Hashtag: #CovidSafeKey

Changes To SafeKey To Be Announced On Friday
[Updated] “Some immediate changes to SafeKey will be announced tomorrow,” Minister of Youth, Culture, and Sport Dr Ernest Peets said today [Feb 3]. The Government has repeatedly mentioned trying to learn to live with Covid, with most people projecting that Covid will be around for some time to come, and the schedule for tomorrow’s... Read more of this article

Online Petition Calls For Eliminating SafeKey
An online petition has been launched calling to eliminate the use of SafeKey, with the petition — which the website indicates was started 14 hours ago — attaining over 800 signatures as of this writing. The petition said, “SafeKey has been detrimental to the Bermuda restaurant industry and small businesses that have already been hit hard... Read more of this article

SafeKey Renewal Deadline Extended To Feb 15
It was previously announced that anyone with a vaccine based SafeKey whose second dose was older than 6 months would require a booster to renew it as of January 15th, however that has now been extended to February 15th. Speaking at last night’s [Jan 13] press conference, Health Minister Kim Wilson said, “It was previously announced that anyone who... Read more of this article

Govt: Changes To Reduce Need For SafeKey
The Regulations have been amended to “allow restaurants to accept either SafeKey or a Bermuda issued vaccination certificate for those wishing to dine indoors,” and the amendment change “also removes the requirement for SafeKey at all large group gatherings,” the Government advised. A Government spokesperson said, “During... Read more of this article

Assistance In Printing Of SafeKey Certificates
The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors “will assist with the printing of SafeKey certificates for seniors and disabled persons who do not have access to assistance to print their own.” Ministry of Social Development and Seniors posted the graphic below on social media, saying: “The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors... Read more of this article

SafeKey Event Details For Golf Championships
Tournament organisers of the 2021 Butterfield Bermuda Championship are reminding the public that it is a SafeKey event, and provided some information on the safety measures that will be in place. A spokesperson said, “Tournament organisers of the 2021 Butterfield Bermuda Championship want to remind the public that it will be operating as a SafeKey... Read more of this article

Enforcement Of Public Health Regulations
“Elements of the Bermuda Police Service, the Police Reserves and the Ministry of Health will be engaged in enhanced enforcement of the current public health regulations this weekend,” the Government said. This follows a Ministerial statement in the House made by the Premier David Burt in which he said: “Large groups granted an exemption... Read more of this article

Saltus To Implement SafeKey Procedures
[Written by Don Burgess] Saltus Grammar School will be implementing SafeKey procedures for its staff members and guests. A spokesperson for the school said a recent exposure that saw two staff members confirmed with Covid-19 and 41 exposed had nothing to do with the decision. The exposure caused the middle and senior schools to open with remote learning... Read more of this article

Gym Owners Unite Against SafeKey Regulations
[Written by Don Burgess] Some gym owners have unified to fight Government’s SafeKey regulations related to their businesses. The group formed the Gym Coalition on Thursday evening, with Melanie Derosa and Karen Hodgkins acting as their representatives. On Friday, Government’s new regulations meant that all gyms and fitness centers would require... Read more of this article

Dunkley: ‘SafeKey Has Created Another Divide’
“The imposition of SafeKey by the Government has created another divide,” OBA MP Michael Dunkley said, adding that “while a well intended government policy” it “once again penalizes those businesses that have borne the brunt of Covid policies over the past 18 months.” This follows after a new policy came into effect... Read more of this article

Govt Guidance On SafeKey Rules Now In Effect
[Updated] The Government is providing additional clarity on SafeKey, with “updated adjustments to the Public Health Regulations and protocols effective today at 6.00pm.” A Government spokesperson said, “The Government is providing the following general reminders for persons who need to access SafeKey. “As the public is aware,... Read more of this article

SafeKey Needed For Indoor Dining, Not Outdoor
SafeKey is only required when dining indoors — not outdoors — and employees of businesses who are required to have SafeKey are not required to have a SafeKey to go to work, the Government said this evening. A Government spokesperson said, “As announced yesterday [Aug.18], SafeKey will be required for indoor public spaces where masks... Read more of this article