RA Warns Of Online MovieFlix SignUp Scam
The Regulatory Authority is warning people about an online scam, with an article claiming that Netflix ‘lost thousands of Bermudian users this week because of the new competing service,’ and urging people to sign up for MovieFlix, with the RA explaining that the scam is actually “designed to steal credit card details.”
The RA said, “The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda is today [Aug 8] warning consumers to be aware of the latest internet scam to arrive in Bermuda. MovieFlix, a online movie service is featured in a Facebook ad, and will reportedly deliver identical streaming service to that of Netflix, free of charge, if consumers subscribe before August 10th.
Screenshot of one of the purported news articles about the ‘offer’
The RA added, “The Facebook ad leads readers to an article claiming that Netflix has ‘lost thousands of Bermudian users this week because of the new competing service.’
“While the MovieFlix website appears to be legitimate, every tab on their website clicks through to the same online form asking consumers to sign up for their trial membership and has already appeared on posts in Australia and New Zealand with identical messaging. Other countries targeted in the scam include Canada and Ireland.
Denton Williams, Chief Executive of the Regulatory Authority commented: “Our role as an independent regulatory body is primarily to protect consumers and industry stakeholders. MovieFlix is an example of a phishing scam, designed to steal credit card details.
“Often these scams are linked to international organized crime and we strongly recommend that if consumers have already subscribed for the service, that they monitor their bank accounts or cancel their cards before their information is taken.”
Versions of this scam have been posted repeatedly, and have been debunked by Snopes.
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Category: All, Crime, News, technology
sigh, why are we falling for this type of stuff.
human nature – we fall for the idea of getting something for nothing. If prostitution is the oldest profession, then scamming people has to be #2.
there are alot of people who are not internet savvy, people who didnt grow up with internet and social media, they are the most vulnerable
A fool and his money will soon be parted.
imagine if prostitution was free lol
Why is Facebook allowing advertising that is a scam and robbing people…shold they not be held accountable for the businesses that they allow to post on there site?
All these sites just lead to another then another and it never ends so y not explore and find something worth taking from them to learn something u didnt know before.
Like the old saying If it sounds too good to be True. It probably is
My first evaluation tool for anything offered thats a Great Deal