New Shopping Name System, Laundromats, More
Under the new system — which is set to begin on Monday [April 20] — Mondays and Thursdays are for persons whose surnames begin with A to F, Tuesdays and Fridays are for G to Q, Wednesdays and Saturdays are for R to Z, and Sundays are for people 55 and over, disabled persons, essential services workers, and workers not required to work from home.
In addition, there are also changes in relation to laundromats, pet shops, hardware and paint stores, plant nurseries, shipping and freight companies, and taxi drivers being allowed to make deliveries, with most of the changes having set policies, including needing written permission.
Minister’s Comments
The Minister of National Security Wayne Caines provided an update on the additional businesses that have been added to the category of “permitted business” to operate during the extended Shelter in Place.
A Government spokesperson said, “This evening the Minister of National Security Wayne Caines provided an update on the additional businesses that have been added to the category of “permitted business” to operate during the extended Shelter in Place.
Amendments Come Into Force On Monday, 20th April
“These amendments come into force on Monday, 20th April 2020. These businesses have significant restrictions placed on them to ensure that they follow the social distancing guidelines.
“They include:
- Roadside sales by a licensed fisherman;
- Roadside sales by a registered commercial farmer;
- Laundromats under certain restrictions;
- Pet shops;
- Hardware stores [including paint stores];
- Plant nurseries; and
- Shipping and freight company including couriers.
Changes To The Alphabet System Policy
“As it relates to grocery stores and gas stations, Minister Caines advised that changes to the alphabet system policy have been made. Instead of two segments it has been expanded to three segments.
“Visits to a grocery store or gas station are as follows:
- Mondays and Thursdays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters A to F only;
- Tuesdays and Fridays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters G to Q only;
- Wednesdays and Saturdays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters R to Z only;
- Sundays are reserved for:
- [i] persons aged 55 years and over;
- [ii] disabled persons; and
- [iii] essential services workers and workers not required to work from home.
*These individuals can also shop on their relevant day and on Sundays.
“Additionally, pest control operators, are permitted to attend calls to required businesses. These visits are subject to the supervision of the Chief Environmental Health Officer.
“Also, those engaged in the wholesale distribution to grocery stores of alcohol and tobacco products can re-stock these businesses. Further amendments will be shared in due course.
“Other Shelter in Place updated regulations are as follows:
“Laundromats can only operate with the written permission of the Minister of National Security, and must meet the following conditions:
- [a] opening hours of 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday only;
- [b] only one customer is allowed in the laundromat at any one time, and by appointment only;
- [c] a wash and fold service may be provided, as long as customers do not enter the premises during the drop-off or collection of their laundry.
Pet Shops:
“Pet shops can only operate with the written permission of the Minister of National Security, and must meet the following conditions:
“Operate between the hours of 9am to 5pm on Monday to Wednesday only, with:
- [a] Mondays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters A to F only;
- [b] Tuesdays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters G to Q only;
- [c] Wednesdays are for persons whose surnames begin with the letters R to Z only.
Hardware Stores:
“Hardware stores can operate with the written permission of the Minister of National Security under the following conditions:
- [a] customers should not enter the store but can have curbside pick-ups only;
- [b] collection of pre-paid goods is permitted from 9am to 5pm Monday to Wednesday only as follows:
- Mondays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters A to F only;
- Tuesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters G to Q only;
- Wednesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters R to Z only.
Plant Nurseries
“Plant Nurseries can operate with the written permission of the Minister of National Security under the following conditions:
- [a] customers should not enter the nursery;
- [b] collection of pre-paid goods permitted from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Wednesday only, as follows:
- Mondays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters A to F only;
- Tuesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters G to Q only;
- Wednesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters R to Z only.
Shipping and Freight Companies
“Shipping and freight companies can only operate with the written permission of the Minister of National Security:
- Customers should not enter the premises;
- Collection of goods allowed from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Wednesday only:
- Mondays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters A to F only;
- Tuesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters G to Q only;
- Wednesdays - Persons whose surnames begin with the letters R to Z only.
“Deliveries are allowed by persons who have the written permission of the Minister of National Security. This includes taxi drivers.
“All delivery operators must adhere to the following guidelines:
- They should not enter a customer’s home.
- They must leave the goods outside the customer’s door; and call to let the customer know the delivery has been made.
- They must wear the appropriate protective equipment and follow the hand sanitizing guidance from the Ministry of Health.
“Again, these amendments take effect Monday, 20th April 2020.”
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One has to wonder who thinks this stuff up? It appears that they don’t do any of their own home maintenance.
