry set of lenses.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        2,000 jobs don’t need to magically appear since they already exist & are taken by permit holders. If the premier & his minister had made sure each & every job held by a permit holder was investigated they would find that many of them could have been given to a Bermudian. Instead the first step done was to take term limits out that was said to do nothing but hinder foreign investment. Taking away term limits has proven as useless as having them & appears to be a smoke & mirrors move to give the illusion of oba being on the ball. Now the next step was to educate a handful here & there of young people for certain trades & although the sentiment is admirable it still did not address the issues of thousands still unemployed. If anyone was to look at the reasons for countries historically that have high unemployment the reason is blazingly obvious i.e. America’s importation of third world laborers & outsourcing of jobs while laying off the previous workers.

        Do we want to be a micro America with project housing scattered across the island filled with generations living on welfare? This route is the reason why there are more gangs & gang related crimes in America than anywhere else in the world. Get unemployment sorted out & the rest of Bermuda’s issues will smooth out also.

        • The Ombudsman makes a statement and says:

          We have a few more months left in the year and i am optimistic that they can achieve that goal and that they will deliver, but even in my optimism, reality doesn’t escape me, and if they find it hard to do 500 jobs a year than they sure as hell will find it difficult to do 2000 with in 4 years.
          Which of course would mean that the OBA lied to us to get our vote and are not really concerned with providing 2000 jobs …if they are then lets see the plan that they swore they had before the election
          “The One Bermuda Alliance said it would create 2,000 jobs over the next five years by “implementing pro-growth economic policies
          where is these policies and where is the jobs year 1 is almost up???? were we lied to?

          • Mike Hind says:

            the “500 in a year” is your construct, not theirs. You’re holding them to a standard of your own creation, based in something you made up.

            ANd the year isn’t “almost up”. Last time a checked, 6-7 months in was only halfway.

            This is just more propaganda, baseless and evidenceless.
            A pathetic smear campaign.

          • Sandgrownan says:

            No. But the size of the challenge was perhaps underestimated.

        • Sandgrownan says:

          Well that’s a whole pile of stid right there.

      • oh well says:

        “OBA are taking steps to create the environment to create more jobs”.

        What steps are the OBA taking my friend? Can you please elaborate..

    • citi zen says:

      How many of you know that once cross examination is finished-it’s finished. So Mr Premier you had your turn. For the average Bermudian it didn’t come across very well. Learn protocall (you spoke first.)especially if you wish to lead a country let alone mine. RROO (Robert’s Rules of Order)

      • Mike Hind says:

        What gives you the right to speak for “the average Bermudian”?
        Have you done polls? Or do you mean something else by that phrase?

        • Sandy Bottom says:

          You know what he means by “average Bermudian”. It’s code, like “real Bermudian”. Another subtle way to inject racial hatred into every discussion.

          • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

            You are some paranoid people.

            • LOL (original TM*) says:

              Unfortunatly with the PLP’s record (2007 campaign) his/her thought is justified……….

              LOL it is what it is.

            • Mike Hind says:

              Care to explain? Or are you just trolling?

            • Zombie Apocalypse says:

              So…when a white person uses a phrase like “you people”, it’s automatically racist.

              But when a black person uses a phrase like “average Bermudian” or “real Bermudian”, it’s ‘paranoia’ to think there is any racial component to it.

              Yeah, I think we get it. You’re incapable of any real thought.

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      When you talk about 2,000 jobs, that’s about a third of the number of Bermudians thrown out of work under the PLP, right? Since we’re talking numbers.

  10. Honestly says:

    My thinking here is that Bean shared valuable ideas for entrepreneurs and how to survive in this economy. The negative comments help no one so …why? It is true that you can no longer return home from university expecting a job. There are no jobs for you. I also suggest college students seek opportunities overseas to secure experience while continuing to apply for jobs home!

    • Joonya says:

      When I graduated college quite a few years ago, I came back and found a job one time!
      That of course was in the day when PLP werent at the helm, with idiots making stupid decisions forcing the same companies I used to work for to leave. They felt very welcomed back then, so guess what..they stayed, succeeded and grew, able to offer many jobs to Bermudians. Thats were we need to get back to. Big picture please…

    • citi zen says:

      For those of you who think this thing about people coming home from university and not finding jobs is something new, it’s nothing new. This was happening in the 1970s. Go back in time.

