Video: June 9th Bernews Morning Newsflash

June 9, 2018

Flora Duffy awarded OBE, Premier signs fintech related MOU establishing partnership with interests from South Korea, solar farm at airport finger expected to be operational in 2019, Human Rights Commission pleased by same sex marriage court ruling, STEAM Education will be implemented in primary schools, Native Drummers visit St. David’s Primary, eight people recognized in Queen’s Birthday Honours, and Rosewood Bermuda unveil $25 million renovations are some of the stories in this morning’s [June 9] Bernews Newsflash.

MNF Cover June 9 2018

The Bernews Morning Newsflash includes an overview of the latest Bermuda news, the local weather forecast for today and the next four days, local stock report, our photo of the day, Bernews live broadcast schedule for today, as well as a look at news headlines from around the world.

MNF Live Broadcast June 9 2018

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