Hashtag: #KenyettaYoung

PLP Constituency #18 Postpones Seniors Tea

PLP Constituency #18 Postpones Seniors Tea

The PLP has postponed the Seniors Tea scheduled for April 11 out of respect for the late Kenyetta Young. Maynard Dill, Chairman of Constituency #18, said, “Out of respect for the late Kenyetta Young, his wife Carolyn and his family, Constituency #18 of the Progressive Labour Party wish to inform you of the postponement of the Seniors Tea scheduled... Read more of this article

Condolences On Passing Of Kenyetta Young

Condolences On Passing Of Kenyetta Young

The Progressive Labour Party extended their condolences to the family and friends of union giant Kenyetta Young, who passed away this weekend. According to the BIU’s website, Mr Young was a 17 year old trainee plumber who had not long been out of school when he was attracted to the Union, and by 1965, he “was a full fledged activist when... Read more of this article