Hashtag: #MichaelFahy

Minister Fahy’s Trip To London Cost $8,692.79

Minister Fahy’s Trip To London Cost $8,692.79

According to the latest listing on the Government’s travel webpage, the trip by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy to London for the Citizenship by Investment Conference in October cost $8,692.79. The trip duration was from Monday, October 20, 2014 to Saturday, October 25, 2014, with transport listed as Gro Inflight Shop [train ticket] and accommodation... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy Compliments GEW Organizers

Minister Fahy Compliments GEW Organizers

The Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy today [Nov 26] congratulated the organizers of Global Entrepreneurship Week [GEW] for all of their efforts in pulling together, what he called, “an island-wide celebration of Bermuda’s intrinsic entrepreneurial spirit.” Minister Fahy said: “I would like to congratulate the BEDC team and the Department... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy Reveals Work Permit Policy Draft

Minister Fahy Reveals Work Permit Policy Draft

[Updated with video] Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy revealed the new Draft Work Permit Policy today [Oct 1], which proposes new categories of work permits including the Bermuda Employment Visa, the Global Entrepreneur Work Permit and the New Business Permit. The Minister said that one of the Government’s main goals is to restore economic health... Read more of this article

Minister Michael Fahy’s Labour Day Speech

Minister Michael Fahy’s Labour Day Speech

 ”Despite what many think, that unions and Government and employer groups are always at odds, there are in fact a plethora of success stories resulting from our successful collaboration,” Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said before today’s [Sept 1] Labour Day march. Speaking to the crowds gathered on Union Square, Minister Fahy said,... Read more of this article

Fahy Denies Confirming BPAC Bank Account

Fahy Denies Confirming BPAC Bank Account

[Updated] Speaking in the Senate today [July 23], Minister Michael Fahy denied confirming the BPAC account, and also stated that he was not interviewed in relation to the OBA’s internal investigation into the “JetGate” matter. Background On Thursday, then-OBA Chairman Thad Hollis released a full statement on the “JetGate” investigation,... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy: PRC Avenue To Status Will Stand

Minister Fahy: PRC Avenue To Status Will Stand

[Updated with PLP response] The Ministry is withdrawing the appeal in the PRC status matter and “the avenue to Bermuda status for certain PRC holders that was created by the previous government in 2001 will stand,” Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said today. The Minister said, “The question of Permanent Resident Certificate... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy Updates On 10% Grocery Discount

Minister Fahy Updates On 10% Grocery Discount

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy provided an update on the Wednesday 10% discount initiative at grocery stores, saying that the “success of the initiative far exceeded the projected usage anticipated by the participating grocers who have taken a significant revenue loss over that which was projected.” The Minister said the grocers “have... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy Unveils National Training Plan

Minister Fahy Unveils National Training Plan

Minister for Home Affairs Michael Fahy formally unveiled Bermuda’s first ever National Training Plan today [May 16], providing what he called “a road map aimed at strengthening Bermuda’s competitive position in our local and global markets.” Minister Fahy said, “Helping Bermudians in this challenging job market remains a top... Read more of this article

Video/Photos: Minister Fahy Tours St. George’s

Video/Photos: Minister Fahy Tours St. George’s

Earlier today [Mar 20], the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy spent some time in St. George’s getting an update on the ongoing refurbishments in the Town Square and at Pennos Wharf. He was joined by East End MPs Kenneth Bascome and Nandi Outerbridge. Government recently provided the Corporation of St. George’s with a grant of $750,000. The funds... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Fahy On Labour Law Proposal

Video: Minister Fahy On Labour Law Proposal

Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy and Premier Craig Cannonier held a press conference this afternoon [Mar 5] to discuss the Government’s proposal to amend the Labour Relations Act 1975. The amendment would make public transportation [ferries and buses] as an essential service, which will then require them to give a 21 day strike notice. Staff from... Read more of this article

Minister Addresses Proposed Labour Legislation

Minister Addresses Proposed Labour Legislation

Government is not trying to remove workers ability to strike, but is looking to add public transport as an essential service which requires a 21-day notice period prior to the withdrawal of labour, Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy said this evening [Mar 4]. The amendment [PDF] to the Labour Relations Act 1975 was tabled in the House of Assembly on... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy: “Workers Should Return To Work”

Minister Fahy: “Workers Should Return To Work”

Minister of Home Affairs, Sen. Michael Fahy has sought to clarify the Government’s position regarding the recent labour disputes which have seen at least two Government Departments engage in industrial activity last week. After a meeting on Wednesday [Feb 19], between union officials and Marine and Ports staff, BIU President Chris Furbert described... Read more of this article