Sea Glass Taker Blocks Facebook After Backlash
[Updated] A jewelry-maker based in the United States has come under fire from people in Bermuda for taking the island’s sea glass, leading to a social media backlash against the business owner which seems to have prompted the woman to block many Bermuda-based visitors from her Facebook page.
A story, originally posted on, said she loaded 70 pounds of sea glass into two extra suitcases — 3,000 pieces in all — and took it all back to the United States.
The story said, “The Bermuda Triangle sent many a sailor to his deepwater death, but in June it put Fairview jewelry designer Becky Fox in beach glass heaven.
“Some of the treasure washes up in deserted reefs and secluded coves on the island of Bermuda, a British territory better known for its pink-sand beaches.
“A tip from a fellow collector who lives there led Fox to Bermuda, where she found beaches laden with colossal pieces of aqua and sea foam green glass, some from bottles dating back 100 years.”
This caught the eye of astute Bermuda residents who posted that removing sea glass from island beaches is against policy, with comments on the Facebook page ranging from a polite pointing out of the legal facts, to genuine anger at the appropriation of the sea glass.
It appears that she later changed her own Facebook page settings in order to block people on the island from accessing it or commenting on it, as per her status update below.
The raft of comments below all appear to be from people overseas, with some saying the “haters” and “evil people” complaining are “jealous”.
Ms Fox’s response to the criticism on Facebook, which appears to be blocked to many Bermuda visitors:
One commentator on the original story said, “It is a well known fact that removing or taking sea glass, shells or coral from our Bermuda beaches is in fact, illegal.
“She should either send the remaining glass she hasn’t used back or at least whatever profits she makes should go to Bermuda charities. Note to any other tourists who wish to do the same: don’t!”
“You should send it back, or perhaps the Bermuda Police and local police need to come and get it. It was illegal to remove.”
Another comment said, “I can’t believe they are allowing her to get away with this. Disgusted that she’s so proud of herself! Another tourist attraction soon to turn into nothing. Shame on her.”
One comment suggested that police be contacted, saying, “Call the Bermuda police. At least have her put on stop list so she can’t return., you should be ashamed to promote this theft. It’s against the law.”
Once visitors realized that Bermuda residents were being blocked from the page, a comment said, “She’s basically blocked anyone from Bermuda to accessing her Facebook page because of the backlash of what she’s done.
“She knows what she did is wrong and is doing her best to try to limit the people from Bermuda to voicing their displeasure at her.”
If you have been blocked from her Facebook page, you should be able to access it using a proxy server by clicking here and adding her Facebook URL [ ] in the box.
Update #1: She also appears to have deleted her Pinterest page, where she was promoting jewelry made with Bermuda beach glass for approximately $130 each. A screenshot of her Pinterest page is below, please click to enlarge
Update #2: A “Boycott Becky Fox’ Beach Glass Designs” Facebook page has been started.
Update #3: We checked with the Government about this matter and were told, “If the glass was removed from a national park, then the National Parks Act 1986 would apply, as it is an offense to remove or take anything from a park. Our understanding is that the glass was removed from a beach in Dockyard which is not a national park.”
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Nothing is going to happen to her,just like de Cup Match guy.
Why cuz she is white?
OMG you guys are so wrong. Why does race always have to come into any conversation here in Bermuda? Some are such racists and I don’t care what anyone says just because people are white does not mean they are priviledged. Get a grip will you.
Not much BDA can do as she is no longer here.
Amazing that no one stopped her at the airport when they screened her bag. Especially since they do exactly that for cruise passengers.
Regarding the cup match guy if you know who he is turn him in. Can’t be punished until he is identified. Amazing that you are constantly up in arms about that case but say nothing about the number of unsolved murders of young BDA men despite the ‘streets’ knowing all.
I’d like to know if she has truly violated any laws. No one has pointed out which one(s).
There are some residents who use beach glass to make jewellery which they then sell.
You can also buy our pink sand in many tourist shops.
I’m from Bermuda but have not lived there for a while, I believe that if it’s found in Bermuda it should stay in Bermuda, sure Bermudian’s making the same jewelry sell them, but it benefits the residents of the island. What if I walked into a field of corn, took what I wanted home in another state, and sold it. I didn’t grow it but I can take it? It’s not right what she did. She shouldn’t be so proud either, it’s greedy and disgusting. If everyone does it there will be nothing left. She needs to be held accountable, hell, in my eyes, the entire island is a national park! Shame shame shame on her!!
