Union Street Upgrade Work To Start On Jan 8
As part of its “continued initiative to upgrade and beautify areas” of Hamilton, the City of Hamilton today [Jan 4] advised that the next project will commence on Monday, 8th January on Union Street and is expected to be completed in 5-6 weeks.
“The project comprises widening the western sidewalk between Dundonald Street and Victoria Street, undergrounding the overhead cables along that stretch, fitting tree grates around the trees and removing the existing asphalt from the sidewalk and replacing it with the City’s standard brick pattern,” the City said.
Senior Engineer, Ian Hind, said of the project, “We are looking forward to getting this project underway. For the past year we have been doing back-to-back upgrades to the city car parks and many of the City junctions.
“Beautification in North Hamilton is important as it is a historic and cultural area and it is encompassed in our City tours. We look forward to making the whole area look much better.”
“Disruption to adjacent properties on the western side of Union Street on this block will be kept to a minimum during the work and the individual owners and tenants will be contacted regarding access,” the City explained.
“There may be instances when one side of the roadway is closed for trenching purposes. Parking on the western side of the street and in the Union Street car park will be disrupted. Signage will be posted.
“Motorists and pedestrians are urged to use caution in this area while the work is completed. The City apologizes for any inconvenience caused throughout the duration of this project and thanks the public for its patience.”
The Union Street Plans follow below [PDF here]
Widen the sidewalks that 3 people walk on in a day. I don’t get it. This ain’t New York with millions of people out on the street each and every day. Stop wasting money.
Someone please explain to me why we need to widen sidewalks. All you are doing is taking away from the roads for the motor traffic. Some of the roads are narrow enough now. What you need to do is put up traffic lights at Burnaby and Reid Sts, and at the round about by The Royal Gazette. And get some of these holier than thou streets repaved.
Put in some bleachers for the coming prorests.
Why aren’t they using brick on the road surface too, like they did on the most expensive road per square foot, Ewing $treet? It’s simply visionary, the way the corporation is narrowing roads, junctions, eliminating street side parking, establishing bike spaces and alfresco areas which block lanes, all while the main roads are full of ruts, lumps, cracks and pot holes.
They are directing parking to their lots which they’ve outfitted with state of the art monitoring. Recouping the money that was stolen and lost via shady dealings. In protest, I’d catch the bus town if I knew it would come!
Definitely agree that’s the end game, Get everyone into the parking lots, ensure they get their cash.
Use that money to put more police presense on the streets.
The COH couldn’t navigate their way out of a wet paper bag. They are constantly replacing those silly island triangle markers that keep getting destroyed by turning vehicles , however the COH continues on replacing them. Reid Street with those trashy looking benches that accumulate garbage as they didn’t provide waste receptacles and that vagrants’ occupy, that was smart. This sidewalk issue with widening just baffles me and serves to create blocked junctions now with traffic trying to turn off, that was real smart, our city roads are appalling in areas and have been for years but, that’s too smart to think about necessity now isn’t it?
This widening of sidewalks is a joke. No common sense at the top
You are right especially once the sugar tax kicks in we won’t need those wide sidewalks anyway because everyone will be slim.
Yes,I was raised not to far from Union Street and yes I agree that this neighbourhood needs improvements. But not wider sidewalks, and only paved roads. There is a lot of truck traffic in the area, that in a very short time will make the road look old.
The project should be put on a far back burner and the Claremont mountain access should be totally addressed before the City of Hamilton spends another citizens tax dollar. This is a shameful reflection on our city and when visitors visit our city they will see this ugly access and most likely never go near Union st.
I just like also remind citizens of Hamilton and council that 2018 is an election year and we need new blood in City of Hamilton chambers. “OUT WITH THE OLD”
I approve of this
COH please get feedback from the community before continuing with these projects. Based on the feedback I have received most people feel that these works are unnecessary and creating more congestion in the city.
PLP gotta pay back de Union some way some how…
Something very important*
That corner up from John Smith’s Bay is getting ready to let go again…after yesterday’s storm a long crack has developed kind of down the middle…drivers beware…Planning should really have a look before it let’s go.
Some of the sidewalks are in a horrible state. It’s likely a minefield for those in wheelchairs or those with vision impairment. So repairing and widening where available makes sense.
However, is CoH getting value for money by using bricks instead of asphalt?
Good job COH. This area has been neglected for years. Your vision is questionable but your plans are commendable. You’ve done alot of good work in areas that need improving over the years and I’m excited to see what’s next. #onwardforward
And we have makeshift bridges connecting major operations.
Stupid voters.