Senate: Order Of Business For March 25th
The Senate is scheduled to be in session on Monday [March 25] and Bills listed on the Order Paper include the Liquor Licence Amendment Act 2019, the Customs Tariff Amendment Act 2019, and the Customs Tariff Amendment (No. 2) Act 2019.
The Order of Business follows below [PDF here]:
What makes us think that we are a self goverming nation when we have to get approvals from another nation or group of nations ?
Why are actions and decisions made without due consideration for the consequences ?
The EU has got us by the tail if they can pull that one off. Who is next ?
Know this ! There is only one more important commodity than money and that is income.
We have a lovely bunch of coconuts some as big as your head.
If we dig a hole deep enough sooner or later we will not be able to climb out.
PLP is taking judiciary independence out of the Liquor License Authority and placing power directly under Ministerial control. Another PLP power grab. This means it’s now politically charged, and you can be sure the Minister will direct the new authority to be lenient to those whom they favour.