Who goes into a place like Masters or Gorhams & knows exactly what they want? If you do how often is it out of stock & you have to look around & decide on an alternate product.
Since when do these store have all of their products displayed online like Lowes or Home Depot?
Who goes into Gorhams etc. for a social visit? Most go in the store, get what they want & get out of the store. This is not wandering a shopping mall. There is minimal contact with anyone else.
Somebody needs to go back to the drawing board.
I immediately thought the same thing . Say someone needs a supply of new door hinges for example and they have the old ones in their hand and need to match them up with replacements. Or paint that they don’t have a batch number on and need it matched in store ? How on earth are they going to call that in in advance ? It can’t be done . And people that can only pay in cash ?
Gorham’s , as an example , is far larger than any of the grocery stores and they’re letting in 40 or so at a time .
I think you are both missing the point. The easing of restrictions is to help those people that NEED something, not want to shop. It’s not meant for someone who just wants to change the hinges on a door because they feel like it. Those things can wait til after. Cant they? Sometimes the government and the police have to protect people from themselves.
The entire point of this change was because the minister recognized the fact that people stuck at home could be utilizing that time to do work on their homes regardless of whether they be necessary repairs or simply improvements so there was no distinguishing between ‘needs’ or ‘wants’.
Neither of us missed anything .
My original point still stands as to the effectiveness of call in orders versus limited numbers of customers being allowed inside to shop .
And btw , those hinges could be broken and from the main door !
I agree. If we can have 20 people in a grocery store why can’t we do the same in a hardware store. One family member at a time, 15 minute limit, get in and get out. Some of us need items for repair and maintenance and need to measure, count and view what’s on offer. Our hardware stores don’t have functioning online ordering so we have to do it in person. Please let us get what we need. It’ll also help with the extended lockdown – less idle hands would be a positive move.
Has anyone in government worked out how many people have surnames beginning with each letter, as to ensure one part of the alphabet doesn’t our way the rest. Let’s say for example if two thirds of the population are in the A-F range, it doesn’t make sense to conduct this exercise, as the grocery store will have long lines.
A weighting system based on population surnames needs to be taken into account.
Exactly or stop it all together… restricting access to something will make people desire it.. Which is why people are going on every allowed visit.
I assume that’s the intent……….a-f = 6 letter, g-q = 11 letters and r-z = 9 letters
Elementary thinking Lol.People could be going to the grocery store just to get out of the house too. It nice to our on the quiet street’s
This is the PLP. Masters of ill thought out legislation. You one they haven’t done a household analysis based on surname.
You UBPers aka oba are a bunch of jokers. Did you find a leader yet or is JetGate going to lead you down the runway again LOLOL
Everyone of us need to be thankful for our island Premier. I honestly can’t think of any other leader as organized with wisdom in power. Some jokers in power still dont realize it’s a Pandemic. Can you imagine if we gathered Easter Sunday lololol
Sandgrown. I am no can of the PLP but take an fn break here. It’s easy to play backseat driver and be a Monday morning quarterback. There is no manual on how to do any of this. I feel that Burt is doing a good job considering he has no manual to follow. No not every room is going to be perfect which is why they have adjusted The grocery store set up. Tbis not the time for bitching.
I think they could of allowed at least 2 people in at a time at the laundromats
One person in a laundromat at a time is pointless for the operator to open.
Somerset fans should goto the store: Mon.,Wed.,Fri.
St. Georges fans should goto the store: Tue.,Thurs.,Sat.
(Joking, hopefully that brings a smile to someone.)
Temporally increase domestic violence punishments during shelter in place.
That’s not gonna work Somerset fans will never get any groceries, we will all be stood in line every shopping day
Any mention when western union open many people have family abroad they have to help.
Wait a minute – isn’t there a curfew from 7pm until 7am? So unless there is an automatic door, the shop would need to close earlier so the employee can be home on time.
I think that our Government, security and health authorities, freight and distribution organizations and pharmacy and grocery stores have done an admirable job and have my gratitude. However the latest mandated move to three segmented shopping days per week, according to surnames, is a well-intended mistake. Please remove the surname restrictions and free-up the shopping days and thereby remove the sense of rationing which encourages panic buying.
Who are the taxi drivers delivering for?
All other opertions require the alhabet system besides the laundry mat?
Animals are not scheduled for appointments but an appointment is required for essential workers (front line workers), that require sanitized clean uniforms for work daily, like security officers, trash workers, doctors, nurses etc. that have shift work?
Essential services is not allowed an alhabet system for washing cloths when most laundry mats have sufficient capacity to allow up to 6 person?
Plant Nurseries????