Colorado Collect $3.5M Cannabis Tax In January

March 12, 2014

The U.S. state of Colorado — which has a population of around 5.1 million — collected $2 million in taxes from newly legalised recreational marijuana businesses in January, the BBC reports.

Colorado became the first US state to legalize the commercial sale of cannabis, and stores opened for business on 1 January 2014.

In total, 59 marijuana firms filed tax returns on an estimated $14m in sales, and overall, the state collected a total of $3.5 million in marijuana taxes if medical marijuana firms are included.

CNN report that Colorado places a 15% excise tax, a 10% special sales tax and a 2.9% sales tax on recreational marijuana, in addition to application and license fees.

It imposes just a 2.9% sales tax, as well as application on license fees, on medical marijuana, which was legalized by voters in Colorado in 2000.

The topic of possibly decriminalizing smaller amounts of cannabis has been discussed lately, with reference to the revenue Colorado was expected to make included in the Opposition’s Reply to the Budget.

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  1. Kangoocar says:

    So, according to my math, the State of Colorado, collected on average 39 cents in taxes, and remember they are taxing it at approx 28%, from each person on the first month which we all know can be considered a novelty month, it will drop for sure each month soon, so with that said we would collect about $23,000 a month??? I don’t for one second think it is worth the risk of losing our US pre customs clearance over that amount, does anyone else??? Also take into account the cost of collecting those taxes and it will actually cost us money!!! And this is the plp answer to our debt problems??? Laughable at best!!!!

    • Kangoocar says:

      39 cents in taxes from each resident and visitor,

      • Dirk Gentley says:

        What about the American cruise ships? Keeping weed off the boats is already an issue. Will they continue to visit the Isle of Pot?

      • Axcot says:

        “Each” resident and “each” visitor isn’t necessarily a pothead. There are a lot of us that aren’t druggies. Epic fail on your maths.

        • Betty Trump (L. Furbert) NOTREAL says:

          Actually his maths are correct. The 39 cents takes into account the fact that not each citizen in Colorado is a pot-smoker either :)

        • Tommy Chong says:

          If you drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, drink caffeinated beverages or take mind altering prescription drugs such as prozac, valium or ritalin than you are taking drugs. If you consider a “druggie” someone who takes mind altering drugs than not all “druggies” are “potheads” but still contribute to the “druggie” population. If you only consider “druggies” to be those who take illegal drugs than you are a misinformed ignorant hypocrite who bases their views on their prejudices & not on scientific FACTS.

          • Chingas Bye says:

            people that take valium, Prozac, Ritalin have been given those drugs because they have a problem. Most people that smoke pot do so because they enjoy the mind altering effects…big difference. With prescriptions there is usually and end. With pot smoking there is no end! You all say it isn’t an addiction but I have seen friends and family choose weed over many responsibilities. I have family that say they can’t afford to pay child support or rent etc., but somehow they find the money for weed, beer and cigarettes.

            Every weed smoker I know has been one “forever” and I have never known any of them quit or even want to. In fact more smoke more now in their homes than when they were teenagers. I’ve known many to quit drinking or smoking cigarettes but they won’t / can’t let go of their pot!

            Call it what you want but I see it as another addiction we don’t need to legalize because we can make money (tax). Decriminalize YES – Legalize – hell no!

            • Chingas Bye says:

              I also would rather not smoke or take any illegal drug knowing that there is a possibility that it may have been ingested by someone! Only one way out! How anyone would want to smoke weed, hash, coke, heroin etc.. knowing that it may have been dumped by someone!

              Don’t believe it happens, talk to a Customs officer and you will be surprised how often they catch people doing this.

              • Tommy Chong says:

                The reason why people will go this far to sneak it through is because prohibition has made it more valuable than rare gems. If emeralds had a black market price as high as herb people would be sneaking emeralds in up their backside also.

            • sage says:

              Pure BS.

            • Tommy Chong says:

              Valium, Prozac & Ritalin are not medicine they are narcotics that don’t solve problems they mask them by altering the consumer perception. Many prescribed these become addicted to them. Some are prescribed Ritalin as young as 7 years old. Methylphenidate is a norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor just as cocaine is.

              It’s strange that you know so many who are so addicted to cannabis more than alcohol or tobacco when every scientific study there is has proven that alcohol & tobacco have a much higher addiction rate than cannabis & most who use cannabis give it up in their early adult years but still drink alcohol.

    • ABM says:

      According to your math, yes you are correct. However, it will cost a lot more to purchase here in Bermuda than in Colorado, so your numbers are actually way off of what they should be. Good try though.