      • sonso says:

        why? a good bunch of us islanders are TRYING to move forward! going backwards never did anyone any good

  11. Vote for Me says:

    We seem to be forgetting to ‘look in the mirror’. If we all think about it, both Cannonier and Bean oppose same sex marriage (and a lot of Bermudians supoport them). Therefore it is ridiculous for the Premier to complain about what MP Bean said.

    A brief note also about debating. Once you start to respond to the other person rather than making your own point, you have lost the debate. The response this morning by the Premier makes the point. It should be clear to all objective observers that MP Bean is leading from the front as a Leader on this issue of a practical way forward for Bermuda.

    Dunkley for Leader!!

    • Tommy Chong says:

      Dunkley for Leader? Why? So he can get all the church leaders together to pray for Bermuda’s problems to be resolved?

    • The Ombudsman makes a statement and says:

      @vote for me here we are having a nice discussion about the jobs n stuff and you want to bring a— sex into the picture…you truly have a sick mind …a lot of Bermudians support them ???? wth you need mental help

      • Mike Hind says:

        If you equate equal rights to a— sex, then it’s you that need the mental help.

        Put your hate down.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Well, since the topic was brought up I wonder what the legality is for a male to mary a fully transformed bakla in Bermuda? Besides since it’s legal in their country to change their government information I can see this possibly already happening without Bermuda government being the wiser.

  12. PLP – Party of ideas – some good, many not so good (mining the seabed in one of the most isolated places in the world in very deep water & it could ruin our fishing industry & pollute our beaches ending our Tourism Industry). OBA – party of action & ideas – some good, some not so good. In today’s world I’d rather have action.

  13. Deliverance says:

    “It is quite certain that the success of any nation depends on the character of the head of state and the character of the people in general. A strong leader will put the interest of the nation first before anything else. A strong leader supported by strong institutions can work towards achieving social and economic stability for the people.” Marc Bean and the PLP are devoid of character.

  14. soreloser syndrome says:

    The PLP are sore losers and did a poor job at managing the country, your own supporters demonstrated that by not coming out to vote , if they were happy with their party the OBA could have never won that election.
    So they must accept loss and learn from their mistakes, attacking the current gov on issues that they themselves struggle with has no merit at this time coming from them, but as time moves on and the PLP rebrand themselves and accept their mistakes will make them a better opposition for the people of Bermuda.

    Best of luck PLP moving forward, serve us well now.

    • Mazumbo says:

      They didn’t vote because they were ignorant to believe the hype of OBA/ubp now their kicking themselves in the a** LOL

      • Mike Hind says:


        • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

          You wouldn’t believe them even if they told you…..come on be real. Then you would call them racist and hateful like you always do.

          • Mike Hind says:

            Not if they showed evidence.
            I “always do” because folks like you never actually show any evidence. Ever.
            Be real. You know that’s true.

            • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

              First of all . It would serve you well to seek the definition of racist and racism. Contrary to what you want people to believe, it is impossible for black people to be racist. Prejudice yes, but racist no. That market is cornered already by white folk. Along with that comes a paranoia as seen most days in these blogs. This is fueled by guilt that manifests itself in verbal attacks and or denial. Once you’ve researched you will understand that.
              Now,not all white people harbour a prejudice spirit, it would be ludicrous for anyone to believe this. The same applies for black folk.
              Once you have done your research you will then realize how demented it is to continue calling black folk racist.

      • LOL (original TM*) says:

        So your calling the people whom sent the PLP a message ignorant guess you and the PLP did not get the message loud enough…………..


  15. Watching says:

    1999 jobs left, Andrew Brooks got a nice package in April

  16. god1st says:

    This interim is once again taking up valuable page space no substance just nonsense.

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      The interim? For the interim four year period you mean?

  17. god1st says:

    @ soreloser syndrome

    I was one that abstained from voting at the last election,but that isn’t happening again. I will be voting for the PLP

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      Betty, we know you didn’t abstain.

