Uighurs Find New Jobs in Private Sector
This afternoon it was announced that the four Uighur men recently laid off from the Port Royal Golf Course had secured employment in the private sector, with the specific company not stated.
The four men were released from the offshore US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and resettled in Bermuda in July 2009. They were granted employment at the Government owned golf course soon after their arrival, positions which they recently lost.
The full statement follows below:
Dr. the Hon. Ewart F. Brown; J.P., M.P., Premier of Bermuda and Senator the Hon. Lt. Col David Burch Minister of Labour, Home Affairs & Housing today announced that the four Uighur men recently laid off from the Port Royal Golf Course had secured employment in the private sector.
The Premier said, “Unlike the Daily, the official Opposition and many others who have no regard for the facts – the Government of Bermuda has been diligently working to address the redundancy of the Uighurs since they received notice of their termination. Rather than engage in a futile exercise in the media, success has been achieved and we are pleased to announce that the Uighurs have secured employment in the private sector. Since the employment IS in the private sector we shall not release the name of the employer.”
Minister Burch added, “Today’s editorial in the RG where Government is accused of being unnecessarily and prematurely harsh is to be treated with the contempt it so richly deserves. These gentlemen have 17 days of guaranteed employment left on their current contract. We have been aware of their circumstances long before it made it into the public domain and unlike the Daily we are in regular contact with them. The RG, in its insatiable desire to discredit this Government, speaks of the situation as being “shameful” while in typical fashion has produced no evidence to support these malicious claims. What is shameful is the Gazette’s obsession with the Premier and his Government. Neither the Uighurs nor the people of Bermuda are fooled by their tiresome antics.”
In July 2009, the four men were released from the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba in and resettled in Bermuda and were employed at the Government owned golf course soon after their arrival.
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Articles that link to this one:
- Uighurs Job Loss: “Can’t Afford To Keep Them” | Bernews.com | October 14, 2010
Hmmm… people who shouldn’t even be here in the first place get jobs A.S.A.P. but what about all the Bermudians unemployed? BOOOO!
Now this is nonsense. They found them jobs before their contracts even ended. Yet we can’t even help our own graduates get jobs in the private sector.
They should even be here. Bermuda is not some haven for refugees. Wyclef can come here though.
Check your ancestery. Someone way back had to be a foreigner and come here to work , if not you wouldn’t be bermudian !!!!
I have a lot of foreigners in my ancestry. They came here legally and added value to the island. There problem in this situation is specific.
Qualified Bermudians of all races are being refused jobs when jobs are available.
These four men found jobs immediately with no legal right to our job market.
We all deserve the government we voted in…
As for the Uighurs, let em be. Doc and Paula & the would be General placed them
in the unfortunate fishbowl that they find themselves in..
And here we go again, in 3…2…1…
Must have had their work permits fast tracked…
Once again, a tirade of ill informed (reader) comments and abuse has reverberated around this web site and others while Government clearly went about doing the responsible thing of working to address the redundancy issue. If those who observe and comment on the issues of the day were less quick to respond and acquire the full facts before typing invective comments, then we’d all be in a more responsible place. My one additional wish would be that Government continue to use its’ best efforts to do what it can to assist in securing employment for other unemployed Bermudians who seek work and who are qualified to fill positions.
Ill informed readers?
Bermudians and the Government are constantly railing against foreigners and employers who hire expats due to teh fact that thousands of Bermudians are out of jobs.
Despite this fact these four foreign individuals who are to be made redundant in 17 days have already secured a job once their current employment is terminated.
Tell all the Bermudians who have been redundant and have remained redundant due to the scarce job market that they are ill informed.
Besides why are these foreigners immune to such criticism? Is it because they are Dr. Brown’s mates?
So how about those Bermudians who are left at Port Royal who have had their hours drastically cut and can’t find quick employment like the Uighur men. Will you be giving them jobs to??
