Hashtag: #Tapegate

Bean On Allegations, Tapes, Phone Tapping

Bean On Allegations, Tapes, Phone Tapping

ZBM’s Gary Moreno hosted a one-hour interview with the Opposition Leader Marc Bean last night [Feb 17], where Mr. Bean discussed his allegations, said his phone is tapped, and said tapes exist that would “bring the Government to its knees in 24 hours.” Mr. Moreno started out by asking Mr. Bean why he did not come forward with these... Read more of this article

Nandi Outerbridge ‘Sets The Record Straight’

Nandi Outerbridge ‘Sets The Record Straight’

Nandi Outerbridge has spoken out this evening [Feb 17] about the recorded conversation, saying that as she “did not feel any trust toward Mr. Bean” she decided to record their conversation for her own protection. The St. George’s MP said that the Opposition Leader said “many disgusting and disturbing things” and also said... Read more of this article

Row Over “Wired” MP Recording Conversation

Row Over “Wired” MP Recording Conversation

[Updated: PLP call for tape to be released] The Opposition Leader said that MP Nandi Outerbridge was pressured to be “wired” to record a conversation with him, while the Premier said “none of us told her to record” and what was on the tape was “atrocious.” Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday [Feb 14], Opposition... Read more of this article