      • ABM says:

        Also, those sales and taxes do not stem from the entire population,. At best we are probably looking at about 1m to 2m people who are actually buying this stuff.

        • feel the love says:

          Doesn’t matter, same results from the math. Instead of 60,000 people here use what, 15,000? Math returns about the same result. Not worth it at all.

          People will travel here for a smoke break holiday??? Highly doubt it and is that the type of tourist we want here? Not worth it at all.

          • ABM says:

            Not entirely true Im afraid. After the 600% plus mark-up in price those numbers will climb. Do the math.

            • Kangoocar says:

              When Einstein, coined the phrase, ” you can’t fix stupid ” it must have been rite after talking to you!!! Are you now suggesting for the sake of this law we pay 600% more??? Oh yeah brilliant!!! Then after we lose our IB sector and many more become unemployed they will take what little they have left and the buy weed at 600% more and not pay their rent or feed their families!!! My god, I can’t believe what some think???? And don’t forget being nowhere in the world accepts BDA $$$, can you please tell us how on earth you weed heads will be able to buy the stuff???? Other than knocking down all the empty office buildings in town and turning them into cannabis farms!!!

              • GTA says:

                “And don’t forget being nowhere in the world accepts BDA $$$, can you please tell us how on earth you weed heads will be able to buy the stuff?” Just like any other imported item purchased from overseas! Forrest Gump coined the phrase “stupid is as stupid does”, he must have been referring to people like you!

                I also believe most adults can decide for themselves whether to buy luxury items or pay their rent and feed their children, seems like you are not one of them. IB is also irrelevant to the status of marijuana’s legality, it’s Bermuda tax laws and influential and innovative insurance & reinsurance product which keeps IB here. Unfortunately because of small minded Bermudians like yourself, you are preventing Bermuda also being innovative in the marijuana industry. An industry which not only would raises tax revenue but also create jobs, keep people out of the criminal system, and reduce gang/criminal revenue, not to mention the potential health benefits as a natural and safe pain reliever.

                • Kangoocar says:

                  Oh right!!! The IB sector will stay here!!! They already put up with a cost of doing business here, and then they will inconvenience themselves with putting up with missed flights when they have stand in a two hour line to clear US customs in Atlanta, JFK, Miami, Laguadia or New Jersey!!!! First off, how sad is that that we now only have 4 gateway US cities , but you obviously have never experienced an arrival into the US from anywhere other than BDA and have no clue of the nightmare!!! If you think it will not be the last straw for them, then the only thing I can tell you is put the spliff down for a moment and clear your head so you can think logically!!!.

                  • sage says:

                    You are so full of crap it isn’t even funny. I guess you would be surprised at how many of the IB execs you idolize, smoke herb, one even got caught bringing in a stash when he flew in to take over the helm of an IB company, he surprisingly went to court, was fined and went to work as CEO, unlike run of the mill locals who are deemed “unemployable” by a** cracks like you.

                    • Kangoocar says:

                      So now, in your desperate attempt to win an argument, you mention 1 IB guy??? They say smoke kills brain cells, ok now I believe it!!!! Get real!!!!

                  • Tommy Chong says:

                    Einstein never coined the phrase, ” you can’t fix stupid ” you nitwit! Ron White did & he was arrested on charges of possession of cannabis in Vero Beach, Florida.

                    Netherlands is renowned for it’s cannabis sales but there’s no more of a delay going through US customs to get on a KLM flight than getting on a flight to Singapore which has extremely strict drug regulations. If you even had half a brain you would have noticed when you go through US customs in Atlanta, JFK, Miami, Laguardia or New Jersey EVERYONE goes through the same customs regardless of what plane they came from.

                    International Business has never had any qualms about working in Netherlands & the majority of the corporate that go there to work check out the cannabis cafes in their free time just to see what it’s all about even if not to partake & don’t have any issues with them. Heck the Netherlands is home to over 150 international organizations including the International Court of Justice & the International Criminal Court.

                    You need to take some Globals Studies courses because you have no idea what you’re on about. I’ve even read a past post where you confuse Singapore’s criminal punishment with some Islamic countries. Singapore does not chop peoples hands off for stealing.

                    If you want to know a REAL quote from Albert Einstein here’s one.

                    “The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.” -Albert Einstein

                • Kangoocar says:

                  Why am I not surprised that you quoted Forest Gump??. Do you not realize if the IB sector leaves here we will have NO US $$$ to buy anything!!! Go take another hit off your spliff and save me from your nonsense!!!