“My one additional wish would be that Government continue to use its’ best efforts to do what it can to assist in securing employment for other unemployed Bermudians…” as if these are Bermudians in the first place…You say other, as if they have gone through the proper procedures to claim their citizenship!!!
These Uighurs make a better salary than a qualified and educated Bermudian (myself)and yet I’ve been hunting for better job prospects and still nothing has been afforded to me as quick as these foreign nationals!!!!
What gives?!
We all know who the Co can be its either Corriea Construction or Island Construction.
Dont take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
What aboutb all the other Bermudians out of work?? thought that they had to get Emigration permission as all expats do!!
What a load of you know what
Do you think the job was advertised and it was deemed that no Bermudians were properly equipped for the position?
You know the process that Col. Burch is always maitianing that certain employers always flout and will be duly punished when uncovered?
I hope so Colonel. Would hate to think of you as not being a “man of your word” as you have always told the public that you were…
Regardless “Employer” this is ridiculous and for these men to be able to come here and get jobs so quickly what does that really say to us as Bermudians especially for those that can not find jobs.
Bermuda is becoming a big joke all I hear these days is that Bermuda is going downhill.
To my Bermudians all I can say is pay attention!!!!!
I am trying to understand why they are getting such special attention from the Goverment! Am I missing something?!?
Because the government screwed up and is throwing one bandage on top of another one.
This is how they work so they don’t have to say,”We screwed up”
SMH!!!! This cannont be suga coated…no matter which way you look at it. Just like Lou Lou said below, his or her dad been jobless for 6 months. How is it these men have jobs lined up for them before there contracts have expired???
Tell me what’s REALLY going on!!!!
what do you mean ‘OTHER unemployed Bermudians’? The Quighars aren’t Bermudians, yet they’ve somehow been fast tracked into a job in the private sector? What are they now, chefs at Hamilton Princess?? I’m a born Bermudian who went away to the UK, got some IT qualifications, and spent the past year at the college studying management. It took me a year after returning to Bermuda to get a job, after countless applications.
Cut the F##KING B#LLSH#T.
Like for real Bermudians need JOBS too! My dad has been looking for employment for ahhh the last six months. They get laid off 1 day and have a job the next WOW…ONLY IN BERMUDA…
And based on that Lou Lou, something just doesn’t add up. How can your dad (assuming he is Bermudian) can be jobless for so long….but these ‘gentlemen’ have been GIVEN jobs so quickly?!?
@ Bri it is possible just take a visit to any Human Resource Department and view the stacks of applications. many companies have downsized. you know for a fact that people being jobless exists worldwide..
My son has graduated from school.. he has been out every week for close to a year seeking employment but to no avail..surely you are not living in a bubble that you don’t see the problem here..if you are residdeing in a bubble I hope that bubble is able to sustain and be able to float you right into retirement..you are fortunate if you are employed others are not as quite fortunate as you and that’s not from lack of trying…
Understood…surely! No bubble here! I was just trying to piece the two together. I was one of those people myself. I did the bold thing and left a job without another one lined up. Took me a while after applying to 7 different places with all of ONE response back to say ‘thanks but no thanks’. Good luck to your son! It’s tough!
Yeah, right. Uninformed, Employer? Really? My highly-educated and highly qualified husband can’t get a job here doing even a menial job well below his PhD qualifications, and we don’t do our research??? Seriously?? He has applied for more local jobs with both Government and foreign companies, most don’t even bother to call him back to at least give him the courtesy of a ‘thanks, but no’ type of call, and you have the audacity to say that we aren’t informed as to the facts???? The FACTS are my unemployed, foreign-born husband- I am Bermudian- cannot get a job and these four can because of why????? And don’t anyone dare say he’s not qualified. It’s an issue of skin colour and little more. He is honest, hard working, and intelligent. And unemployed. How an employer will take a chance on a non-native English speaking foreigner, and not give my bi-lingual, native English speaking spouse of a BERMUDIAN the time of day is simply wicked and beyond my comprehension.
