Contact Us

As an online business, we generally conduct all business via email and normally respond to relevant emails in a very timely manner.

Please be sure to contact Bernews directly via email [rather than call or contact contributors or send messages to various social media accounts] as we cannot guarantee the message will be passed on, so can only take responsibility for communications sent to the correct Bernews email.

  • For news tips, corrections, submissions or coverage requests email:

If you have any corrections, news tips, news/photos to submit, or if would like to advertise on the Bernews Network, we are interested in hearing from you.

As a small business without a dedicated person to handle communications, we generally try and make the most efficient use of our time, so some of the the more frequent questions we get via email are answered below in the F.A.Q. section.

F.A.Q: I suggest XYZ; why didn’t you cover XYZ?

We get emails suggesting/requesting new features and/or additional coverage, and we can answer all of those by saying it costs money to cover events and implement a new feature, so that is the challenge. We are always are working to improve, so hopefully your request is something we may be able to do in the future!

F.A.Q: Are there any more photos/videos than what you posted?

Technically the answer is yes, but if we didn’t post them, then they weren’t usable [out of focus, someone walking across the camera etc], so generally speaking the photos/video on the website is what we have and unfortunately we won’t be able to provide additional footage via email.

F.A.Q: Can I have a copy of your video?

Most of our videos are on YouTube and are freely available [via embed] for use on your school, church, or community group website, however we do ask that you not download our videos and reupload them.

F.A.Q: Can I have a high resolution copy of your photo?

With the exception of extremely important matters [like funeral programmes] we are unable to provide free high-resolution copies of photos. To explain, as one of the largest repositories of Bermuda photos online, we get asked for free copies of photos so much that it is not close to viable we can accommodate all the requests and remain a sustainable business.

F.A.Q: I want to send in a press release, is there a charge?

There is never a charge, it is free, please email it to

F.A.Q: Can you live stream my event?

Possibly, please email us at with the date, time and location, and we will see if we are able to make it.