Photos & Video: Kardias Club ‘Tea With A Twist’

June 9, 2014

The Kardias Club held their “Tea with a Twist and Encore Fashion Show” at the Fairmont Southampton this weekend, with the fashion show featuring collections by Colosseum, Bermuda Red Cross Upstairs Closet and Orange Bay Company.

Kardias Club Tea Bermuda, June 7 2014-82

The proceeds of “Tea with a Twist” are set to be donated to The Women’s Resource Center and Bermuda Hospitals Charitable Trust, continuing the Kardias Club’s long history of supporting the community.

Kardias Club Tea Bermuda, June 7 2014-85

The Kardias Club was formed originally as the Alpha Wives’ Club in the 1940s by the wives of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity members. They began their charitable work as a women’s auxiliary, assisting the Fraternity in their educational and cultural endeavours.

Kardias Club Tea Bermuda, June 7 2014-8

By 1964 it was agreed to amend the constitution and to change the name of the club as it means of encouraging those who were not necessarily Alpha wives to join. The name “Kardias” was taken from the Greek words “Kardia” and Kardiakos” which mean heart.

This year, the KardiasCclub is celebrating its 50th anniversary of supporting the community, and has donated to a number of entities including the Packwood Home, Child’s Wish, Bermuda Autism Support and Education Society, The Family Centre, Fight for Life Foundation, the Sunshine League Children’s Home, the Bermuda Islands Association for the Deaf.

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