Because the employer has probably been promised another contract(construction my guess) from the government if they hire these four..as if Bermuda won’t find out who the employer is in about 3 weeks….but then the Premier will be long gone on another world trip by then.
Why is most of the statement about the RG and not about the topic of discussion. The RG reported. Maybe biased, but they reported. Bernews and probably Bermuda Sun did the same thing, so what….
Regardless, the point is that these poor guys were just seeking freedom. Now the fact that they got jobs immediately is very annoying because there are that many people unemployed in Bermuda. But at the same time, Ewart brought them here, so he ahd better take care of them. Now the government needs to stop taking shots at the RG and fix their/our own problems.
He should be taking of everyone. Again, why are these four getting such special treatment.
The only reason the RG reported the speculation that they did is because once again Dr. Brown and Col. Burch refused to give a statement to the media when asked.
This undemocratic silent treatment that these individuals give the the media inevitably breeds mistrust and conspiracy theories. They made their own bed in this case.
And the other reason to blame the RG and Opposition is to try and deflect from the main issue is that these guys have GUARANTEED jobs and income despite still not having lost their original job. No one else in BDA has that type of job security.
It’s an old tactic called…smoke and mirrors
It’s all spin and yah all falling for it.
How the hell can you be made “redundany” and “termination”.
Words like that and of that refer to people with legitimate domicile and paperwork.
These Uighurs are being used once again.
And once again Dr. Ewart Brown has palnned like he did BEFORE and with knowledge of circumstances blames the “dailey”/daley”.
This man has taken things to another level because he knows he can get away with it. FOIA/PATI means nothing too him.
The only Gombey House that I really know are the occupants of this island that fail and have to see that it leads to a dead end.
Suffer the children. They sure as well will………………………….
BOOOO is right, when will Bermudians stick up for themselves. So many people from here without employment for months now and absolutely no help for them from Labor and Training, Human Rights! Maybe if the government took care of it’s own people first then they wouldn’t be in the financial state they are!
@ Not…Government does. Thats why it is so inflated. Everyone works for the government..looks at the stats……………………and most are….
Damn right Bermudians need to stand up and start doing something because I find this very distrubing.
Bull! How in the hell did they get jobs already? Omg this is crazy.
Define Bermudian. Yoo look like me?
this is straight up b#llshit
Does anyone in la-la land really believe that during the course of the top secret negotiations that took place before the Uighers arrived here that the US NEVER said to Brown and Burch ‘We’ve made huge cash settlements with other locations that amount to millions per detainee’ and Brown turned it down ?
There only could have been 3 reasons for this whole exercise.
1) To poke a big stick in the UK’s eye .
2) A secret back hander for Brown (That we’ll never know about and will be denied until eternity)
3) To piss off all inteligent thinking people on this island.
When the people in no. 3 start bitchin’ they simply galvanise the PLP support base even more.
Pass more cool aid please …… I could really use some .
And the poor Uighers haven’t got a clue about any of this…..
Completely and 100% AGREE!!!
Hit the nail on the head!! Hopefully Ewart gets his day….good for nothin I tell you!!
Ok, I’m in total agreeance when it comes to the fact that this is disturbing, especially when there are many Bermudians/spouses of Bermudians, (whatever you want to call it) that are unemployed. But why are you blaming the Uighurs???? They didn’t ask to be brought here, they have nowhere else to go for now, no family to go home to, etc. Stop blaming them! And blame the man who brought them here. They just want what we all want, FREEDOM. Its so unfair to treat them like they don’t belong here. They are here now, so get over it. How would you all feel if you went to the US to work, or the UK and they treated you like you didn’t belong?! Its just wrong, and those men (whether they are receiving special treatment or not) don’t deserve the disrespect. Honestly, you can’t look within yourself and say that’s right. Stop bashing THEM, they didn’t ask to be brought here, seriously. Focus your comments on the real issue and the real people who are at fault.
