Traffic Diversions, BPS Execute Firearms Warrant

April 7, 2016

[Updated] As of 6.15pm this evening, traffic is being diverted in the Somerset area as approximately 25 police officers are executing a warrant at two residences and a “full operation is underway.”

Police Media Manager Dwayne Caines said, “Police are executing a warrant at two dwellings on Main Road in Somerset.

“This has resulted in traffic being diverted in the area, and we are asking for the public’s patience as the scene is being processed by officers.

“Currently there are approximately 25 officers in the area and a full operation is underway. We will update the public as matters unfold.”

police april Raid-4

Update 7.25pm: Mr Caines said, “At 4:27pm police executed a firearms warrant at two residences just off of Main Road in Sandys.

“As a result the area surrounding the two dwellings [Hook and Ladder Lane and Gilbert Lane] were cordoned off whilst the operation took place. The roads are now open and the scene is still being processed.”

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Comments (29)

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  1. Kangoocar says:

    Looking forward to the updates!! Hopefully this will result in more scumbags being removed from society for a long time???

    • Raymond Ray says:

      Scumbags indeed…It has gone beyond control in certain communities and needs to be nipped in the butt asap! We now read / see where individuals can’t travel in particular areas for fear of life :-( Change the Laws and increase sentences involving knives, guns or any other form of weapons.
      Too much, is it too late? I don’t believe so. U’lot protest about soooo many insignificant matters that aren’t as important to Bermuda and all Bermudians so why not protest against the present Law? (You spare the rod you spoil the child!)

      • drunken ursula says:

        Raymond that’s not nice calling someone (SCUMBAG) …who is (U LOT)please explain?! why don’t you take up the challenge and proceed too change the present law I gather you wont , that law is locking those whom you feel are the least among us, making your kind (exclusive country club members)type happy.

        • Me says:

          Why do people immediately assume it’s a country club rich person – are decent hardworking people who don’t resort to crime and violence not allowed to hold this view too?

        • Zevon says:

          A lot of very ordinary people think that these criminals are scumbags.

        • Raymond Ray says:

          Habits of unhappy people…
          Does life have to be perfect before you’re happy? If you answered yes, then you may never be happy.
          Setting your performance bar at an inhuman level can only lead to low self-esteem because you’ll always feel like you’re not good enough whenever you fail to achieve perfect results.
          We live in the real world where imperfections, failure and mistakes are part of life. The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll become

      • Kangoocar says:

        Could not agree more Raymond! Do you find it as pathetic as I do, the amount of shallow Bermudians that push the dislike buttons to our posts, ( of course we both know the source and it is located at Alaska hall ) but I just laugh at their attempts to totally destruct themselves and Bermuda, I care not anymore and in a sad way now find my self looking forward to them resorting to cannibilism when their agenda wins!!! Silly fools the bunch of them really are!!!!!

        • Nanny Pat says:

          The “dislikers” have FINALLY figured out how to hit the “dislike” button more than once. Took them long enough but then again look who we are dealing with…they are all a few smoothies short of a good hunger strike.

        • Frankly Speaking says:

          @ Kangoocar you are just as bad as the “scumbags” you speak of!! The amount of hate in every fiber of your being is just as despicable as the people you continually berate. The biggest criminals on this island wear thousand dollar suits and ties and they do not look like the those “scumbags” but are as equally complicit in the mayhem that this island has been experiencing. Are the PIRATES/PRIVATEERS that raped and pillaged in the name of a king or queen not scumbags? Well I hate to put it to you but the descendants of those PIRATES/ PRIVATEERS are the people that are in positions of power and influence today. For you to equate dislikes with Alaska Hall speaks volumes to your mentality as a human and you are contributing nothing constructive to this society. Please have a seat somewhere and love yourself first because you are a deranged individual. Stop trolling the blogs all day long with your drivel!!

          • Kangoocar says:

            You should change your name, ” frankly speaking??” You can’t be serious, first off I am hardly on here anymore but let’s not let facts get in the way of your nonsense!!! With that said, the rest of your post is even more outright nonsense!! If you truly believe the stupidity you wrote, then what pain is heading your way next, you truly deserve!!!