                  • gta says:

                    Why do you assume I smoke weed just because I have a formidable argument for its legalization? You make very baseless claims, and seem to have no support of such… I quote Forrest Gump because it was a good movie and that quote perfectly sums up your argument and general disarray, and speculative retorts with no wit.

              • ABC says:


                let de weed haters talk one day they love ones gonna need de CBd

                then its a different chapter


              • Common Sense says:

                As Kangoocar decided to quote Albert Einstein, perhaps a more apt quote on this topic would be another from Einstein, “The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.”

                Einstein was even smarter than we give him credit for, and I’ve always thought that he was just about the smartest person the world has ever seen.

                Food for thought!

              • ABM says:

                We already do pay the 600% more!! Where do you live, under a rock!

            • Hmmm says:

              So if there is a 600 percent markup, won’t the population who engage just get it from their cheaper sources and avoid the high priced tax stuff?

            • Axcot says:

              You think the dealers pay a 600% markup now? Don’t think so! Marking it up 600% will only keep the current dealers in jobs. They will be the guys to buy the stuff from, not the Govt with it’s 600% markup. That is the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time. You need to not only re-do your maths but stop smoking dope!

              • sage says:

                Dope meaning heroin.

                • Tommy Chong says:

                  They must mean heroin because that’s where the term dope comes from. In the 1800s the term was used for a semi-liquid opium preparation. Unless their using the other term for dope & oddly suggesting someone is smoking THEM! :/

              • ABM says:

                So wrong you are. The dealers are charging the 600% mark up right now!!!!! Get a clue man.

            • Chingas Bye says:

              Not true – as in Colorado they are finding that people are starting to already buy weed off of the streets because it cost less – because it is NOT taxed.

          • Timothy Hickey says:

            So, let me see if I understand you, most Bermudians don’t even want cruise tourists there because they don’t spend enough money and Bermuda doesn’t offer affordable lodging for people to fly there. Sounds like you do not want ANY tourists there in the first place!

            • feel the love says:

              You think people coming here to smoke weed are going to pay for an overpriced flight and $500 a night hotel room that is outdated??? If you do please keep smoking that illegal stuff.

              Anyone in the US or Canada can fly to Colorado and stay for cheaper than coming here. Anyone in the UK can fly to Amsterdam and stay for cheaper than coming here. Let them smoke up there!

              • Tommy Chong says:

                There are no Beaches in Netherlands or Colorado like Bermuda’s plus the weather isn’t as good unless you’re going on a Snow Skiing vacation. It’s also only cheaper to stay in Amsterdam if you stay in a hostel because hotels are relatively the same price minus the magnificent view of the ocean you get in Bermy.

                I do agree with your debate about price but somethings are still better here than there. Besides a price debate doesn’t even have to include cannabis in it since there are islands in the Caribbean that have what Bermuda has plus more & there’s the rub. Why vacation in Bermuda at all when you will have your pockets gouged. This is the major problem with our tourist industry & until there’s a hotel owner here who realizes this we will continue cutting our noses off to spite our face.

              • Sara says:

                We are a beach destination, totally different vibe.

          • are you kidding me says:

            Are you kidding me the lowest of the lowest already came to Bermuda in an imposing fashion.

            I will Wellcome a turist that wants to relax on our beachs have a few 2 pappers and eat our food.

            AND FOOD THEY WILL EAT. The only thing we got to worry about is if they eat too much food and drive thr price up even more gov should be able to do somthing about that like making sure some of the food profits are going back to the customers.

          • BobtheBuilder says:

            More like 25-30,000 people who use cannabis in Bermuda. Its pretty shocking when you peer into that world. Not shocking on a bad not, just suprising. “You…I never would have thought….”


            • Suzie Quattro says:

              Where does that number come from?

            • feel the love says:

              At 25,000 to 30,000 you are saying that at least 80% or more adults smoke cannabis. Sorry, just not true.

            • Chingas Bye says:

              How do you get that number.

              Lets say 55K population.

              Estimate 15K below 16 and unlikely to be users.

              Estimate 15K over 40 and grown up and 90% not users.

              That leaves 25K left. And we are all users according to you? I think something is wrong with your math. But then again, that is one of the side effects of smoking too much. LOL

          • Betty Trump (L. Furbert) NOTREAL says:

            Remember we save money on prosecution and sentencing of “criminals” with pot… That’s millions right there to begin with. Importantly freeing up police resources for serious matters.

          • Anbu says:

            Sorry but there are a lot more people than 15000 that smoke pot here. No matter how right u think u are my friend. And that is fact.

            • Chingas Bye says:

              Facts are based by statistics. Show us where you got these FACTS.