Seriously? It’s called trade. The gold you use comes from elsewhere. She has done a great job on the jewelry. Maybe our locals if they are so good should do the same, assuming it’s not illegal (and their seem to be some double standards here) and sell it via the Internet and market it properly rather than just trying to stop any forrins competing with them. . Well done to her.
Seriously? How is it trade? To be a trade, both parties would have reaped some type of mutual benefit or fulfill a need. She sure benefited from the “trade” but what did Bermuda get for its 3,000 pieces of sea glass that she took for FREE and is now selling for an average price of $130? A lot of heartache is all.
As long as Bermuda continues to be an island of heavy drinkers there will be plenty of sea glass.
Why is it amazing? It is no offence to remove trash from a beach.
Don’t be dumb. If its being sold for 130$ and tourists come to see it, it’s not trash.
Kinda reminds me when they STOLE and are STILL STEALING precious gems from Africa.
Not sure why you’re bringing Africa into this. By and large, Africans are the ones selling those “precious gems” to non-Africans and other Africans.
Meanwhile this lady came and helped herself.
Assuming that the sea glass is the property of Wedco, Ms Fox committed an act of theft.
Pursuing her over this would be small-minded given our other priorities, but putting her on the stop list would send a message.
E-Mail her:
Maybe some emails will make her have to change her e-mail, and face book page.
Maybe Bermuda can’t do anything about this matter now but you can make her life a little harder not to mess with Bermuda & she will have to start her business all over with new everything.
Here’s a crazy idea. G’mint recycles glass by crushing it into small sized cullet. They have a mountain of the stuff looking for a home. Clearly larger sea glass has some value so why not start crushing our glass into bigger chunks and tumble it in a mixer. Throw some “sea water” into the mix, pack and ship it to the USA or set up a wholesale U-pick outlet and invite the world to help themselves. Win-win.
if you can read…..then read the damn WEDCO sign idiot!
There is NO such thing as NATURAL sea glass. It’s put there by dumb trashing humans.
STOP LIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most intelligent thing you’ve said in recent months.
Selective endorsement.
You applauded the speech of the irrational genie, nuff said.
Intelligent young man he has some DEEP material, I don’t think Bermuda is ready for it YET. At least he can say he can join the list of Marcus Garvey, Min. Farrakhan and Peter Tosh on Bermuda’s stop list.
Can you explain to me how he’s different from Hitler?
Great question.
Don’t be ridiculous, she stole some sea glass from a beach, wow, too bad you didnlt think of this business, everyone is making a big deal about nothing. It’s not like she came here and preached hatred like that guy the other day, so please don’t compare these two. Such fools.
I’m really tired of hearing about the ‘Cupmatch guy’. From the opposition and others it has now become tiresome. From what I understand the “gentleman” in question wasn’t a local resident, nor did the young “lady” know him. So what on earth can be done?
this needs to be looked into by the correct Bermuda Authorities,it does appear on the face of it that she has stolen from Bermuda and is denying it as Theft,but only the Bermuda Authorities can really decide.
Did her bags not get screened on her way out of the airport? Did we miss a suitcase full of sea glass?
Bags of broken glass are hardley a security risk in checked baggage. Broken glass is not a contraband article to be taking into the US.
On what grounds would there be for confiscation? US imigration & customs don’t even scan the bags. The bags are scanned by local airport security.
it still should have been questioned by the X Ray people!
What is annoying is that her followers are not paying attention to what was said as she was deleting and blocking faster than they could catch up!
Also to get in paste this into the proxy:
……….and im banned. the best thing to do is like, share one of her posts, and then you’ll get banned, but she cannot remove your post from your page!
Why aren’t the Bermudian authorities doing anything?? She should be heavily fined.
there is no way she could be fined by a Bermudian Court unless she was actually in Bermuda.
So someone can come to Bermuda, break the law, go back home and you cant do nothing, so if Cup Match guy lives overseas, he F!@#ed the law.
No pun intended.
Is it really against the law though, therein lies the problem
Just from your posts I can tell you are against anyone who may be white. So, do you think you’re a racist? I just wonder if you would be carrying on so much if the person were say of another persuasion? Just askin.
Wedco does not own anything below the mean high water mark, this is either ‘Queen’s Bottom’ or public property. Also, sea glass is not natural it is human waste created by people throwing bottles overboard and littering, if Wedco is claiming ownership of this waste they should then clean it up. Also could anyone please reference the ‘Act’ or law which prevents taking sea glass from Bermuda beaches as I can not find it referenced on the Bermuda Laws Online website, unfortunately a sign with no reference to the law that is broken is merely a sign and not an actual law.
