Hashtag: #RyanRobinsonPerinchiefColumns

Column: Five Years & Counting Of Future Leaders
[Written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] On this day five years ago, the Future Leaders Programme was founded on June 22, 2017. Although I have spent some weeks reflecting on this milestone, rather than share that publicly at this time I would like to take a page out of the late Ms. Laverne Furbert’s book by offering a little history for the record on... Read more of this article

Column: The Switzerland Of The Atlantic
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief - “The Switzerland Of The Atlantic, revisiting Jack Tucker’s vision”] In the early 1900’s, Sir Henry “Jack” Tucker, founding member of the Forty Thieves club comprising of powerful white merchants and Bermuda’s ruling elite, set out on a mission to transform Bermuda into the “Switzerland... Read more of this article

Column: Regulatory Capture, Illusion Of Protection
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] A grocery store which repeatedly sells expired foods has never been penalised. A power company pollutes a neighbouring community with harmful soot but doesn’t fall foul of environmental regulations. An association blocks a newcomer’s license to prevent competitors from entering the market. An... Read more of this article

Column: Prime Opportunity In Cannabis Market
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] The recent announcement by Premier David Burt that Bermuda will soon allow medical cannabis should be heralded and commended as a step in the right direction. However, in order to be truly progressive and reap the benefits, Bermuda should get ahead of the game and legalize it entirely. From an economic... Read more of this article

Column: Cultural Dynamics Of SSM Debate
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] The recent saga surrounding the passing of the Domestic Partnerships Bill has done a great disservice to the majority of Bermuda. I say this not on the basis that it is a step towards the inevitable legalisation of same-sex marriage, nor that it has stripped away fundamental rights from the LGBT+... Read more of this article

Column: ‘That Time Is Now, Lest History Repeat’
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] The past few days have seen much discussion surrounding the future of immigration policy in Bermuda. There have been marches, hunger strikes, and heightened tensions between large cross-sections of our island. Due to the fact that if we do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat it, it is... Read more of this article

Column: Changing Our ‘Culture Of Violence’
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] I vaguely remember the first of many shootings, back in 2003. I was 7 years old. For an island that previously was accustomed to about one murder every five years, the notion of someone being killed by a gun seemed almost apocalyptic. A national tragedy, everyone was sending broadcasts over Blackberry... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Priority Right Now Is Money, Not Youth’
[Opinion column written by Ryan Robinson Perinchief] As a student in the UK, I recently attended the Bermuda-London Office student networking event where Premier Dunkley, Finance Minister Bob Richards, Tourism Authority CEO Bill Hanbury and other senior officials were present. During the reception, the Premier greeted everyone and opened up the floor... Read more of this article