Hashtag: #MichaelFahy

Minister Fahy To Attend Union Lecture Series

Minister Fahy To Attend Union Lecture Series

The Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy will attend this evening’s [Jan 22] lecture series being held by political scientist, social commentator and MP Walton Brown Jr. Mr. Brown is currently hosting a four part lecture series focusing on various aspects of Bermuda’s history. Entitled “Understanding Modern Bermuda” Mr. Brown touches on four... Read more of this article

Fahy: ‘Take Them All With A Grain Of Salt’

Fahy: ‘Take Them All With A Grain Of Salt’

[Updated] We are going to hear a “flurry of announcements about wonderful projects” that are going to put Bermuda back to work and solve all our problems between now and polling day and the public should take them all with a big grain of salt,” Shadow Minister for Environment, Planning & Housing Senator Michael Fahy said. Senator... Read more of this article

Senator Fahy Responds To Recent Tech News

Senator Fahy Responds To Recent Tech News

On hearing the announcement of LinkBermuda’s plans to build an island-wide fiber-optic network, Shadow Minister for Environment, Planning & Housing Michael Fahy said, “Competition is healthy, but competition must benefit Bermudians in both the short term and the long term.” Senator Fahy also said that Government’s announcement... Read more of this article

OBA’s Senator Fahy On Astwood Park/Scrambling

OBA’s Senator Fahy On Astwood Park/Scrambling

It is important that the integrity of the parks system is maintained for our future generations while also ensuring that open space is used properly for recreational purposes, OBA Senator Michael Fahy said this past Friday. The Senator was speaking in reference to the youth motocross programme being organized by the Department of Parks, which will see... Read more of this article

Fahy: ‘Biggest Loser Is Bermuda’s Environment’

Fahy: ‘Biggest Loser Is Bermuda’s Environment’

SDO after SDO has been granted to allow controversial developments smooth passage and the biggest loser is Bermuda’s environment, said OBA Senator Michael Fahy. Tuckers Point recently confirmed that it is moving forward with steps as required by the Special Development Order [SDO] granted in 2011, with an application made to the Department of Planning... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy On Pitbull Rules & Regulations

OBA’s Fahy On Pitbull Rules & Regulations

Pitbulls should remain on the banned list until Government gets serious about making the current laws and regulations effective, Opposition Senator Michael Fahy said. Senator Fahy said once measures have been put in place, the OBA believe pit bulls could be moved from the banned list to a “Restricted List”, which imposes conditions which must be... Read more of this article

Senator Fahy On Planning Appeals Review Delay

Senator Fahy On Planning Appeals Review Delay

The planning appeals matter is “one of the better examples of the Progressive Labour Party’s now well-known disdain for following the rules,” said OBA Senator Michael Fahy. Senator Fahy noted it will soon be six months since Walter Roban stepped down from Cabinet and a decision has not been made yet, which he called a “ridiculously... Read more of this article

Fahy: Increase Business To Create Jobs

Fahy: Increase Business To Create Jobs

Speaking in the Senate this morning [Mar.21], Senator Michael Fahy said the One Bermuda Alliance would address the debt by increasing opportunities for international business which will create jobs and increase payroll tax collected. “We would streamline the work permit process all the while protecting jobs for Bermudians and enhancing opportunities... Read more of this article

Fahy: Licensing Foreign Fishing Vessels

Fahy: Licensing Foreign Fishing Vessels

[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for Environment, Planning & Housing] Just after the Premier delivered her Budget Speech a few days ago, I publicly questioned a reference she made to licensing foreign vessels to fish in Bermuda’s 200-mile maritime economic zone. I made two points in relation to this scheme. The first was that... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy: Refund Land Licence Fee

OBA’s Fahy: Refund Land Licence Fee

Speaking in the Senate earlier this week, Opposition Senator Michael Fahy said while he commends the Government for reversing the Land Licence policy, if they are “serious about acknowledging the error licence holders should be refunded their licence fee.” Earlier this month Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief said the policy... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy On Ombudsman’s Report

OBA’s Fahy On Ombudsman’s Report

[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for the Environment, Infrastructure Strategy, Planning and Housing] People who read this report must surely be struck by three things: First, what an excellent report it is! It is thorough, comprehensive, easy to read and as logical as 2 and 2 make 4. Credit must go to the Ombudsman herself, Ms Arlene... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy On Planning Review Delay

OBA’s Fahy On Planning Review Delay

Nothing seems to have happened in the review of Walter Roban’s controversial decisions to grant planning permission to two of his Cabinet colleagues, Senator Michael Fahy said. In November 2011 Mr Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works in November, after coming under fire for his decision to allow Planning appeals by fellow... Read more of this article