Premier Burt Sends Letter Of Condolence

May 9, 2020

Earlier this week, Premier David Burt sent a letter of condolence to the family of the late Speaker of the House of Assembly, Mr. Stanley W. Lowe, with the letter being read into the House’s record of proceedings.

In the letter, Premier Burt said, “To The family of the late Speaker of the House of Assembly, Mr. Stanley W. Lowe OBE, JP.

“ err is human; to forgive, divine..” - Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Criticism, Part II”

“With these well-known words, Stanley Lowe often calmed flaring tempers in debate. He was a natural in the Speaker’s chair and possessed perhaps the most important quality for the post: patience.

“Perhaps after 30 years of service in 1998 there wasn’t much he hadn’t seen and as such he came to the office schooled in the cut and thrust of debate and knowing just how far to pursue an argument.

“It was a fitting tribute to his service and the achievement of an even higher plain of success that the ‘Change Election’ of 1998 began a tenure of some 14 years of his speakership. To be sure, there were late nights, controversial rulings and occasions when even his gentle demeanor was tested.

“But with grace and good humour he stayed true to his oath that he would be an impartial Speaker.

“Even Stanley Lowe’s impartiality had limits. I think it is well known that his allegiance to his Southampton roots was unwavering and for 44 years the people of Southampton East were ably served by a true native son. He and the late Reg Burrows comprised the most formidable set of running mates in Bermudian politics. They both knew the people and were equally at ease at Southampton Rangers as at Government House.

“As a family we can only imagine the pride you felt in him and we came to know the pride he felt in you. As a husband, father, grandfather, and brother, this man of small stature swelled with joy in those moments he chose to share with others his profound love for his family. As you mourn, do so with comforting memories of his public sacrifice and his private triumphs.

“The line that precedes this best known part of Pope’s phrase perhaps best summarizes the life and service of Stanley Lowe: “.Good nature and good sense must ever join.” So it was with Speaker Lowe, whether on a Hamilton street corner holding court, in the precincts of his beloved Southampton Rangers, or presiding from the Speaker’s chair; good nature and good sense were indeed ever joined.

“On behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda, I am humbled to express sincere condolences to his entire family. I count it an honour to have known him and to pause to recognize the passing of another of those men and women whose toil and labour built the foundation on which this modern Bermuda stands.”

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