Hashtag: #SpottedEagleRay

Video: Spotted Eagle Rays In Bermuda’s Waters

Video: Spotted Eagle Rays In Bermuda’s Waters

A video captured by Edward Daniels shows spotted eagle rays swimming through Bermuda’s waters, offering a close up look at the protected species. The spotted eagle ray [Aetobatus narinari] is most easily recognized by white spots on its black or bluish back [the ray’s main body is called the disc], and the underside is creamy or white. It swims... Read more of this article

Video: Ocean Vet “Eagle Rays” Episode Trailer

Video: Ocean Vet “Eagle Rays” Episode Trailer

The producers of the Ocean Vet series have posted another video trailer online, with this latest trailer focusing on spotted eagle rays. The video description said, “How does one catch a spotted eagle ray exactly? Neil and the Ocean Vet team show you how difficult it is to capture a fish with the biggest brain to body ratio in the ocean.” Ocean... Read more of this article

Video: Spotted Eagle Rays In Flatts Inlet

Video: Spotted Eagle Rays In Flatts Inlet

The Bermuda Department of Conservation Services has posted a public video taken by one of its employees that show Spotted Eagle Rays gliding around the island’s Flatts Inlet, a protected species that isn’t often seen so close to shore. In October of 2010, the then-Minister of Environment and Sports issued a protection order for Spotted... Read more of this article

Protected Species Penalties Toughened

Protected Species Penalties Toughened

New measures approved by Parliament on Friday [Nov.25] stiffen penalties for harming the island’s protected species including the Cahow, Bermuda Skink, Spotted Eagle Ray, Green Turtle, Diamondback Terrapin, Yellowwood, Bermuda Killifish, Bermuda Bedstraw, Bermuda Snowberry and Bermuda Cedar. Amendments to the Protected Species Act will see penalties... Read more of this article

Order Protecting Spotted Eagle Rays Issued

Order Protecting Spotted Eagle Rays Issued

On October 6th the Minister of Environment and Sports issued a protection order for Spotted Eagle Rays on the advice of the Department of Conservation Services. Action was initiated in mid-August based on observations by Bermuda Aquarium Museum & Zoo that the Spotted Eagle Ray was increasingly being targeted by recreational fisherman. If convicted... Read more of this article