      • Hurricane says:

        @ Kangoocar & Raymond, have you ever heard the saying “it takes one to know one”.

        I’m just asking!

        • Raymond Ray says:

          Being a Perfectionist…
          Does life have to be perfect before you’re happy? If you answered yes, then you may never be happy.
          Setting your performance bar at an inhuman level can only lead to low self-esteem because you’ll always feel like you’re not good enough whenever you fail to achieve perfect results.
          We live in the real world where imperfections, failure and mistakes are part of life. The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll become

      • Rada Gast says:

        Nipped in the butt – could be construed as sexual harassment.

        Nipped in the bud perhaps?

    • Um Um Like says:

      Why so many dislikes? Do you lot really want these gangsters on the loose? Oh right, they’re good people.

      • Raymond Ray says:

        It has, and will be them that lead by example, “show me your company and I’ll tell you who you are”
        I honestly feel for them having no choice but to remain on the Island when the next load of turds/doo-doo comes falling down :-(

    • Ann says:

      How can people hit the dislike button on this? Do you not want less crime really?

      • Hurricane says:

        @ Um Um Like & Ann I think the large amount of dislikes is more to do with the name calling. And understandably so.

  2. Luis Suarez says:

    Go get em BPS, all law abiding folks welcome some harder tactics, you know who they are, lock them up and clean this island up.

    If anyone cries civil liberties/police brutality, you either should move to Germany or are about to get raided too.

  3. Terry says:

    Save your breath Raymond.
    Beyoncé is coming.
    Rip Bermuda.

  4. Coffee says:

    Before the contraband gets to U’Lot , people that don’t look like U’Lot go to America and buy old compressors to import the contraband .
    Fact is , they caught one who lived opposite the Golden Hind property on South Shore with drugs and ammunition prepared for distribution to the U’Lots of Bermuda ! The authorities locked his backside up for a long , long time . They should have given him life !

    • Raymond Ray says:

      Scumbags come in various skin tunes; so “mate” stop being so damn narrow minded and blind sighted :-(

    • drunken ursula says:

      Raymond you are the most hate filled person on here , I prayer you take a break please. Scumbag

      • Raymond Ray says:

        No I’m not claiming to be a perfectionist…
        Does life have to be perfect before you’re happy? If you answered yes, then you may never be happy.
        Setting your performance bar at an inhuman level can only lead to low self-esteem because you’ll always feel like you’re not good enough whenever you fail to achieve perfect results.
        We live in the real world where imperfections, failure and mistakes are part of life. The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll become

        Been There Done That :-(

  5. HISTORY says:


    COLD – HOT

    Unless they were trying to start a BIG CONVERSATION – (the hard way)

    You guys can try to stay out of the news (lately) – you both need to resign.

  6. mmm says:

    It is very, very crucial for the survival of our economy, and our youth, to make thorough and consistent efforts to reduce crime in all parts of the Island. The name calling is not necessary, what is most important is to ass ist the police by providing credible information. Let,s work together as a community for the common good of all. Politicians need to introduce laws and make admendments to assist the police and other agencies to help make us a better society, and stop taking 5 years plus to ban full faced tinted visors, or will it be ten years, or twenty years.

  7. Ray Ray raymon Ray says:

    come on cousin. Come out of the trenches , just not so long ago these same people you considered your mates. can I get one until Friday

    • Raymond Ray says:

      If you’re insinuating when I was getting “high” then you (who-ever you pretend to be) are waaaaaay off of track.
      The reasons I write what I write is because I’ve been in them trenches and readily admit to having been that deep; but I know one don’t have to remain in the trench if they wish to change.

  8. Jr Gong says:

    Police Raids And Other Things Of That Nature Is Only A Cover Up To Make It Seem Like The BPS Is Doing Something To Tackle Gun Crime But Truthfully How Do You Think Guns Drugs ETC Enter The Island?