              Don’t confuse statistics that ask how many people tried pot, or used to smoke pot with how many smoke pot NOW! Big difference my friend.

              • Tommy Chong says:

                You contradict yourself by making one post in which everyone you know who uses cannabis can’t quit & now suggest there are large numbers who used to smoke but don’t now.

    • feel the love says:

      Very well stated Kangoocar. If taxed at the same rate I would doubt even the $23k would be collected and it would cost us more money to administer the tax. Not worth it for the US customs clearance or for the social implications, not worth it at all!

      • Kangoocar says:

        Thank you, “feel the love” unbelievable that you actually had to make it even simpler than I did?? The supporters of this nonsense needs to educate themselves, the risk of the US pre customs thing and it definitely will cause the IB sector to bolt from here because of the travel problems, all this will cause is even more mass unemployment and our BDA $$$ worth nothing and we will all starve to death in the end!! I am one of the few lucky ones that can leave BDA within a month if I choose too and I could easily watch the BDA demise from afar, but I have employees that I care for and my American wife ( who has her BDA status ) and I love this island and don’t want to be forced out of here because of the thinking of weed heads!!

        • are you kidding me says:

          Then you have Real Bermudans that are thinking about Bermuda and will not go anywhere but Bermuda till death do us a part for better or for worst. Solid like the rock. We should not be trying to impress the USA they are our competition just like the rest of the Caribbean

          • Kangoocar says:

            Ok, I made a mistake?? Einstein coined the phrase ” you can’t fix stupid ” after talking to both you and ABM!!!

            • Tommy Chong says:

              Einstein never coined the phrase, ” you can’t fix stupid ” Ron White did & he was arrested on charges of possession of cannabis in Vero Beach, Florida.

              • Kangoocar says:

                I have watched the blue collar comedy tour more times than you can shake a stick at, I am very aware of Ron White using the phrase, but it was used by Einstein as well, which by the way was long before Ron Whites time!!! Geez !! No helping you???? FYI, the world did not start with Ron White!!!!now excuse me while I light my spliff, NOT!!!!!?!

                • Tommy Chong says:

                  I’ve known who the E equals MC squared man was since school days many, many years ago. I never knew who Ron White was till I googled your phase because I was 100% sure Einstein never said it & was right. Maybe if you picked up a book more than watching television you’d known it also. Then again you’re the one who’s hero coined the phrase “I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast”

            • ABM says:

              Man, you just refuse to accept the fact that you are wrong and so are your numbers. Maybe you should do a poll here on the island in terms of the different prices for marijuana.

          • Axcot says:

            Enjoy living under a tattered tent…on your rock. I hear the ferral chickens here almost taste like chicken. Enjoy and bon appetite!

          • Chingas Bye says:

            Sometimes you must protect the people (like children) from themselves.

        • sage says:

          Please, choose to, I will start a fund to help you out.

          • Kangoocar says:

            I bet you would!! But let me help you, I have not wasted my money on weed, so I have more than enough to go when I want, to were I want, but will not do so unless this nonsense became legal and then I will happily go and watch all those that voted for this suffer the consequences!! Unfortanetley there will be the innocent that you will cause to suffer as well!!

        • Sara says:

          This “nonsense” as you call it is what the rest of the world is doing. You are overreacting and its quite comical. It seems the watering holes that many of these IB employees frequent are doing great and nobody is certainly starving and nobody is calling for them to be shut down…

      • Mr. JIF says:

        Decriminalization and/or allowance for medicinal purposes cannot be stopped.

        How much money the government makes is not the peoples problem and the majority of people (<50%) looks favorably upon decriminalization and/or medicinal.

        The only option is legalize.

        The only question is how long.

        • Mr. JIF says:


          (>50%) lol the majority

        • feel the love says:

          <50% ? Keep smoking there Mr. JIF! LOL

          Why is it that the many people on here in favor of legalizing it have no grasp of the English language???? Einstein and Kangoocar are correct, "you can't fix stupid". I'm guessing smoking weed isn't going to help stupid either!

          • ABM says:

            You don’t read much do you?

          • Anbu says:

            I love how someone makes a point so u have to resort to insulting them. Whatever mate. Weed will be legalized here regardless of how much u dont want it to be. Whats the big deal? U anti weed idiots get put in your place on a regular basis and u still stick to the same old same old. Ive said it before. Bermuda deserves to sink because of how conservative we are. All over a stupid plant. Makes me laugh really.

          • Come Correct says:

            Uh buddy, they’re called mistakes, even kangoocar makes them and doesn’t seem to know the difference between to and too. There goes your STUPID argument.

