Hashtag: #ProfilesOfBermudaPolls

74.7% Oppose Airport Run By Foreign Company

74.7% Oppose Airport Run By Foreign Company

74.7% of voters were opposed to “having the airport developed and run by a foreign company,” according to a recent poll released by Profiles of Bermuda. In releasing the poll results, Profiles said, “Nearly three-quarters of voters [74.7%] were opposed to having the airport developed and run by a foreign company. Less than 2 in 10... Read more of this article

Poll Results: Voting, SAGE Report, Grocery Bags

Poll Results: Voting, SAGE Report, Grocery Bags

[Updated] According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, just under one-third of Bermuda voters believe that implementing recommendations from the SAGE report will likely improve the economy, the majority of people do not like the idea of charging for grocery bags, and an election held tomorrow would see the OBA and PLP in a “dead heat.” Who... Read more of this article

Poll Results: 58.5% Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

Poll Results: 58.5% Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, nearly 6 in 10 voters [58.5%] oppose same-sex marriages, while 4 in 10 [38.4%] were in favour of such marriages and 3.2% were unsure. Differences by Age By age, younger voters, those between the ages of 18 and 34, were more likely to support same-sex marriages [58.2%], the only age group to do so. However,... Read more of this article

55% Of Voters Think Economy Is Fair, 37% Poor

55% Of Voters Think Economy Is Fair, 37% Poor

According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, 55.5% rate current economic conditions as only fair, while 37% rate them as poor. Overall More than half of all voters [55.5%] rate current economic conditions as only fair, while nearly 4 in 10 [37%] rate them as poor. Less than 1 in 10 voters [7.5%] rate economic conditions as either good or excellent.... Read more of this article

Poll Results: 51.2% In Favour Of Casino Gaming

Poll Results: 51.2% In Favour Of Casino Gaming

According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, while those who oppose the introduction of casino gambling have remained essentially at 43% since March of 2012, support has increased to the point where a slight majority of voters are now in favour of casino gambling [51.2% compared to the 45.6% who supported it in 2012.] The shift has come from voters... Read more of this article

Poll Results: Voters Split On Cannabis Reform

Poll Results: Voters Split On Cannabis Reform

According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, one-third of voters [33.8%] felt that people using small amounts of marijuana should not face legal punishment [or decriminalisation], while a similar amount [33.1%] felt that marijuana should be legalised as long as government regulated it. Just over one-quarter of voters [27.4%], however, felt that... Read more of this article

Poll Results: Which Party Can Handle Economy

Poll Results: Which Party Can Handle Economy

According to a recent poll by Profiles of Bermuda, one-third of voters [33.6%] trusted the OBA to do a better job of handling the economy over the PLP [28.5%], while nearly 3 in 10 voters [29.9%] trusted neither party and nearly 1 in 10 [8%] were not sure. The poll results show differences along racial lines, with most white voters [75.6%] trusting... Read more of this article

Survey: PLP More In Touch Than The OBA

Survey: PLP More In Touch Than The OBA

A recent survey by Profiles of Bermuda indicated that almost twice as many voters think the PLP is more in touch with the people’s concerns than the OBA is, with a large differential between the races. When asked which party do you believe is in touch with the concerns of most Bermudians, voters cited the PLP [48.4%] more the OBA [25.4%], with... Read more of this article