Noone is blaming them on this page. Pretty much everyone is upset at employers and the government/soon to be ex-Premier.
Oh please. They have a home and they have family that they both left on their own accord and now it’s OUR problem?
I so agree with you. These Uighurs left their home, wives (if they have any), children (if they have any) and jobs to pursue what they thought was important and yes, we now have them as our problem. They could have stayed where they lived!!!!!! It’s unbelieveable how this has developed…just when I think it can’t get any crazier!!!! I feel for all Bermudians who have been seeking jobs and can’t find one…this is a slap in all of our faces!!!
They did not just leave their home because they wanted a better life. They had to leave because their lives were in danger. The land of Uygurs – East Turkistan has been occupied by China in 1949 just one year before Tibet was occupied. Since then Chinese government has been millions of Chinese people to assimilate and dismiss the culture and life style of Uyghurs. And now Uyghurs have become the 2 class people in their homeland. Before the Chinese occupation, Uyghurs have had several independant countries, Kingdoms and Impires. Because of the geological sitution of Uyghurs in the middle of Silk Road, Uyghurs have assimilated (and been assimilated by) all kind of people from different races and tribes. That is why Uyghurs look very different from eachother. Becuase of the political and cultural oppresion Uyghurs are fleeng their homeland. It is not easy for them (especially when you only speak Uyghur) to leave their home, family, friends knowing that probably they never see them. I myself have experienced it. We(myself a refugee living in Europe) did not leave our homes to “steal jobs” in Bermuda and other countries or destroy the culture of those countries but we left like the ancesters of everyone in the world for our freedom not even for a better economical situation. Uyghurs are even fleeing to poor countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan etc although we are living in the wealthies country of the world socalled China. The acceptance of 4 Uyghurs( probably their ancesters were not even Uygurs) has brought hope and support for the Uyghurs have been struggling to save their lives at home in Occupied East Turkistan. Bermudian government accepted these 4 Uyghurs because they acknowleded that they face excution if they sent back to China. No country even in Europe dare to accped them because they have strong trade tie with Chinese Regime. Bermuda accepted. One of the 3 coutries(together with Albania, Palau and Switzerland who accpeted another 12 Uyghurs) in the world who could stand agaisnt the will of China and gave protection to these Uyghurs. We do not have to be as cruel as the Chinese Regeme. We can show some humanity and create a better world and a history. We do not have to put the money at the first place all the time. Money does not always have to come before human dignigty, human rights, passion and love. I suggest the Bermudians first check some info about the situation of the people(in this case people who are named Uyghur in the future probably they or their children will be called Bermudians like you all here) before they come to a quick conclusion. These 4 must have been already under a great pressure since all Bermudians(the world) have been watching them 24 hours a day since their arrival.
We don’t act like this here, thank goodness!! Seems like both sides in the China/Uighur conflict have done things that are not acceptable in the Western World.
Taken from chinadigitaltimes.net
Police arrested a Uighur suspect who drove the motorized three-wheel vehicle into a group of police and paramilitary guards at a highway intersection in Yiganqi township near the city of Aksu, according to a report from a local news conference carried on the People’s Daily website.
It was the first such attack in China since 2008.
In separate incidents during the Olympic Games in Beijing, Uighur attackers killed police at a border checkpoint near Pakistan and rammed a truck into a group of paramilitary police in the southern Xinjiang city of Kashgar.
The arrests on Thursday of three men in Norway and Germany accused of orchestrating a terrorist bomb plot seemed like another routine raid by a Western government in the continuing campaign against groups linked to Al Qaeda. But one detail stuck out: Norwegian officials said one of the men was a Chinese Uighur, and all three supposedly belonged to a group that advocates separatism in western China.
If the Norwegian officials are right, the bomb plot was a rare instance in which the group, the Turkestan Islamic Party, had tried to carry out an attack in the West that was unrelated to its goal of gaining independence for the restive region of Xinjiang, in China’s hinterlands.
