Hashtag: #TownCriers

Town Crier Ed Christopher Celebrates 30 Years
Earlier this month, the City of Hamilton honoured Ed Christopher in celebration of his 30th anniversary serving the City as its first and only Town Crier. A spokesperson said, “Earlier this month, the City of Hamilton honoured Ed Christopher in celebration of his 30th anniversary serving the City as its first and only Town Crier. During the informal... Read more of this article

Town Crier Ed Christopher Wins Three Awards
The City of Hamilton Town Crier Ed Christopher earned three awards in the UK; Best Dressed Town Crier in the Kingsbridge Competition, third place in the Plymouth Cries Competition and the overall third winner in the Amada Cup Competition. A spokesperson said, “The City of Hamilton congratulates Town Crier Ed Christopher on his recent success... Read more of this article

Town Crier Ed Christopher Wins Multiple Awards
Town Crier Ed Christopher earned multiple awards at Town Crier Competitions in the UK, including Best Dressed Town Crier in Plymouth and the overall first place winner of the Kingsbridge Competition. A spokesperson said, “The City of Hamilton congratulates Town Crier Ed Christopher on his recent success in an overseas Town Crier Competition. “Part... Read more of this article

Ed Christopher Wins UK Town Crier Competition
Hamilton town crier Ed Christopher has won the first National Town Crier Competition in Helmsley in the United Kingdom, laying claim to the Magna Carta Trophy after beating out the competition’s 19 other entrants. The event was held at the Helmsley Walled Garden on Saturday, July 21, with international town criers taking part by representing their... Read more of this article

Town Crier Calls Travellers Into Local Stores
Hamilton’s Town Crier is treating visitors to more than just city tours this year; he’s also aiming to assist them with their island shopping. A spokesperson said, “Town Crier Ed Christopher’s baritone voice and long strides are leading visitors into retail stores all over Hamilton every Thursday in the Bermuda Tourism Authority-created... Read more of this article

Results Of The 2017 Town Crier Competition
The Bermuda International Town Crier Competition was held earlier this month, with sixteen Town Criers from around the world participating. In the days before modern communications, Town Crier were used to make public announcements in the streets, with having powerful voice an essential part of the job to get the message out. Centuries later, in the... Read more of this article

Photos & Live Video Replay: Town Criers
[Updated with photos] After initially getting underway in St. George’s yesterday, the Bermuda International Town Crier Competition continued today [April 20] at City Hall, with sixteen Town Criers from around the world participating in the competition. The Town Criers will head back to St. George on Friday, April 21st, when the finals will take... Read more of this article

Photos: International Town Crier Competition
The Bermuda International Town Crier Competition got underway in St. George’s yesterday [April 19], with sixteen Town Criers from around the world participating in the competition. The competition will continue today [April 20] at 11.00am at City Hall, and the Finals will be held back in St. George’s on Friday, April 21st at 11.00am in Bob... Read more of this article

Video: International Town Crier Competition
The Bermuda International Town Crier Competition got underway in St George’s today [April 19], with sixteen Criers from around the world participating in the competition. The competition will continue at 11.00am on Thursday, April 20th at City Hall, and the Finals will be held back in St. George on Friday, April 21st at 11.00am in Bob Burns... Read more of this article

16 Town Criers To Compete In Bermuda
The City of Hamilton is reminding the public that the Bermuda International Town Crier Competition starts on Wednesday, April 19th in St. George at 1:30pm in King’s Square. Sixteen Criers and their escorts from around the world are participating in the competition and the public is encouraged to come out and witness this most festive event as the... Read more of this article

Town Crier Competition To Begin On April 19
The Bermuda International Town Crier Competition is set to begin on Wednesday, April 19 with the St. George’s Cry at King’s Square at 1.30pm, while the Hamilton Cry will follow on April 20 on the City Hall steps in Hamilton at 11.00am. The Finals are set to take place at Bob Burns Park in St. George’s on April 21 at 11.00am, and admission to... Read more of this article

Local Artist Presents Replica Doll To Town Crier
Local artist Marion MacPherson – also known as Dottie the Clown – has made a number of replica dolls, with her latest one being a replica of Hamilton Town Crier Ed Christopher. Ms. MacPherson began making Bermuda Gombey dolls 30 years ago, but said she “took up clowning as it was more fun hearing children laugh” but after clowning... Read more of this article