UK Send Sympathies: Louise Jackson’s Death

January 3, 2014

Louise-Jackson-OBE-2014On behalf of the Queen, the Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood wrote to Governor George Fergusson to express sympathy over the passing of Louise Jackson.

Known in her later years for her contribution to politics, Mrs Jackson’s service to Bermuda extended back decades with her involvement in both education and the performing arts.

She passed away yesterday at 83 years old.

Just before her passing, Mrs Jackson was named to the Queen’s 2014 New Years Honours List, awarded an OBE for her public service and service to seniors.

The letter said, “It was with great sadness that we learned of the death, following a tragic accident, of Mrs. Louise Jackson, whose promotion to be an Officer of the Most Honourable Order of the British Empire was announced in The Queen’s New Year Honours.

“Mrs. Jackson’s work as a Member of the Parliament of Bermuda, and her service in connection with healthcare and provision for the elderly, has been valued by many; she will be greatly missed.

“May I, on behalf of Her Majesty, Sovereign of the Order of the British Empire, send sincere sympathy to Mrs. Jackson’s family and friends in their loss.”

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