Minister Cox: International Women’s Forum

October 13, 2010

Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox is currently joining 70 female leaders from the global private and public sector for the International Women’s Forum (IWF), in Montréal, Canada.

Typically, this world leadership conference draws in women from heads of state, corporations and enterprise, as well as members of the diplomatic community, including women policy-makers and decision-takers. This year’s conference has attracted 800 – 1,000 attendees for a global dialogue that will focus on Water, Wealth & Power for the Eco-Century.

Minister Cox said today, “Montreal, the world’s third-largest French-speaking city, has long punched above its weight when it comes to global vision and influence. This three to four day meeting provides attendees an inside look at the state of the world’s political, economic and religious climates. From the informative plenary sessions to the intimate breakout rooms, the conference brings together the masters of business, invention, creativity, science & technology, and artistic expression for a rare insight at a global level.”

Minister Cox continued, “This week, IWF members will come together, exchange ideas, and share insights with other leaders whose decisions move industries, shape economies, and define government policies. The theme this year is Water, Wealth & Power for the Eco-Century. And through a series of discussions and intense dialogue, the focus will be on the basic resource of water, and how as an essential element of the biosphere and the social sphere, it is at the center of how enterprises, economies, societies and nations will be built in an eco-century that is reshaping wealth and power.”

Some of its current prestigious members include; Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, Janet Napolitano, US Secretary of Homeland Security, Madeleine Albright former US Secretary of State, and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister of Home Affairs South Africa.

The conference starts today [Oct 13] and concludes on October 15.

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