Hashtag: #DecriminalizationOfMarijuana

UK Parliament: Q&A On Cannabis Laws
“The UK is committed to working in partnership with Bermuda and we remain available to discuss new proposals on this legislation,” the British Parliamentary Under-Secretary said when asked about decriminalisation of possession of cannabis in Bermuda. During a recent session in the British Parliament, Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell... Read more of this article

Governor Will Not Give Assent To Cannabis Bill
[Updated] “I have now received an instruction, issued to me on Her Majesty’s behalf, not to Assent to the Bill as drafted,” Governor Rena Lalgie said today in reference to the Cannabis Bill. Background In May this year, the Governor confirmed that she will “reserve Assent” of the Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022, adding that she will... Read more of this article

OBA: Seems A ‘Smoke Screen’ For Independence
[Updated] The Cannabis legislation “appears to be a smoke screen for the PLP Government’s real agenda, which is to build a case for independence,” Opposition Leader Cole Simons said, with Mr Simons asking if the PLP Government is “intentionally orchestrating a real case for their own political endgame for Independence.” Mr... Read more of this article

MPs Pass Cannabis Licensing Act Legislation
The Cannabis Licensing Act 2022 — which will allow for the regulated growth and sale of cannabis — has passed in the House of Assembly and after going to the Senate it is expected to be sent to the Governor. The Act was originally passed in the House of Assembly back in February 2021, however failed to pass on the Senate in March 2021 which... Read more of this article

Martha Dismont On Cannabis Legislation
Martha Dismont has offered her thoughts on the possibility of the island legalizing cannabis, saying “I pray that this is given more thought.” Martha Dismont, Managing Director for Catalyst Consulting, said, “Bermuda’s social challenges have increased over the past 20 years, in part due to the pipeline that is fueling uneducated, unskilled,... Read more of this article

OBA: Nothing Has Changed, Remains Bad Bill
“The PLP’s corporate cannabis bill was rejected by Parliament only one year ago, yet Premier Burt is now bringing back the very same bill, yet again, no matter what you say,” Shadow Attorney-General Scott Pearman said, adding that “nothing has changed and this remains a bad bill.” Mr Pearman said, “Time and time again this... Read more of this article

Cannabis Licensing Act Will Be Reintroduced
The Cannabis Licensing Act — which passed in the House of Assembly in February 2021 however failed in the Senate in March 2021 – “will be reintroduced in the House of Assembly,” the Government said. This is according to a new webpage — Gov.bm/economicrecovery-updates — the Government has released that shows the... Read more of this article

Apply To Erase Convictions For Under 7 Grams
A new online form has been launched for people to apply for an expungement order to erase criminal conviction records for the offence of ‘simple possession of cannabis of 7 grams or less’, for offences committed before December 20th, 2017, Attorney-General Kathy Lynn Simmons said. Speaking in the House of Assembly today [March 12], the Attorney... Read more of this article

AG: ‘The Government Will Not Be Deterred’
“Public support for this progressive initiative cannot be ignored notwithstanding the rejection of the Bill by the Opposition Senators and the Senators appointed by the Governor,” Attorney General Kathy Lynn Simmons said, adding that “the Government will not be deterred” She was speaking after the Cannabis Licensing Bill was... Read more of this article

Audio: Cannabis Licence Act Defeated In Senate
[Updated] The Senate is in session today [March 3] and they are scheduled to debate the Cannabis Licensing Act, with the bill having already passed in the House of Assembly. There are eleven Senators — five PLP, three OBA and three Independents — and OBA Senate Leader Ben Smith has confirmed to Bernews that “the OBA Senate team will... Read more of this article

PLP: Cannabis Bill Heads To Senate, Governor
Noting that legislation to regulate and license activities involving cannabis “passed the House of Assembly without objection,” the PLP has urged the “Senate to pass the legislation and for the Governor to give her Royal Assent.” A PLP spokesperson said, “On Friday, landmark legislation set to regulate and license all... Read more of this article