    • GTA says:

      Don’t forget the money saved by not prosecuting individuals currently breaking the law who are caught with marijuana, not to mention the employment benefits of having a new industry, and taking money away from gangs/drug dealers.

      Bermuda needs to at the very least legalize it for medicinal use, just like opiates, amphetamines, and any other prescription drug that can be used to help alleviate pain. Marijuana is perhaps one of the greatest pain relieving drugs for the past 2000+ years with very little potential for abuse, only problem is no one can patent it, and anyone can grow it in their back yard. Just because marijuana is not a “social” drug like alcohol (or even tobacco), perhaps the few extra thousands of dollars raised via taxes could be used to help enforce drunk driving and actually save lives. Please inform me of the last time someone was killed or was violent whilst under the influence of marijuana, like many are from alcohol. Anyone who has ever attended an AA meeting can tell you, they have never heard of anyone there because marijuana ruined their life, except for maybe being marginalized and having a criminal record for its use or simple possession. Just like everyone has the same right to consume as much food, alcohol, tobacco smoke, or tylenol, as long as they don’t harm anyone else, let them make the choice as an adult. Of course there may be health concerns with potential of abuse, and this may raise healthcare cost for some, but this is no different than adults who abuse alcohol and cause liver disease, who abuse tobacco and cause lung cancer, who abuse food and cause obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, or who abuse prescription drugs and become addicted and either overdose or turn to street drugs because they can no longer feed their drug addiction because their prescription is now denied. I am not trying to promote the abuse of any substance, but when you look at the facts, marijuana is no more harmful, if not less, than any of those other substances, with far lower levels of abuse. The mere fact that it is difficult to regulate due to it being so easily grown by anyone doesn’t not warrant it to be classified with the likes of cocaine, heroin or meth.

      “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.” – Carl Sagan

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Thank you for correcting them on the full economic spectrum of the benefits that legalization will have on Colorado. I would have gone into this as you have but I’ve grown tired of wasting my time on those too thick to comprehend. Colorado has already planned on using the billions they will receive from this crop on new school construction & better health care.

        • Hmmm says:

          But colorado are not reaping the numbers to achieve that. So far it is failing.

          • sage says:

            Colorado just SAVED a boatload on their criminal justice system by adopting sensible cannabis policies.

          • GTA says:

            By failing do you mean like the millions of dollars wasted on the current Federal ‘drug war! Or failing like, it’s produced new jobs, new tax revenue, reduced influx of non-violent criminals in the justice system, but not enough to be deemed a success. I would assume that the fact that the dispensaries are turning a profit from their first month suggests there will be new ones opening up in the future until the market balances itself out. Give it some time people, luckily in the real world, you need more than a month in order to determine whether a new law or business should be considered a success or not. Let’s not forget medicinal marijuana has been legal in Colorado since 2000, and the fact that 14 years later they have now determined it is a safe and profitable enterprise to be legalize across the board must say something about its viability. Luckily democracy prevails, and hopefully I will be able to vote sometime in my lifetime here in Bermuda, just like those in Colorado, and let the majority decide on these outdated laws.

          • Sara says:

            Its only been a couple of months good god people. We have a while to see how this plays out before passing judgment.

        • Chingas Bye says:

          Sure, they will build a few ultra modern schools to silence the critics, then that money will get wasted.

          Once the honeymoon period is over the income from taxes will decline.

          Why is it none of the pro pot supporters want to talk about how Colorodo has seen an increase in street dealers now. Why??? because the locals would rather buy it for less from an illegal dealer and not pay the 25% in taxes.

          So cost of policing drug trafficking will rise because the government does not like it when you take from them. Tax income will over time decline because people will start buying from street dealers to save money and the social ills will outweigh the benefits.

    • sage says:

      I thought you blanks said use would go up if legalized now you want to minimize things due to your insatiable greed. Millions would be saved in wasted law enforcement activities anyway, and why ain’t you crying about your beloved party plans for commercial immigration, an actual threat to pre- clearance?

    • Kim Smith says:

      I’m fairly confident that all the pot smokers in Bermuda couldn’t care less about pre-clearance to the U.S… nor perhaps much else other than being able to smoke that ganja!

      • Mike Hind says:

        All of them? Really?

        You think the one precludes the other?


      • Kim Smith says:

        Sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said ‘all’.

      • Betty Dump says:

        That is a very insulting comment Kim, especially to cancer patients using cannabis to ease nausea and increase appetite.

