Hashtag: #2015ThroneSpeech

OBA’s 2015 Throne Speech Status Report
In advance of Monday’s Throne Speech, the OBA provided a ‘status report’ on progress made on last year’s Throne Speech, saying some of the completed initiatives include amendments to PATI legislation, opening of the process for citizens to serve on government boards and committees, implementation of Danielson Framework to strengthen... Read more of this article

BMHF: Extending Protection Is ‘The Right Thing’
The Bermuda Mental Health Foundation [BMHF] said they are pleased that the Government will “amend the Human Rights Act to extend protection under the Act for the mentally ill,” saying that it is “simply the right thing to do.” Plans to amend the Human Rights Act were announced in the recent Throne Speech, which said, “To... Read more of this article

Youth Throne Speech Reply: “Community First”
We must ask ourselves, what can we do for our community and how can we impact the environment around us, and the theme we must abide by is “community first,” Youth Opposition Leader Destinee Taylor said in the Youth Reply to the Throne. The Youth Reply to the Throne followed after the annual Reconvening of Youth Parliament on November 18th,... Read more of this article

BHeC Answers Questions On Throne Speech
The Bermuda Health Council and Bernews have teamed-up to answer your questions about the island’s health care system. Visit www.bhec.bm to submit your queries and look for BHeC’s response on Bernews. Question: I saw that the Throne Speech did not include anything about ensuring the safety of health businesses on the Island. Is anyone checking?... Read more of this article

Public Can Apply To Serve: Boards & Committees
The Cabinet Office said that Government has now opened the process for residents wanting to serve on Government boards and committees, saying that this represents one of the first 2015 Throne Speech pledges which has been “promised and delivered.” The relevant section of the Throne Speech [PDF] said: The Government will also open up the... Read more of this article

Video: Kim Wilson On Throne Reply Initiatives
Following the Opposition’s Reply to the Throne Speech, Shadow Health Minister Kim Wilson expanded on some of the healthcare initiatives contained in the reply such as genetically modified foods and alternative medicine. Ms Wilson told Bernews, “One of the items that was mentioned in the Reply to the Throne Speech speaks to what a PLP Government... Read more of this article

“Present An Alternative Vision For The Country”
“We decided that we would attempt to present an alternative vision for the country instead of overly focusing on criticizing the One Bermuda Alliance,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said, before expanding on some of the initiatives in the Opposition’s Throne Speech reply including FinTech, transitioning away from middle schools, economic... Read more of this article

Full Text: Opposition’s Reply To Throne Speech
The Progressive Labour Party delivered their formal response to the 2015 Throne Speech today [Nov 20] in the House of Assembly, covering a number of topics including finances, crime, tourism, economic diversification, education, immigration and more. The full response is below, as well as some extract highlights. Financial Actions The next PLP Government... Read more of this article

Youth Throne Speech: “We Must Work In Unity”
Youth Premier Namrata Bisht delivered the Youth Throne Speech at the Convening of Youth Parliament, saying that the Government and youth of Bermuda must work in unity to overcome the obstacles which we face. “I hope throughout this session of Youth Parliament, we can engage in meaningful discussions and debates surrounding mental health, the environment,... Read more of this article

Students React To Absentee Voting Proposal
[Written by Don Burgess] The organizer for the campaign to allow Bermuda’s overseas college students to vote via absentee ballot is “thrilled” Government plans to change the voting laws. But some Bermudians are questioning why that right isn’t extended to all overseas Bermudians. Danielle Lightbourn, 21, helped bring attention to the plight... Read more of this article

Column: Determining Right To Absentee Voting
[Opinion column written by Quinton Berkley Butterfield] How do we determine who has the right to absentee voting? The latest Throne Speech had some very interesting ideas that will be coming up in the next legislative session. One of these is the introduction of absentee voting. This is an idea that is long-needed, and is a step closer for Bermuda to... Read more of this article

Video: Premier & Ministers On Throne Speech
The underlying focus of this year’s Throne Speech continues to be the “policies of recovery and hope we’ve put in place – completing the economic turnaround we were elected to bring about,” Premier Michael Dunkley said today [Nov 16]. The Premier, who was joined by other Ministers and MPs, was speaking at a press conference held today,... Read more of this article