Terrorism experts say the plot in Norway indicates that Al Qaeda and the few members of the Turkestan Islamic Party, or TIP, who trained in the tribal areas of Pakistan see some mutual benefit in cooperating. The use of relatively obscure ethnic Uighur recruits could allow Al Qaeda to penetrate more deeply into the West.
Since July 2009, when rampaging Uighur mobs set upon Han Chinese with iron bars and bricks
China’s major English papers, the China Daily and the Global Times, both have front page stories on the anniversary. The stories contain a basic overview of the riots and ensuing communications blackout juxtaposed with the stories of Han orphans whose parents were killed by Uyghur rioters.
they didnt’ leave on thier own accord…they were imprisoned and sent here because if they do go home they will be killed….I don’t blame them for this at all its that soon to be ex-Premier….made a big mess and is leaving it here for us to clean up….he will get his…God does NOT sleep!!
Maybe they should make better choices in life! Then they won’t have to worry about being executed!! So when E. Brown is gone you can blame all your short comings in life on the next leader!
This post is hilarious off. No-one is blaming the Quighars. We are pissed at the fact that unemployed Bermudians are being bypassed by the GOVERNMENT in favor of smuggled Guantanomo Bay refugees. Clearly, and obviously, the anger is being directly towards the Government, specifically the Premier.
Lord have mercy….
“dont-blame…………..Los/las Vegas…. Florida Keys…..Hustle truck…..
“They did’nt aske to be brought here”….Bwhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ask Ewart….HE DID………………………………………….
OMG….OMG I have been looking for work for well over a year,,, I was BORN and RAISED here, Please….oooo Please tell me why I can’t get a job????? this is not right, no its not right.
Here, here. When my family- and all other Bermudian families are working in their chosen professions, then I’d be less heated up about this whole thing. I’m so disappointed that we haven’t looked after our own FIRST. Charity begins at home. If so many of us weren’t hurting financially speaking, then there would be a lot less venom out there. I’m with you, OMG. So…what do we do about it? Elections are coming, at some point. We need an honest leader, whose sole focus is uniting us instead of dividing us. I don’t blame the Uigurs. I do blame those ‘in charge’.
Instead of being jealous of the Uighurs, why don’t you guys spend your time to find a job? Job is something that you find yourselves, nobody gives you a job if you wait in front of your computer with a can of coca-cola good luck with your job hunting. God bless Bermudians!!!
Stfu and keep it moving. Jealous of those four? LMAO!!
“nobody gives you a job”
Unless you are a suspected terrorist Uighur. Moron.
@ Jobhunter I hope that you are gainfully employed in a secure job that will take you through to your retirement if you are so blessed than praise the Lord for that!!!! many have been searching for months filling out applications but to no avail..just a quick visit to any human resource department to view the stacks of applications can attest to this!!! Don’t be so quick to put others down as I would hate to see a “Uigher” get your job because they are willing to take a pay cut…
@ Jobhunter
You can’t hire yourself at these companies.
No amount of job hunting is going to create jobs where there are none.
“nobody gives you a job”
Apparently they do. Just ask the Uighurs
I have applied for so many jobs, and I don’t expect anyone to find me and just give me a job, I am doing my part. What hurts is the fact that these men, who can’t even speak proper English(so we know that they aren’t sending out resume’s and can’t even vote) have elected official (by the way I voted for them) finding them job. What about us Mr. Minister who we elected? What about us
As mentioned on another site..I have just finished making my son’s “I am a “Uighur” and I need a job” placard..hopefully within minutes of someone reading this he will become gainfully employed…he has been looking for months and no luck…..I just have one question as food for thought..If this company that has hired them is on the up and up and feel that there is no shame to their game why the shroud of secrecy over who they are? Is it because you all know that you are going to get blasted by the public for pulling a stunt like this ..If you have magically created these positions did you place an ad in the paper because I haven’t seen it..oh no I wouldn’t have seen an ad since no one knows who are are…and I am sure that at some point and time a Bermudian has appeared on your doorstep seeking employment and you have turned them away..shame on you….I just hope that you are not a business or establishment that depends on the public for survival because you most definetly will see a decline in your customer base after this….Shame…..