        In addition, I am a so called pot head… and I am a very responsible citizen… one that has contributed more to society than you probably ever will. And I will tell you, pre-clearance is very important to me and I would not want Bermuda to lose this. I don’t sit off getting high all day… I work hard, take care of my family, and enjoy a little weed before bed. So please take your 1930′s racist mentality back to where it came from!

      • Sara says:

        Are the majority of people that you know drink alcohol an alcoholic? It is the same for cannabis users Kim. Most don’t have a problem and cannabis is far less addictive than alcohol.

    • Betty Dump says:

      Kangoocar… your math abilities are about as pathetic as your usage of the English language. Let’s say that about 10,000 people utilize cannabis and spend on average $500 per month. That is already a monthly revenue of $5 million. Put a 25% tax you get $1.25 million per month in tax revenue, a far cry from you $23,000. In addition, tourists spending on cannabis will also significantly increase the tax base.

      Your other argument about losing pre-clearance… Have you set up a meeting with the US Consul General and he has disclosed to you that the US will remove pre-clearance? Where have you definitely heard that if Bermuda chooses to modernize its archaic drug laws, in harmony with two of the US’s own districts, that we will lose pre-clearance? Currently, the only thing you are doing is scaremongering. Please, provide written evidence that this will be the case should Bermuda choose to update its laws. The only way to know this for sure would be when the Bermuda government decides to set up a meeting with the US Consul General and they discuss the various options for drug law reform. Then and only then would we know the US’s response.

      • sage says:

        No excessive tax , that is ridiculous, 25% is tantamount to sabotage. The huge savings on enforcement wastage will be a huge windfall, what’s the tax on cancer sticks or liquor, I bet it’s not 25%. Job and business creation will circulate money here and payroll tax etc., you could buy legal herb with BDA dollars, no laundering necessary, in my opinion. You are absolutely correct on everything else especially your observations on “Kangoclown”,

        • Toodle-oo says:

          On Monday night’s CBS news they ran an article about what was going on in Colorado .
          The sign posted at one outlet clearly said ’37% tax’ included in the price.

          Now, let’s look at our booze taxes. Next chance you have pop into Gosling’s on Front Street and look at the difference in duty free price and ‘local purchase’ price on anything on the shelf.
          It’s just about a 100% difference.

          I strongly doubt it will be any different for herb.

          People who are under the impression that once ‘legalized’ it will be reasonably priced are deluded.

      • Kangoocar says:

        Are you kidding me betty dumb head, I actually can’t believe I would now listen the original betty over you??? First off, the US Consulate in BDA does not make the US federal laws! they follow and enforce them!!! Secondly to educate your clouded brain, I will inform you that there is a huge difference from US State laws and the US Federal laws!!! Do you even know the difference??? My god are that many people that selfish in their beliefs of, as long as it is good for me, to heck with everyone else???
        And now onto my math that you criticize, do you seriously think 10,000 locals have left over money after their living expenses to waste $500 a month on weed, in this economy??? Are you being serious or are you suffering from memory problems due to your usage of weed??? FYI, Bermuda and most of its population are suffering terribly and maybe you should do some research on the amount of bank loans and mortgages along with most businesses that extend credit to people to the extent of lack of payments!! There is no way in hell that there is 10,000 locals that can spend that amount of money each month on weed!!!! Thankfully I have a successful business and don’t have the time most days to read and answer the nonsense of most on these blogs!!! The thinking of yours and your type is delusional at best!!!!

        • Betty Dump says:

          Then you just don’t know…

        • Betty Dump says:

          The only dummy around here is you… you still don’t know the difference between two, to, and too… so don’t go on running u your uneducated mouth… you are so racist and stupid, that you don’t even know it. You constantly brag about how you’re “financially well off” and insulting people because they do not share your narrow, redneck, uneducated, ass-backwards thinking.

          And if you think that people who smoke weed don’t spend $500 in a month, then you are truly showing how ignorant you really are.

          The point of my comment is simple… We do not know the US response until we set up a meeting with US government officials to discuss what options are available for our drug law reform so as to NOT lose pre-clearance. How is that being selfish? Our drug laws need to be updated, but not at losing pre-clearance… But as usual, in your uneducated, racist, attack dog mentality, you are unable to read and decipher the English Language… and by the way, I have a degree in mathematics… so I know wtf I am talking about

          And hahaha on your last paragraph… you are on these blogs multiple times a day, every single day… and don’t try to deny it.

      • Chingas Bye says:

        @Betty Dump – So you are telling me that you really believe that Bermuda’s pot smokers would all of a sudden start buying weed from a legal depot and happily pay 25% MORE because of the tax.

