Hashtag: #MichaelFahy

New OBA Senators: Michael Fahy & Toni Daniels

New OBA Senators: Michael Fahy & Toni Daniels

[Updated with videos] The One Bermuda Alliance has named Michael Fahy and Toni Daniels as their new Senators this afternoon [Nov.3] to replace party leader Craig Cannonier and Dr. Kathy Michelmore. From left to right: Toni Daniels, Michael Fahy, OBA Leader Craig Cannonier, OBA Deputy Leader Sen. Michael Dunkley and OBA Chairman Thad Hollis: Mr. Cannonier... Read more of this article

Full Text: Michael Fahy’s OBA Speech

Full Text: Michael Fahy’s OBA Speech

Michael Fahy spoke at the beginning of last night’s [Sept.10] OBA Leadership elections, saying: “Our island is too small to have divisions. Each of us in this room has a real opportunity to demonstrate to the rest of Bermuda that we do not believe in division – rather we believe in opportunity and inclusiveness for all.” Mr Fahy... Read more of this article

Fahy On Bermuda Industrial Union Finances

Fahy On Bermuda Industrial Union Finances

[Written by Michael Fahy, Chairman of the One Bermuda Alliance] I continue to be approached by members of the Bermuda Industrial Union who want a clear picture of the state of their union’s finances. The union has not filed any accounts with the Registrar General since 2003, as required by the Trade Union Act of 1965; and the accounts it filed for... Read more of this article

Video: BDA’s Fahy Responds to Budget

Video: BDA’s Fahy Responds to Budget

[Updated] Bermuda Democratic Alliance financial affairs spokesperson Michael Fahy spoke with us today [Feb 18] after the Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox delivered the 2011/12 budget. He praised the Premier for the payroll tax rollbacks, saying “The BDA is very pleased to hear about the reducation in payroll tax,” saying  “they... Read more of this article

Fahy on Aon & International Business

Fahy on Aon & International Business

Bermuda Democratic Alliance finance spokesperson Michael Fahy responded to the recent report from Aon that downgraded Bermuda saying: “The assessment is simply another indicator of what many have been saying for some time. The tough times are yet to come. When a well respected risk management service such as Aon which does insurance business... Read more of this article

Michael Fahy on Employment Statistics

Michael Fahy on Employment Statistics

[Written by Michael Fahy] The inappropriately named “highlights” are hardly surprising. These statistics demonstrate that all is not well with Bermuda’s economy. A loss of 693 jobs in the local labour market is frankly very bad. It is also unsurprising that the release cited the reason for this plummet as the global recession. Whilst... Read more of this article

Colonel Burch about Fahy: “All He Does is Whine”

Colonel Burch about Fahy: “All He Does is Whine”

During an appearance on today’s Everest Dacosta show Minister of Immigration Colonel David Burch addressed the dis-invitation of Michael Fahy to the meeting tomorrow, saying “all he does is whine“. The controversy surrounds the meeting set for tomorrow night [Apr 8] at the Berkeley Institute to discuss term limits. Colonel Burch had... Read more of this article

Burch to Fahy: “You Are Not Invited, End of Story”

Burch to Fahy: “You Are Not Invited, End of Story”

The controversy continues over the ‘Bermudian only’ meeting set by Colonel David Burch, with Bermuda Democratic Alliance Chairman and international business employee Michael Fahy voicing his objection, stating that Colonel Burch told him he could not attend. Minister of Immigration Senator Lt. Col. David Burch sent out an email in mid... Read more of this article