Hashtag: #LivingWage

Bi-Partisan Support For Living Wage Committee

Bi-Partisan Support For Living Wage Committee

A motion by Opposition MP Rolfe Commissiong calling for a Joint Select Committee to be formed to look into the the establishment of a living wage for Bermuda passed with bi-partisan support in the House of Assembly on June 17, with the Committee to be formed and then return to the House with its recommendation. “Imagine earning $200 or even $320... Read more of this article

“What Is A Living Wage?” Symposium On May 2

“What Is A Living Wage?” Symposium On May 2

The BTUC is inviting all of Bermuda to attend  a Symposium on Monday, May 2nd at the St. Paul’s Centennial Hall, with the event set to commemorate International Workers Day. The BTUC said, “International Workers’ Day or May Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country... Read more of this article