        Reality will be this, and is already the case in Colorodo. People who smoke weed and no longer fear prosecution will not all want to do the right thing and pay more for their weed. Most people, like you I’m sure, probably have a friend that supplies them with weed when they need it. Most people do not drive to a corner and buy drugs off the streets. So why would YOU or anyone else want to pay 25% and have to go into a store and have people see you, when you can save money and have it come to you?!

        Be honest, will you do the right thing and go to a legal establishment and pay 25% more, and take the chance that aunt Betty, your employer, or mom might see you? No!

        Listen, I agree to decriminalize weed so that you and other recreational users will not be prosecuted! Decriminalization, will save money and court time by not needing to prosecute someone for “personal supply”. However, Legalizing it for any other reason other than medicinal – I say NO WAY!

        The negatives outweigh the positives and the police and Customs will still need to hunt for and prosecute anyone importing drugs even if you Legalize it.

        • Sara says:

          People in Colorado can grow their own up to 6 plants per house for free, why would they need to go to a drug dealer unless they are really lazy.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Man these tax collectors are SMOKIN!

    Watch them get so greedy here that it will be cheaper to buy off the street.

    • Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

      u catch on quick…

      • sage says:

        Man buys ounce of herb in Denver, bigger tax payer than General Electric.

        • Chingas Bye says:

          Question is…what will it COST Denver in the long run? What has it cost Amsterdam?

          • Sara says:

            Well it isn’t going to cost Colorado anything, its going to make them tons of money. And Amsterdam isn’t having a problem, the conservatives for into power and wanted to shut it down for tourists because of weed being taken across the borders. But they tried the whole locals only id card for smoke shops and lost a bunch of money and decided to go back to the way it was…

      • Sara says:

        People can grown their own to avoid any cost. Cannabis grows easily and many will do that instead of always buying it.

    • Sara says:

      Don’t forget you are allowed to grow your won! Many are missing this big fact!

      • Sara says:


      • Toodle-oo says:

        I think what many people are missing is that if it’s ever ‘legalized’ here and taxed as part of it’s regulation you won’t simply be able to grow your own in your back yard.
        How will government be able to regulate the legalization of it if everyone could just overnight go and plant it in their garden.

        I predict that in that aspect it will be illegal to do so without a very costly license and yearly informational surveys being filed. As an example ask someone who has a lobster diving license.

        See ? There’s a whole lot more to this ‘legalization thing’ than meets the eye.

        • Sara says:

          You can in Colorado, Washington, and California. You can also make your own wine and brew your own beer for personal use there is no way that they could stop growing for personal use. It wouldn’t make sense.

        • Sara says:

          You are allowed to grow up to 6 plants per home in Colorado.

        • sage says:

          The more you talk the more profoundly ignorant you appear, you think, you predict, you’re wrong, right thinking individuals who base their opinions on scientific facts, logic, common sense and first hand knowledge are going to ensure it is done right and you hopefully will have no part in it.

  3. Hmmm says:

    They expected ~$130m per year, but are on target for $24m from recreational usage tax.

    People won’t pay the inflated prices is my guess…those that do, used illegal sources still as it is probably cheaper.

    • ABM says:

      Price is already inflated here and people still buy. Even the visitors who come here looking for a smoke while on vacation still pay the marked up price.

      Example: A quarter of loud out there can run you anywhere from 30 to 50 bucks. Certain areas have been known to charge 80 but the average across the US is 40 bucks. Here in Bermuda that same quarter will run you anywhere from 250 to 400 bucks.

      • Chingas Bye says:

        Because they have no choice! Would you pay 25% more , or will you continue to buy from your dealer or grow your own?

  4. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    How Multinational Philips Profited From Illegal Cannabis Farms!!

  5. Take it Easy! says:

    Legalize and use the tax money 2 bring down our health insurance! That includes locking up prisoners ($80,000 per year) for marijuana offenses! Simple! Government saves we the people gain!

    • Kangoocar says:

      Absolute nonsense when you say $80,000 savings!!! There is already the fixed costs of the prison system anyway!!! The only savings would be three square meals a day, and I would be happy if we continue to pay for it!!!

    • Chingas Bye says:

      Recreational users don’t get locked up for small amounts unless they can’t or won’t pay the fine in court. Those in prison for years are DEALERS and that won’t change , even with Legalization.

  6. Common Sense says:

    I have to wonder if the naysayers to any form of legalised cannabis managed to catch Dr. Sanjay Gubta’s one hour programme on CNN last night which so clearly showed that medical marijuana has enormous potential, and without doubt helps relieve pain and seizures for seriously ill people. If you missed it please make the effort to educate yourselves and to view cannabis from a different perspective. Bravo to Dr. Gupta on a brilliant presentation.