    • Balanced Facts says:

      Please ! On what basis would you vote for the PLP? Bean is a … bigot who does not have the support of his MP’s…go to the house sometime and check it out, sometimes they cringe when he is talking, every now and then he throws out some crazy nasty line at the Government, then talks about Manna from the sky and His Imperial Majesty…his group just look at their shoes, its embarrassing! BEG Terry Lister to come back so you can at least have a shot at it….otherwise please don’t be assanine enough to say you’d vote PLP, right thinking people will only assume you are an IDIOT! OR BETTY…or both!

      • Mazumbo says:

        That’s what PLP needs a radical leader who is not afraid of the old Oligarchy System , their descendents ,ideaology and sorrugates. And for those PLP ministers who cringe and have a house —– – mentality get rid of them. All that our Forfathers fought and died for its worth it

        • Mike Hind says:

          This is just racist hatespeech, based on… well… nothing but hate and rhetoric.

  18. Alvin Williams says:

    I wonder who the anti-Bermudian one term OBA government will blame for thier failed governance this time next year; as I am sure they would have used up all thier accusations of PLP government failure while they themselves would have failed to get on with the job of government which they boasted they had all the answers for. One thing is for sure all those voters who stayed away from the polls will next time run right past me on thier way to cast thier vote to make sure that this anti-Bermudian do nothing OBA government will indeed only have one term.

    • Balanced Facts says:

      Crime is down,Tourism is improving. company registration is up, over spending is curtailed, Internationally we are seen as better positioned (Ask the Mayor Of NY), Island Games success, cases being settled to save millions and the list goes on! AND you, Alvin, are still living in PLP Zombie dream land!

    • Mike Hind says:

      Wanna bet?

      If THIS is the sort of “same old same” in the PLP’s leadership, those folks that stayed away, sick of the same ol’ same, will continue to do so.

      The rest of your post is just talking points, based on nothing. “Anti-Bermudian”? “Do nothing”?

      It’s just smear.

      • Ya got me Rollin ......NOT says:

        There are very few people on these blogs more anti Bermudian then you . Look in the mirror man.

        • Mike Hind says:

          Completely untrue.
          You’re simply saying that because of the colour of my skin and the fact that I don’t support the PLP.
          You can – and won’t – show ANY proof or evidence that I’m “anti Bermudian”. You just don’t like it when people dare speak out against your kind of propaganda and hate.

  19. god1st says:

    @ Alvin Williams

    I will be the first one to cast my vote in my constituency but most of all PLP gets my vote.

  20. god1st says:

    @ Alvin Williams I abstained from the last election but I can assure you that isn’t happening again my brother.

    • Barracuda says:

      I abstained too, I will be voting for the OBA , that cancels your vote my brother.

  21. god1st says:

    @ Mike Hind

    Alvin has stated facts and it is nothing you can do.

    To add clarity to the situation I abstained from voting at the last election but I will be voting for the progressive labour party at the upcoming election.

    • Mike Hind says:

      Upcoming election? The one in four years or so? That’s “upcoming”?

      I think we might have a different definition of the word “fact”.

  22. annoyed says:

    The reality and undisputed truth is the PLP managed this island poorly ‘literally’. As a black, educated professional I find it difficult to turn a blind eye to the mess we are in. Marc Bean contradicts himself and party on so many levels. WHO created the oversized current civil service? WHO left us with such extreme debt I now have to take a pay cut and worry about my pension? For the small minority wearing blinders the answer is the PLP! They will never again get my vote.

  23. god1st says:

    @ Alvin Williams

    You notice when you mentioned the term vote oba/upb members politicians become agitated and find a need to respond to my comments. Insecure is the word to describe the Anti Bermudian one term government O.B.A.

    • Barracuda says:

      Ha Ha Ha Ha , you are so easy to wind up , just think , you have five years to bitch and moan . Your anger and resentment make me happy inside.

    • Mike Hind says:

      I think the reason they “feel the need to respond to [your] comments” is that they are usually either completely false or so remarkably misinformed that folks feel compelled to correct the misinformation.