It looks, from the videos on her website, that this woman visited “Glass Beach” (in reality, Black Bay) and clearly saw the sign there saying that glass should not be removed from it. However, other videos indicate she visited other beaches where there is no such sign – and it is probably at these that she loaded up on her haul of sea glass.
I too would be very interested in a specific link or reference to the laws governing the taking of Bermuda sea glass, especially in relation to taking it off-island for commercial purposes.
Some could argue that as per the ‘Bermuda National Parks Regulations 1988′, “Prohibited conduct in open spaces, No person shall, in any protected area- (n) deposit or leave any bottle, tin containers, broken glass or crockery, waste paper or other article or thing, except in receptacles provided by the Minister for the purpose”, perhaps Wedco is breaking the law by allowing waste, and broken glass, to fall below the mean high water mark into the ocean… I bet this stays out of the courts for this very reason.
@ GTA, so um gonna go around Bermuda and disregard signs with no reference to the law and see how far I get.
To be fair, people living here been ignoring signs for years, you’d probably get away with it for the most part.
In Bermuda, all depends who you are.
Nah….It all depends on WHO you know…So who you know?
No, that would be ignorant, what I am referring to is that I do not think there is an actual law that states it is illegal to remove sea glass, so referencing this sign does not mean she broke the law, especially if she removed the sea glass from below the mean high water mark, which is technically not Wedco property.
You’re all missing the point. She violated work permit policy by coming here on business as she stated on facebook. Stop list her like they did the irrational genie, it’s that simple. Now her trash jewelery is limited edition. Everyone wins.
Not defending her but the business argument is weak. Nobody paid her to be here. She had no contacts with any business located in Bermuda.
How many Bermudians going on US buying trips for their local businesses do any paperwork with US Imigration for temporary work permits?
She has been unethical but not illegal.
Then the camera men for the Rebecca Middleton documentary should have been unethical but not illegal. They would have got their product from Bermuda, gone home, cut, compiled and edited it and made a profit from our island. Does that sound weak to you?
Were the camera men paid and employed by someone to come here and do work?
She would be self employed, same difference.
Are you seriously comparing the two? Cheeze are you blinded by the light or what?
So people with private beaches and docks will have no problem if I anchor my runaround in shouting distance of their property.
Well of course they will, because that’s consistent with your narrative.
We should provide her with a list of well-deserving Bermuda charities in which she can donate her profits from the Bermuda sea-glass sales to.
NO, thats too easy, treat her like a criminal.
Seriously, what crime has she commited?
It is a crime to remove historic artefacts from Bermuda without permission of the Minister.
Historic? are you kidding? These are bottles thrown over board by dirty a– people who really could care less about the oceans.
OK. Link to the law please, so we can see it written down.
The only way to get her is through an extradition order which is very hard to obtain and enforce.
This woman was wrong and ignorance of the law is no excuse, but in order to punish her the BDA Govt would need to request an extradition by the US Govt which in all honesty probably wouldn’t be granted given the small nature of the offence.
And also as the law more than likely prescribes a small one for such an offence it would end up costing the tax payer much more in legal fees and transport fees (to get her back to BDA).
But the lady should donate any profits from the BDA glass to a local charity as a sign of goodwill.
Yup, selective justice.
She won’t make any donations to charity…the only person she will donate to is herself. She is clearly a very selfish person.
First establish what the law is. I doubt she has broken the law.
No, she has not. Even if there were a law regarding the removal seaglass, imagine the tens of thousands that it would cost the Bermuda taxpayer to persue the matter.
It would not be worth the effort.
Uh Oh – she provided her phone number on her website…that’s like internet no no 101
The Canadian authorities should charge anyone buying her designs with receiving stolen property. That would shut her down pretty quick.
She’s not Canadian. She is from Pennsylvania.
Ah, it’s ok; the sign actually refers to the removal of ‘Natural Sea Glass’. Whereas what she took was in fact bits of old, man-made, broken bottles*.
Well technically sea glass is a natural occurrence. Glass is glass until the natural process of salt and sand turns it into sea glass. Either way she still violated work permit policy. Stop list.
How did she violate work permit policy. Who paid her to be here? Who paid her at all?
What she did was greedy & unethical but not illegal. Nothing new there. You don’t have to look far to find people who think that unethical behavior is just fine as long as it is not illegal.
She is going to make a profit, that is all. Who from Bermuda was going to pay the camera crew for the Rebecca Middleton doc? Keep drifting.
