Hashtag: #BermudaPolitics

Caribbean Canada Leaders Dialogue 2025

Caribbean Canada Leaders Dialogue 2025

In the lead up to the Caribbean Canada Leaders Dialogue 2025 [CCLD 2025], country organizers are hard at work paving the way for delegates, sponsors and government supporters. A spokesperson said, “Leveraging the Caribbean Public Services Association [CPSA] conference, CCLD Lead Director Hemi Mitic was in Bermuda to meet with the Premier the Hon... Read more of this article

Premier & CoH Pay Tribute To Brownlow Place

Premier & CoH Pay Tribute To Brownlow Place

“A Bermudian patriarch and a man of true distinction,” said Premier David Burt remembering the life and legacy of Mr. L. Brownlow Place who passed away just shy of his 108th birthday. The Premier said, “When I reflect on all that he witnessed in such a remarkable life, it is mind-boggling. Born while World War I still raged on European battlefields... Read more of this article

Minister On Culture, Heritage, Athletes & Artists

Minister On Culture, Heritage, Athletes & Artists

Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Owen Darrell provided an overview of some of the initiatives taking place under his Ministry. The Minister’s full statement follows below: Madam President, the Ministry is the steward of Bermuda’s cultural heritage and leads in advancing amateur sport and developing policies for tourism. Our job is to celebrate... Read more of this article

Senate: Audio & Order Of Business

Senate: Audio & Order Of Business

[Updated with live audio] The Senate is scheduled to be in session on Wednesday [July 24], and the statements listed on the Order Paper include the Building a Better Bermuda by Promoting Cultural Heritage, Tourism Development and Sporting Excellence, the Building a Secure and Safe Community Together and the Keeping Our Promises to Bermuda’s Seniors. Update:... Read more of this article

Column: DeSilva On Fuel Rates, OBA, Tax, More

Column: DeSilva On Fuel Rates, OBA, Tax, More

[Opinion column written by MP Zane DeSilva] Anyone who marched, fought and stood against the OBA during their time in power knows first hand that they are not to be trusted. Over the weekend, they gave us another look at their two-faced nature and reminded us, in case we had forgotten, that they love to play games with words to create confusion and... Read more of this article

Govt To Present Mid-Year Budget Review In Sept

Govt To Present Mid-Year Budget Review In Sept

“When the House of Assembly resumes in September, we will present a mid-year budget review containing measures that will deliver a meaningful difference in the lives of Bermudians now,” Premier David Burt said this evening. Premier Burt said, “Good Evening Bermuda. Recent losses in our community have deeply affected us all, and our... Read more of this article

Column: Burgess On Workers, Salaries & More

Column: Burgess On Workers, Salaries & More

[Opinion column written by MP Derrick Burgess] Whenever there is talk about dealing with the issues facing our country, the first thing that some people want to do is dump on the workers and push all of the sacrifices and job cuts on them. Our workers built this country and for anyone to look towards them as the ones to carry the full weight and full... Read more of this article

PLP Comment On OBA Parliamentary Questions

PLP Comment On OBA Parliamentary Questions

The PLP said they have “taken note of the One Bermuda Alliance’s [OBA] seeming push during the Parliamentary Question Period to open up closed or restricted job categories that were originally instituted by the PLP to protect jobs and opportunities for Bermudians.” A spokesperson said, “We are deeply concerned by this approach, especially... Read more of this article

Minister Weeks On National Security Initiatives

Minister Weeks On National Security Initiatives

Following the recent tragedies “it is difficult to speak on the work that the Ministry of National Security does in promoting safety in Bermuda,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said in the House of Assembly, adding that “to provide some reassurance, I wish to provide an overview of some of the positive accomplishments... Read more of this article

Minister Burch On 7 Years Of Public Works

Minister Burch On 7 Years Of Public Works

“When this Administration came to office in July 2017, the state of our critical infrastructure was poor. This was a result of years of under investment by successive Governments. Over the past 7 years we have focused primarily on reinvesting in our critical assets,” Minister of Public Works David Burch said in the House of Assembly on Friday. The... Read more of this article

Minister On Water Resources Act Amendments

Minister On Water Resources Act Amendments

“I am tabling the Bill entitled the Water Resources Amendment Act 2024; legislation that will ensure that Bermuda maintains the highest quality of groundwater,” Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said in the House of Assembly on Friday. The Minister said, “The proposed amendments will: “Establish pollution limits for the ground... Read more of this article

Minister Outlines Health System Advancements

Minister Outlines Health System Advancements

“I rise today to highlight the strides the Ministry of Health has made ‘Building a Better and Fairer Health System,” Minister of Health Kim Wilson said in the House of Assembly on Friday. The Minister’s full statement follows below: Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight the strides the Ministry of Health has made “Building a Better... Read more of this article

Premier Tables Bill To Reduce Fuel Duty By 60%

Premier Tables Bill To Reduce Fuel Duty By 60%

“I will table the Customs Tariff Amendment Act 2024, which will reduce the rate of fuel duty for fuel used to generate electricity by 60%, from 20 cents a litre to 8 cents a litre,” Premier David Burt said in the House of Assembly on Friday. The Premier added, “”This bill will be tabled under the Provisional Collection of Revenue... Read more of this article

Cabinet Approves 2.4% Increase For Pensions

Cabinet Approves 2.4% Increase For Pensions

“The Cabinet approved a further 2.4% increase for seniors’ pensions in line with the inflation rate,” Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt said in the House of Assembly today [July 19], adding that “when the House of Assembly returns in September, this government will table that increase in pensions to keep our commitment... Read more of this article

Minister On Achievements Over Past 4 Years

Minister On Achievements Over Past 4 Years

“I rise with great pride and gratitude to share with you the reflections of the work, the deliverables, and the initiatives that the Ministry of Youth, Social Development and Seniors has successfully delivered since its inception in October 2020,” Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors Tinée Furbert said in the House of Assembly... Read more of this article

Parliament: Audio & Order Of Business

Parliament: Audio & Order Of Business

[Updated with audio] The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [July 19] and statements listed on the Order Paper include Building a Better and Fairer Economy through Tax Reform, Update on Government’s Financial Performance, Tabling of Amendments to the Water Resources Act 1975, Building a Better and Fairer Bermuda by Strengthening Legal... Read more of this article