I feel sorry for people who don’t have jobs :/ but realistically, they are probably doing jobs that none of you or any other bermudian would do anyway, and somebodys gotta do it! Its not like they’re doing a job they had to go to college for. There is no demand for many of the positions that most of you require…hate to say it but its true.
Oh enough. Same ol same ol.
It’s “same ol same ol” because it’s true.
I hope they weren’t hired as Airport Security. After all, Ewart Brown is the Minister in charge of that area.
I was on a work permit for several years. Every job I held was advertised every year and not one Bermudian applied for any of the jobs I had. Why…… because it’s a job that most Bermudians don’t want to do. Have any of you ever thought that the jobs being offered to these men are ones that Bermudian don’t want just like mine.
All these assumptions based on nothing. Their last jobs paid 51,000 a year. Let’s see if they were given a pay decrease.
Quote from http://www.uyghurcongress.org/en/?p=4406 from Khalil Mamut:
“Tops on his “to do” list is finding a wife.
“Want to help me?” he smiled as he spoke about his first year in paradise. “I have the intention to make a family here, if I find a girl.”
He has even dabbled in online dating and checked out marriage.com.”
Khalil Mamut is not married. He has every right to find a woman or a man if he wants, there is nothing wrong. Those people are ready accept jobs that others may not want… I don’t understand why people are over reacting about their new job.
That’s because you probably aren’t a Bermudian who is in their own country unemployed…
Well you probably could fine refuge in the UK or US if you were in danger.
You can’t be angry at them, be angry at the government.
I think that’s exactly who everyone is made at…not the Uighurs…
I was born here in Bermuda; was raised here; went to school here; worked in the insurance sector for more than twenty years and was made redundant more than a year and a half ago. I have applied for every type of job imaginable without success.
In my next life, I’m returning as a Uigher!
Let’s say the new jobs they’re about to start are the same as their Port Royal positions…
… would you work as a grounds keeper?
In a heartbeat Adrian………trust me!
They did not just leave their home because they wanted a better life. They had to leave because their lives were in danger. The land of Uygurs – East Turkistan has been occupied by China in 1949 just one year before Tibet was occupied. Since then Chinese government has been millions of Chinese people to assimilate and dismiss the culture and life style of Uyghurs. And now Uyghurs have become the 2 class people in their homeland. Before the Chinese occupation, Uyghurs have had several independant countries, Kingdoms and Impires. Because of the geological sitution of Uyghurs in the middle of Silk Road, Uyghurs have assimilated (and been assimilated by) all kind of people from different races and tribes. That is why Uyghurs look very different from eachother. Becuase of the political and cultural oppresion Uyghurs are fleeng their homeland. It is not easy for them (especially when you only speak Uyghur) to leave their home, family, friends knowing that probably they never see them. I myself have experienced it. We(myself a refugee living in Europe) did not leave our homes to “steal jobs” in Bermuda and other countries or destroy the culture of those countries but we left like the ancesters of everyone in the world for our freedom not even for a better economical situation. Uyghurs are even fleeing to poor countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan etc although we are living in the wealthies country of the world socalled China. The acceptance of 4 Uyghurs( probably their ancesters were not even Uygurs) has brought hope and support for the Uyghurs have been struggling to save their lives at home in Occupied East Turkistan. Bermudian government accepted these 4 Uyghurs because they acknowleded that they face excution if they sent back to China. No country even in Europe dare to accped them because they have strong trade tie with Chinese Regime. Bermuda accepted. One of the 3 coutries(together with Albania, Palau and Switzerland who accpeted another 12 Uyghurs) in the world who could stand agaisnt the will of China and gave protection to these Uyghurs. We do not have to be as cruel as the Chinese Regeme. We can show some humanity and create a better world and a history. We do not have to put the money at the first place all the time. Money does not always have to come before human dignigty, human rights, passion and love. I suggest the Bermudians first check some info about the situation of the people(in this case people who are named Uyghur in the future probably they or their children will be called Bermudians like you all here) before they come to a quick conclusion. These 4 must have been already under a great pressure since all Bermudians(the world) have been watching them 24 hours a day since their arrival.