The camera crew would have been paid by an employer to come here and work.
She came here on a trip, and while here filled a bucket with broken glass.
I’m not defending her actions, but I can’t see that work permit is an issue at all.
Annette XXXXXX
Can I buy some pieces from you ?
Like · Reply · 1 · 27 June at 17:05
Becky’s Beach Glass Designs
so sorry….this is actually considered a business trip for me to gather more glass to stock up for the coming months of new jewelry designs in the works. smile emoticon
Like · 1 · 27 June at 21:41 · Edited
Bet she wouldnt go on Bermuda StopList?
Stop list is only for a certain group of people.
What group? I’m on the US stop list and the only thing I was ever convicted of was DUI.
They put people on the stop lists for DUI’s?!! Seems a bit harsh.
Yeah, she’s banning anyone either from Bermuda or who dare criticise her actions regardless of their origin.
You do the same.
There is no “natural” beach glass. While the glass, once washed smooth may look nice, it is best to remove any glass fom beaches or reefs and the water. One can “produce” sea glass with a concrete mixer. Will two or three shovels of broken glass, the same amount of sand, and some water and let it mix for a while. Nobody will be able to tell the difference. We just had a coastal clean up with KBB and it was shocking how many bottles are thrown into mangroves, bushes or smashed on the rocks near beaches. In Spanish Point park there were 12 big recycling drum liners full with glass and tins. Whoever dumps glass into the water (including WEDCO) acts criminal by Bermuda law, not who removes waste from water.
She needs to be on the “Bermuda Stop-list”!!
On what grounds?
Raping and pillaging our natural resources and destroying an tourist attraction
Lots of comments around about this woman stealing/plundering Bermy seaglass… Hmmm….on her FB page (which I have now been blocked from) under the comments on one of her videos shot while in Bermuda (the 25 sec one posted 25/June) she makes its clear that this was a planned business trip with the intention to collect commercial quantities of a local resource for export… (and appears to gloat over the fact she managed to do so).
I wonder if she declared THAT as she passed through Immigration control????
I would thought that she would have required a ‘work permit’… this not a few trinket pieces for a personal hobby, but 70lbs by her own admission for commercial use.
Becky’s Beach Glass Designs
It is! I’m in a “state” of euphoria. Lol! I’m in Bermuda right now, on “business”, restocking supplies for new jewelry designs ahead!
Like · 5 · 25 June at 19:47
Sharene XXXXX
How much can you carry out? What a score.
Like · Reply · 1 · 25 June at 19:46
Becky’s Beach Glass Designs
As much as we want from many of the beaches here….we have extra suitcases, so we’re prepared. smile emoticon
Like · 2 · 25 June at 19:56
along with this….
Annette XXXXXX
Can I buy some pieces from you ?
Like · Reply · 1 · 27 June at 17:05
Becky’s Beach Glass Designs
so sorry….this is actually considered a business trip for me to gather more glass to stock up for the coming months of new jewelry designs in the works. smile emoticon
Like · 1 · 27 June at 21:41 · Edited
here seems to some question on the ‘illegality’ of removing seaglass from our beaches… but I have another, related, question/comment….
She never actually removed it from the beaches….
No glass was taken from a “protected beach”. Any glass that we got was taken from hidden coves that we had to wade through water for and we had to clean muck off of the majority of it with bleach so we did not rob the land of beauty as someone claimed. We cleared some of the piled garbage from areas where no one would venture. There was one beach where the government was dredging the piles of glass to essentially throw it all away. Are all of you bullies attacking the government for cleaning the beaches??
Know your facts before you get angry. She’s not dumb. If Bermuda actually cared they would have stopped her at the border instead of requiring her to pay for it.
Tourists take stuff off the beaches all the time as do Bermudians. Cant have a double standard.
She came on business as she stated. Has nothing to do with trash and everything to do with violating Bermuda’s work permit policy. Care to share your last name so you can join her on the stop list?
Jasmine… Just to set you straight, anything which is on the sea bed below hgh water mark in Bermuda belongs to the Queen (the Queens Bottom)in effect the government of Bermuda. Aything above hight water mark belongs to the owner of the property.
So wether a beach is “protected” or not is irrelevant the glas that was taken did not belong to you and was taken without permission…
Even in the US Garbage (trash) once discarded becomes the property of the Government. You cannot legally go through the trash and take what you want.
