Andre Anthony Berkley
Augustus Funeral Home regrets to announce the passing of Andre Anthony Berkley.
A Home Going service for Andre Anthony Berkley son of the late David and Peggy Berkley, loving father to Lacon [Vernal] and Andre Berkley Jr., brother to Veron, Kenneth [Chin] Durrant, Jerry, Michael [Fee] Berkley, Nyland Nisbett, Wanda Dillas, Myrtle Berkley, the late Barbra Durrant and Betty Berkley in his 58th year of 21 Harlem Heights, Bailey’s Bay, Hamilton Parish will be held at Crawl Gospel Hall Church, Hamilton Parish on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 2pm.
Interment will follow at Holy Trinity Cemetery.
Flowers may be sent.
Relatives and friends may pay their respects at Crawl Gospel Hall Church on Saturday, January 16, 2016 from 1 – 1:55 pm.
Also surviving are grandchildren: Seyamaé, Jadoré, Ajare, Dioneé and Cairo. André; numerous other relatives and friends, too many to mention.