Tributes Paid After Noel-Simmons Passes Away

January 8, 2014

[Updated] The sudden passing of fitness trainer and one time political candidate Devrae Noel-Simmons has prompted an outpouring of tributes on social media this evening [Jan 8].

A graduate of Howard University, the former bodybuilder was a veteran fitness trainer who assisted many of the island’s athletes over the years. His involvement with sports and fitness spanned over two decades and across multiple genres.

He worked with the Bermuda Bodybuilding Federation, promoted the Ms Fitness contests in the 1990s and also assisted the Bermuda National San Shou Association.

He managed International Fitness Pros Training Academy, hosted fitness summer camps for young people and was also heavily involved with rugby – as a player, coach and working in a PR capacity for the Bermuda Rugby Football Union.

Mr Noel Simmons was also involved in the security field, and managed DPA Protection Services.

Sporting a mohawk hairstyle for the campaign, he threw his hat into the political ring back in 2010 when he contested the Warwick South Central bye-election, running against Marc Bean and Sylvan Richards.

After news of his passing started circulating, his Facebook page filled with condolences, with many paying tribute to a man they called a gentle giant.

One friend called him “A bigger than life man with a matching smile,” while another said he was a “huge guy with even more huge love for this island and those around him.”

Athletes paying tribute on social media included professional footballer Jonte Smith and top ranked squash player Micah Franklin.

Mr Noel Simmons, 45, leaves behind his wife Susie, young son Dante, and numerous other family and friends.

Garon Wilkinson of the Bermuda Sanshou Association

Update: Garon Wilkinson of the Bermuda Sanshou Association [BSA] recounts the help Mr Noel-Simmons gave their organisation, noting he did it at no cost for many years.

Mr Wilkinson said, “Devrae Noel-Simmons was one of the original members of BSA and was very instrumental in the forming of our organization back in 2005. He served as our first strength and conditioning coach and til this year trained a number of our top athletes.

“He was the very first team coach and corner man along with Damion Wilson for myself and BSA co-founder Reuben Bean when we competed in our debut international san shou competition at the Arnold Classic in March of 2006.

“Devrae also served as a coach and corner man for BSA’s very first Pan American Championships in Toronto that same year, and then the following year in 2007 at our first World Wushu Championships in China. His lovely wife Suzie also accompanied us to the championships and served as massage therapist.

“Devrae dedicated numerous hours to our team and trained a number of our athletes for no compensation for years. One of his companies, International Fitness Pros (IFP) was the sponsor of our wear to our first world championships and completely outfitted a team of fourteen for our trip to China. Devrae offered a number of our athletes an opportunity to work with his security company as well. Devrae was always willing to give!

“I remember the day I met Devrae as if it was yesterday. If I check my old running logs I could tell you the exact date and time. I believe I was around 15 at the time when I was developing in my track and field career.

“My dad was working out at Total Fitness Gym in town at the time and I ran from home in Southampton to town, picked up my dad at the gym and ran back with him. During my short stop at the gym, my dad introduced me to Devrae. He had just returned from overseas and of course was in incredible shape.

“From that date on we always maintained a relationship and at that point in my life he was like a big brother to me. As I became older we became very good friends and when I told him of the thoughts I had with regards to starting full contact fighting in Bermuda, he indicated to me that he was with me 100%. And he has been, as a coach and as a friend, every step of the way. He will be sadly missed by me and every one of BSA.”

Former UBP Leader Kim Swan

Former UBP Leader Kim Swan said, “Cindy and I are shocked and saddened on hearing the news of the passing of Devrae Noel-Simmons.

“Devrae loved his wife Sue and their son Dante who he proudly introduced to everyone he met. He wanted what was best for his family and was so proud of them – that was an admirable trait.

“Personally, Devrae is a relative of mine and I am very good friends with his mother Relda Wellman, we also share a love for the game of golf.

“Devrae will go down in history as the last candidate to appear on the ballot paper and represent the now defunct United Bermuda Party.

“He became involved with the United Bermuda Party in 2008 soon after I became Opposition Leader – he reached out to me on Front Street in the presence of his wife Sue and said he wanted to get involved in politics – later expressing a desire to become a candidate.

“When first interviewed by the Candidates Selection Committee he was advised to first get involved in a branch where he could gain experience at the constituency level.

“This task he did most admirably in Sandys South – ironically where I first started my political career and where our family hailed. I fondly remember the very successful fundraiser for the United Bermuda Party he helped to arrange in Sandys Parish at Somerset Country Squire. It marked a new energy we were prepared to launch in the west end.

“When the Warwick bye-election came around because of the retirement of Dr. Ewart Brown, the UBP Candidate Selection Committee choose Devrae as the candidate – he lived in Warwick and was prepared to become a local based representative.

“His candidacy was controversial first because of his mohawk hair style which raised a few eyebrows and later when it became public that he had a previous experience with the law – but we stuck by him based on the commitment he demonstrated at the branch level within the Sandys branch and his willingness to get stuck in to make Bermuda a better place.

“Unfortunately, that candidacy culminated with Devrae taking ill with acute appendicitis and being hospitalised prior to polling day and his bid for a seat unsuccessful.

“In addition to his world wind encounter with politics and his love for his family, Devrae also loved sport – especially rugby. He operated a fitness club out of the Bermuda Squash Club and owned a security company.

“My heart goes out to his widow Sue, son Dante and mother Relda.

“May he Rest in Peace.”

Former WWE Wrestler John Layfield

Former professional wrestler John “JBL” Layfield, a resident of Bermuda who works closely with the rugby programme, tweeted that he and Bermuda lost a great friend, saying Mr Noel-Simmons “did wonders for kids on the Island.”

Senator Jeffrey Baron

Senator Jeffrey Baron, the Junior Minister of National Security, said: “Firstly I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to Sue and Dante. Your husband and dad – and you both – have a community of friends here for you always.

“Devrae and I spent hours discussing contemporary security issues of Bermuda. Few people on this island could express, from an operational perspective, security trends of licensed premises and large-scale events.

“He saw, heard and managed high-tension security situations in an impressively effective and professional way – it helps to be built like a hulk.

“And while the majority of my time with Devrae was spent discussing such matters it will always be the shorter, more lighthearted conversations we shared many mornings as we both took our sons to school. I will choose to reflect on these moments when I think of him.

“His image was singular – but don’t be misled. Behind that imposing man with loud hair and tattoos was a tremendously caring husband and father who absolutely melted when his son smiled at him.

“Devrae will be remembered for his devotion to Bermuda’s youth and sport. He volunteered countless hours mentoring, coaching and educating young Bermudians on and of the rugby pitch.

“He’ll be remembered for his singularity. Many people will remember him fondly – in many different ways. His reach extended beyond sport, beyond politics and beyond his larger than life image. Rest in peace”.


Category: All, Tributes