There are a couple of issues; it is true, many do come here and might take home a piece or 2, frowned on, but not extremely offensive… 70lbs is not souvenir quantity. She came with the strictest intention of removing as much of the glass as possible with the intention of reselling, that is business exportation. We have very strict work permit policy, and in her own words, she came on business, without permit, so she is in violation of our laws on that front if nothing else. Our sea glass is the result of years, decades, even 100+ years of natural conditioning creating a unique feature that adds additional beauty to the further unique beauty of our pink beaches. Given that some of this glass would be from bottles over 100, 200… years old, there intrudes on the removal of historical artifacts.
Now I am not sure what beach you think you saw government dedging sea glass to through it away, but I have never seen or heard of this program. At our more popular beaches, they will rake and clean, but not with the purpose of clearing sea glass as most of those beaches typically don’t contain much, it would be from more modern depositing that lack the natural process that renders it safe for beach users.
She owes this island an appology, and should contact local authorities to inquire about what laws she may or may have not violated in her actions that has disrespected our island, whether consciously or not.
Headline: Bored housewife robs island of natural resources.
Byline: Doesn’t see anything wrong with it because of her white colonial privilege.
Story: Nothing will happen to her anyway.
Question: Why wasn’t this much sea glass discovered by airport security? I mean, I get not noticing tourists stealing a bit of sand and coral here and there but a full suitcase?
That’s the difference, it is illegal to steal sand and coral as this is in fact natural, there is no laws against removing human waste from anywhere, except maybe the actual dump.
Actually it could be argued that sections of the Bermuda National Parks Act (1986) do speak to her actions. Especially when it talks about anyone failing to “do that which he is directed to do or required by an authorized officer…”. The sign was posted by an authorized officer. The penalty for non-compliance is 3 months imprisonment and/or $1000 fine. There is also the option of additional fines for the cost of the damaged caused.
That is the question, does the Bermuda National Parks Act, and Regulations (two different acts/laws), apply to ‘private property’ which the Wedco sign was placed, or only ‘open space’ on public property, as I have mentioned before, below mean high water is not Wedco property and is considered Crown land, even though Wedco is also technically a Government own quango. Thus is Wedco not in contravention of the ‘Bermuda National Parks Regulations 1988′ section 3, part (n) for allowing the broken glass to remain there?
Also, the amount of people who bring race into every single issue on this island is sickening!
Agreed… race is a needed conversation but isn’t needed in every conversation.
Race is the lens by which we view the world it is a part of us. I can not view the world through anything but a feminist lens because I am a woman and this has shaped how I interact with my surroundings. This lady’s race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic level all affect how she perceives the world.
So anyone that steals anything does so because of ‘white colonial privilege’?
Um, you know, there is a teeny little flaw in that line of “logic”.
White colonial privilege
Arrogant entitled American
or just plain ignorant human
I prefer the latter option myself.
Bags are screened by Bermuda airport security for hazardous materials. They are NOT US Customs. They are NOT Bermuda Customs.
There is nothng hazardous about a checked bag full of broken glass. A bag full of broken glass has no commercial value so why would anyone be interested in it?
Can I place my order.. I’d like my piece say who it was thrown over by. LOL
Just send her some and she will send you jewellery back. Although I doubt she needs any more. Why would we send anyone away to bring trash back to Bermuda? There is no law against what she did. Morally wrong but nothing else.
She was here on business, said so herself. Work permit violation. Stop list.
What the hell are you talking about. She picked up some trash.
What part of my simple post did you miss? She stated she was here on business in order to make a profit and to market something as Bermudian. Doesn’t have a work permit. Simple, stop list her and he cohort above.
She did not state she was ‘here on business in order to make a profit’.
Not in those words but she said she was here on business. What do businesses do? Sell things to make a profit or they fail.
She reminds me of the Amy’s Baking Company lady
Lol one of my favorite episodes.
This is stupid someone in government fly away to her shop and file a anti-theft report to bermuda an america and get he arrested but no government is worried where to put private parking for their workers but i find this dumb
The glass that naturally washes ashore would remain below the high water mark. WEDCO can not claim ownership of anything below the high water mark. If the sign is warning people of prosecution for steal sea glass on what authority are they doing so. What is laughable is that they would describe sea glass as natural. WEDCO really need justify the presence of the sign.
Glass is glass, sea glass comes from a natural process. That aside, work permit violation. Stop list.
Are we really surprised an American did this?
No, we’re surprised a Bermudian didn’t think of it first… LMAO
The Illegal part here is that she came here knowingly to take items from here for profit. it may be a “grey” area, but i do believe that you need a work permit to come here on a “Business trip” to collect things for profit.
