Age Concern & Seniors Advisory Mourn Jackson

January 6, 2014

louise_jacksonAge Concern Bermuda and the Seniors Advisory Council have both paid tribute to former MP Louise Jackson, who was well known for her work on behalf of seniors.

Mrs Jackson passed away last week at age 83, leaving behind a legacy that spans her work in education, the performing arts, politics and advocacy work.

A statement from Age Concern said, “The Board of Directors of Age Concern Bermuda and its staff express their sincere condolences to the family of Mrs. Louise Jackson OBE.

“Over the years the name Louise Jackson has become synonymous with the cause of seniors. From the start of her political career, Mrs. Jackson grew quickly to become a soldier for respect of the quality of life of older adults in Bermuda. Her resoluteness, repetition and reputation made her a prominent and unparalleled political force for change with respect to seniors’ issues.

“Mrs. Jackson has been an individual member of Age Concern for over a decade. She also joined the Board of Directors for a short period in 2004 and resumed her service as a member of the Board of Directors of Age Concern Bermuda upon her retirement from politics in 2013. She remained a Director of the Board until her untimely passing.

“The Jackson family’s loss is indeed Bermuda’s loss. Age Concern Bermuda will continue to honor her memory by ensuring that there remains a strong and consistent voice that champions the rights and protection of seniors in our community.”

The Seniors Advisory Council also extended its condolences to the Jackson family and the community on the passing of Mrs. Jackson.

A statement from the Council said, “The Seniors Advisory Council would like to take the opportunity, during this time of reflection of Mrs. Jackson’s life and accomplishments, to acknowledge Mrs. Jackson’s relentless and unwavering commitment to ensure that a long-term plan ageing is in place for Bermuda’s ageing population.

“The Seniors Advisory Council was formed in January 2013 and formally began its work as a non-statutory advisory body working quietly behind the scenes in May 2013.

“The initial work of the Council was driven by seniors’ advocate, Mrs. Louise Jackson. The purpose of the Council is to provide input on the drafting of a National Ageing Policy for Bermuda.

“Under the auspices of the former Minister for Health and Seniors, The Honourable Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, a draft National Ageing Policy was completed in consultation with the Council, and is now available for further implementation.

“The Council looks forward to working with the New Minister of Health in the further development of the National Ageing Policy as a testimony to Mrs. Jackson’s memory and her life’s work on behalf of Bermuda’s seniors.”

Category: All, Tributes