  7. We need the money…build it and they will come!I forsee tourism booming .We as a people have to move away from repression and miserable people and their needful of company ways….there are many people out there…I have notice throughout the many years I have been on this earth (blast from de past)…there are many who that if they see you smile…they will step right up to you and endeavor to remove that smile right from your face….how dare you be happy…..misery wants company… have no right to be happy….how dare you do dat…..see dat?….

    dooon’t doooooo dat!….we need to evolve and move on from this derogatory mindset….me personally….I refuse t’t'to let annnnyyy body deroginate me!

  8. Lennie says:

    The population of Colorado is 5.1 million. Lets say 2/3 of that are eligible by age to smoke weed, thats down to 3.4 million They generate 3.5 million in taxes per month. Translate that logic to Bermuda’s eligble population of 40,000 it will be less than 40,000 per month, hardly going to solve our debt crisis

    • Just Wondering says:

      Would it help with the debt?

      • sage says:

        Funny (strange) these jokers want herb, which they have been killing, imprisoning and ruining countless lives over wrongfully with prejudice and malice for decades, their wastage ruining economies, to now bail us out of the debt they created! Not just help, that’s not good enough they want to take it over set the rules and reap the profits, that’s rich ain’t it? Thankfully common sense is starting to overwhelm ignorance, albeit slowly.”Aluta Continua;Victoria ascerta”

    • Chingas Bye says:

      Exactly, lets say the office responsible for monitoring, licensing and collecting the taxes has only 6 staff and we all know there is no such thing in government.

      6 staff at 60K gross per year is $360K
      Add to that monies for advertising , education, social ills. What is left.

      What are we making ???? You should be asking what will it cost us!

  9. Just Wondering says:

    I find it amusing how every one seems to be one extreme or the other with this.

    • sage says:

      Get off the fence.

      • Just Wondering says:

        Been off the fence mate i’m just not an extreme, I don’t think that making it legal will fix all our money and crime issues and i don’t think that if we make it legal we will sudden be sucked into hell for it. That is all i was saying.

  10. Dark Side of the Moon says:

    Well, seems like Bermuda could benefit big time if they adopted a very carefully planned distribution centre for this. Why not? Bermuda needs money and people are willing to spend it for whatever reason, why stagnate it just for medical reasons? Many people in this little tiny island spend thousands on this stuff. The Government could benefit from the sales. Also, visitors would be willing to come here if it was legalized, just more money in our pockets, I say.

  11. Goose says:

    Do residents of Colorado and Washington have to be cleared at State borders? I think pre-clearance won’t be an issue, we’re screened here on US soil.

    The big issue is most employers having no desire to have to deal with stoned staff members. Going out and having a few drinks at lunch is socially acceptable, however there is still a stigma about consuming an illegal substance after 5pm. Coffeeshops in town would cause a lot of employers to reconsider remaining here.

    The general view of users by non-users is that they’re lazy and useless. Occasional users such as myself that run counter to that stereotype are likely in the majority, however we can’t afford to be innovative in reforming drug laws.

    In an ideal world we’ll see legal weed 3-5 years after the US federal gov’t approves it. Our economy is based on Bermuda being stable and conservative. We need to accept the fact that Bermuda should take on the demeanour of a dull accountant with a pretty face. Ripples really don’t inspire investor confidence.

    • Kangoocar says:

      Goose, US Federal law, states that all citizens of the US and those allowed entry into the US can travel freely between all states, that is why States don’t have border controls other than those that can be entered by other countries!!!

      • Chingas Bye says:

        I think he knows that. Re-read his first paragraph. He is making the point that there are no borders between each state so they are free to travel without clearance.

  12. Malachi says:

    Did any of you read about the recent case where a Somerset man was charged with selling marijuana with intent to supply?

    When the police went to his house, they found over $100,000 in cash along with other related equipment. They also found the defendant’s video camera which he had been using for security purposes. On examining video recordings from the camera, police stated that in the period of one week, the defendant had 112 customers.

    Now if you live in Somerset, you would know there are several individuals who deal in marijuana, and this is likely true for most, if not all parishes.

    So let’s take the above scenario, and multiply it by say four for each parish, and I’m probably being conservative here. That’s 36 of the above scenarios island wide.

    Anyone care to guess the extent of marijuana use in Bermuda? It’s a lot more than many believe.

  13. Tony Brannon says:

    Has reversed his views on Marijuana

    BERMUDA should Decriminalize and Legalize Marijuana.