Fact is that its not against the law to remove beach glass…its not sand or fact all it is,is polished litter.technically she was doing a good deed by removing it.and for all you ignorant ppl commenting that she should be extradited..charged..arrested..banned from flash..she is in her right to come back today if she chose and load up 500 pounds and take it away..and if customs in fact interfered or confiscated them,they in fact would be committing harassment and an illegal seizure.dont go on emotions and opinion ppl…but what is lawful and whats not.
Work permit violation. That’s like me establishing a diamond mine in Africa with no proper paperwork and exporting it for sale, silly.
While we’re on work permit violations, how about that Tweed guy. He’s supposed to be a church reverend, not a political party leader.
I just ignore him.
That’s incorrect. She cannot conduct business here without permission. She cannot remove any item from Wedco land without permission.
Saying that she can come back to load up 500 lbs is inflammatory and frankly insults all of Bermuda. She should be the subject of a criminal inquiry.
On her FB page, someone posted “Waldemere Cosmo Partagas @ the Bermudians that posted negatively about this non issue. Was planning a golf trip out in November for a week to play a few rounds at the Belmont and the Fairmont. Noone in the group wants to go, so we are going to do the week in Sarasota, Florida. Four people would have dropped at least $2500 each. Do the math. Knuckleheads”…. My response, so I did the math which is $10,000 which I am sure will still not add up to the amount of money that this woman will make off of this island. I do not know the legality of the issue and even if it’s not illegal, to me is’t unethical. smh..
their loss lol.
3,000 pcs @ ~$100 each = $300,000 potential profit of what she took from Bermuda….
And none of that justifies theft.
is unethical
They are broken bottles…let’s calm down folks. Not like she took sea turtles, it is actually trash/litter.
Bigger fish to fry
I guess the shipwrecks are just abandoned boats.
Lets get together & go plunder some shipwrecks in Lake Erie off the shore of the PA part for souveniers to sell.
Wonder how that would work out?
Like work permit violators we are always on about?
Like Tweed?
What exactly is “natural sea glass”? At what stage does a bottle of Heineken, smashed up and left on a beach, become natural sea glass?
I think I may hit the beaches this weekend, leave a load of smashed bottled lying around, and when I get arrested, claim it’s in the early stages of being natural sea glass.
I’m amazed and ashamed just how spiteful and full of hate some Bermudians are.
hmm… so was she on a ‘business’ trip to Bermuda to collect glass for her business venture? What type of visa did she enter on?
What visa is needed? What Bermuda business did she come to work for? Who paid her? No visa required. She did not come on behalf of any Bermuda business. Nobody here paid her anything for services which she was doing for herself.
So I can just go to any country with the purpose of looking for a specific item (which I think is trash) to take from that country without informing anyone of my intentions.
All beaches in Bermuda are National Parks, and their regulations DO extend below the high water mark out to 100m from shore.
From Section 3 of the Bermuda National Parks Regulations:
Prohibited conduct in open spaces
No person shall, in any protected area—
(d) remove, uproot, destroy or injure any tree, shrub or plant or break any bough or pluck any flower or leaf, or dig, cut or take any turf, soil, gravel, sand or other substance;
(f) remove, deface, damage or destroy any structure, archaeological artifact, treasure, buried relics, cave formations or mineral deposit;
Beachcombing essentially requires a permit from the Parks Department, which would be issued under Section 12 of the Regulations. This then dovetails with the Customs Regulations on the export of historic articles without a permit.
It’s probably too late to really do much about it now, but she should go on the stop list for sure.
Exactly.. She came here on business and left with our business and now will profit from our business which will not be put back into our businesses….She left with two suitcasses full which I am sure she did not carry on the plane so had to get them scanned. She had to be asked about it right?? “What you got der lady!” “Sea glass sir from your beautiful shoreline. I came all this way just to get it and take back home to make jewlery from it which will be very profitable for me.
Well at the end of the day, I doubt if she will be coming back to reap anymore benefits…
How often have you been questioned about checked bag contents? As long as there is nothing hazardous they don’t care. Why should they?
I have packed an axe in checked baggage. Nothing said. Once TSA took a bottle of boat wax from me. Flammable liquid. Go figure.
Do you ever stop talking so much dribble.
Your pantry must be full of toilet paper because of the amount of s**t that comes from ya mouth
Oh, and the Go Erie article mentions that there were barnacles and other marine life encrusting some of the glass, so she is in violation of the Fisheries Act and Regulations as well, for taking marine life without a permit for a purpose other than personal consumption.
a publication now out about her visit and business trip
OBA WILL Do Nothing about This
We’ll see, and they better.
If only people would complain about a betting shop on Court Street which is an historically disenfranchised community instead of some sea glass – in essence, trash.
Nothing to do with the OBA. Why would they get involved?
Department of immigration has nothing to do with the oba? Where have you drifted.
Just because you go on & on about a work permit & the Dep of Imigration does not make it so.
Explain why there was a need for a work permit?
Do you get a work permit, or equivilant from the US authorities everytime you go to the US & get something that you might later profit from.
Oh yeah…thats right. You don’t have that problem. You are already on the US stop list. How did that happen? No wonder you are bitter.
She was harvesting sea glass. I don’t go and plow the fields when I’m in the US.
The US is the rest of the world? I actually prefer to go East and when I leave with something it’s paid for.
I think they should also make sure no one goes and picks up and natural sea plastic, or any other natural sea junk. Those KBB people should leave Bermuda’s natural resources as they are.
There are several people on Etsy who sell Bermuda beach glass
All this sounds crazy it’s broken bottles get over it people. We love Bermuda but this thread is making me wonder…. We’ve been to stores there where people go out early in the morning as to find red or blue sea glass to make jewelry to sell for themselves. Sea glass will never be extinct because of the humans who litter.
She was here on business without a work permit, end of story.
How often will you beat that dead horse?
Horse isn’t dead yet buddy. Everyone is obsessed over trash when she publicly stated she was here on business. WORK PERMIT VIOLATION. STOP LIST. THE GENIE GOT IT AND THERE IS NO LAW FOR US AND THEM. A**.
A work permit for what, exactly? “Theft of Bermuda marine resources?”
Have a cup of Java.
A business trip to collect material she markets as Bermuda sea glass. Her words not mine.
Lie. She did not say it was a business trip. Your words, not hers.
Call someone else a liar, fool. Go on her face ok page too.
For anyone interested in pursuing the stoplist… Inquire with Bermuda Customs to find out if she listed her trip as vacation/recreational or as a business trip. I’d bet she ticked the vacation box and therefore you might actually be able to stoplist her. Fingers crossed!
WEDCO and Department of Immigration needs to take legal action on this matter NOW.
Ok so…….can everyone move on please?
No. Irrational genie violated his work permit and was put on the stop list, good call. She came on a business trip and took material for her own profit so the same should apply if not we continue to perpetuate the us vs them mentality and in turn makes the irrational genies speech kinda rational.
He didn’t get put on the stop list because he violated his work permit. It was a good call, but that was not the reason.
It said in the article he violated the work permit by selling items at the event.
What about all the Bermuda Pink Sand used by local and international artists some as big as Dune Jewelry?
I know that is protected. How do we plan to prosecute these offences?
Some of that “sand” comes from China
Plain and simple she took something that wasn’t hers to take that was meant for the enjoyment of everyone.And for the golfer and his comment, no amount of money large or small is worth looking the other way so your friend can operate with impunity”on this non issue”.In fact you would probably have a $h** attack if someone were going through your garbage can at the curb.
Criminal Code Section 334 s.3- In case anyone is interested
A person who picks flowers, fruit or foliage from a plant growing wild on any
land, does not (although not in possession of the land) steal what he picks, unless he does it for reward or for sale or other commercial purpose.
If interpreted in this scenario the beach can be understood as the property and the glass what the beach has produced. Wedco should look at making a formal criminal complaint if the beach does indeed form part of their lot.
My Advice
More Garbage.
WEDCO put up that sign for a purpose.
Monetary gain.
I make this glass every week.
And old washing machine and let it run and run and run and run and run.
Mind you. You have to have a few snacks and beer handy as it does take time.
A weak case at best but about the only one that she could be charged with, maybe.
Said it before. Not worth the effort.
Seriously doubt if she will ever set foot in Bermuda again.
She probably might and has told friends. Denied people that asked for a few pieces. You clearly haven’t even looked into the extent of her actions. Stop list, simple. Write her damn name down. No need to waste money just ink. Are you slow?
I agree the distinction is that she was harvesting this stuff for commercial use not a few personal momentos.
Let’s tell the IRS about her stolen goods that she’s using to create a business. See how she fares there!
If it is truly a crime then she should be punished when and if she returns to Bermuda. Are there laws on the books against removing sea glass? If she took it from the beach were the WEDCO sign is posted and can be proven then they should file suit against her. If there are not any laws on the books against her actions, then some enterprising creative Bermudian should be taking advantage of the sea glass themselves and sell authentic Bermuda souvenirs. I for one am tired of the trinkets sold to tourist that come from china and other countries.
Holy jesus take the wheel. There is a Bermudian that makes sea glass jewelery among other pieces, she pays to run her business in an all but dead town. This woman comes here, states on multiple sources that it was a business trip and pays nothing for her material. 70lbs of it. I’m done, if you’re too dumb to see it I just can’t help.
She did not call it a business trip.
But…she did. Now I simply think you are trolling.
Her email and phone number is available on her website if anyone wants to send their constructive feedback to her.
Ah. This is a grey area, but she did harvest this glass with the understanding that she was going to use it as a commercial product. They weren’t a few stones for a collection and their presence is most certainly a tourist attraction in Bermuda, not just a pile of garbage.
Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to be able to consider that she’s been at the very least insensitive. I can’t fathom how this was not flagged by US Customs as being an importation.
I doubt she’ll be back and I doubt she’ll be missed.
Nobody cared about that worthless glass until ……..
Haha coming from a work permit junkie.
Actually, quite a few of us care about Bermuda sea glass and use it as local artists. No one would have objected to collecting a few pieces as a souvenir…but 70lbs? And then gloating about it on a FB page that blocks contrary opinions? She is clueless. Regretfully that isn’t against the law either.
Um…if local artists use sea glass, isn’t that “stealing”, and “raping Bermuda’s natural resources”?
Or that only when someone else does it?
It’s so amazing … These are the same people who say .. Crack open our borders , we need more foreigners , leave the loophole wide open , remove term limits .
So when this glassy eyed oppurtunist takes full advantage of everything Bermuda has to offer and them some , here comes the backlash .
She’s only doing what others before her have done …. Taken advantage of Bermuda and her beautiful , wonderful and trusting people .
Can’t Bermuda Government sue her?
Wonder if the minister will add her to the stop list. Oh wait, she didn’t open her mouth until after she stole and returned home to profit.
Let’s see if the new US Consulate will take any action against one of their own.
God knows that an American do anything wrong overseas, I am sure they will plead one of the Amendments.
After reading some of the articles about this woman’s enterprise where she blatantly brags about coming to Bermuda on a business trip, it is heartening to see that people from all over the world are standing up for Bermudians in their outrage towards this woman.
What is disheartening is that some people right here in our own country could care less about this situation, and are the same people that call us all types of names and try to bring us down when we are standing up for our rights.
It seems that this is another Bermuda Customs lapse.
The custom officers seem only to be trained in the extensive abuse and harassment of its own residents upon re-entry inter the guise of double and triple checking declarations and duties. While 95% of the time checking for illegal items (mainly among a certain demographic) and demanding answers to seeming private and personal questions. It is clear that this takes up most of their training and in turn their most of their professional activity.
Custom policy, training and execution (along with clear cultural n demographic bias) is what is in question.
It is clear that we the residents care about Bermuda and its preservation while the officials of this country worry about…?
This is interesting….she did something illegal…. so I wonder if she will be placed on the Bermuda STOP-LIST too…..
They placed a person who had his own opinion and freedom of speech and placed him on the stop list but nothing was illegal in what he did. No violence of any sort came out if it.
When you’re ____________ you’re right!!!! smh
@ Coffee – worthless if she would have left them where she found them….. profitable now because she is selling them.
If you weren’t too lazy, collected all those sea glasses, made jewelry out of it, sell on Front Street during Harbour Nights.. Becky won’t have anything to collect..
Maybe people aren’t lazy but that they’re not greedy. 3000 pieces. not 100, not 1000, 3000. Let that sink in for a moment. some pieces are of historic value… BUEI could have shown that in their gallery.
After commenting on her page, it was deleted and someone else mentioned it was unkind and unwelcoming.. yet this woman can come to Bermdua and “kindly welcome” herself to 3000 pieces of glass to be sold for profit. Hysterical.
A whole lot of comments from a whole lotta people!
Firstly,I do not condone what this woman has done,but I have been to 3 beaches in Bda to collect a small amount of beach glassto use in an interwsting fashion.I don’t want to state what because then more will be taken….guess I took about a pound.Gave the remainder to ma US friend who has it in a bottle to diplay to her friends.How many posters above have been to Buildings Bay to look at sea glass?I bet 1/2 haven’t but still gripe;amazing.
“natural” sea glass is such a crock. It’s put there by MAN, Bermudians being very heavy drinkers who delight in hurling their wine bottles into the ocean when they are drunk.