No one cares about their background and why they are here…
People are complaining about how in this small island of ours 4 foreigners find a job even before being made redundant from their current job!!
I know of several Bermudians that have been laid off and still can’t find a job nearly 12 months on since being laid off.
And if you actually knew anything of the situation you would know that it wasn’t the Bermudian Government who agreed to bring them here. It was a one man decision, the Premier.
So yes their oppression is heartbreaking, but so is the fact that there are previously hardworking Bermudians who lost their jobs due to the crisis and are still struggling to make ends meet.
These comments aren’t against the Uighurs. They are against underhanded practices that adversely affect all Bermudians.
I am so ashamed and embarased by these comments. You people make me sick!!! As Bermuda has granted Asylum to these individuals, Bermuda has a duty to look after their well-being. Look it UPPPPP!!!! If the men are willing to work for a wage then so be it. Would you ignorant people rather they were just given handouts from the Government. It is unfortunate that so many Bermudians are out of work, but these men can either be getting handouts from the Goverment or gain income through Hard Work. Either way you people will complain. Their damned if they do damned if they don’t!! The prejudcie nature of theses posts is sickening, and we wonder why there is soo much rascism on this island today. You people need to travel and read abit more. Every country takes in asylum seekers, it is the humane thing to do and it isn’t the first time that Bermuda has done it. and LINDA you need to read a book, or maybe listen to a news article; Uighurs in China have been detained and executed for years based on their religious beliefs, and are generally treated as second class citizens. they are not allowed to speak their language and face discrimination because of there cultural differences. Uighur men are discriminated against even more so as they are looked at as a bigger threat than women.
These men fled persecution in their own country, and did so to protect their families. The were found innocent by the US Government, and were not sent back home because of the risk of persectuion. Know the Facts!!! Grow a HEART Bermuda!!
“As Bermuda has granted Asylum to these individuals”
Dr. Brown did, not Bermuda…
I appreciate your compassion. Please realise that your post has next to no validity at all. It would have been useful if you had gotten your facts straight, and had read our posts more closeful before making your irrelevant statements.
1. These men were not found by the US in their country. They were found outside of their country having abandoned their wives and children prior.
2. The Government did not grant them asylum. There was no vote. One man made a decision without proper authority. The British Government has not authorised them to leave so they are now trapped here.
3. No one is denying the fact that they have been through horrible times and that is not relevant to this issue here.
4. 51,000 is not a bad wage in Bermuda for the work that they were doing. Many Bermudians looking for work would have accepted that wage that position.
5. The Government has very quickly found these men jobs, bypassed/not addressed immigration laws, and had been unable to find jobs for it’s own people.
6. Bermudians are some of the most travelled people. Most of us have recent foreign ancestry, we don’t need to ‘travel more’. I have also worked directly with refugees; including those they have suffered from genocide. Again, not relevant to this particular issue.
7. Your use of the words ‘You people’ is both aggresive and offensive.
A heart I do have…for sure!! But how can you not recognize the special treatment being given to these men. That’s the part I can’t swallow.
Nice one, you saved me from typing something simliar!
Forget their plight, concentrate on Bermudian government officials having to field questions about the now-unemployed refugees-that-never-should-have-been-here.
Come on people, pull the statemment apart!
Having a go at the RG – They don’t always get the facts because you don’t supply them, either voluntarily or when asked.
“the Government of Bermuda has been diligently working to address the redundancy of the Uighurs” – Ignoring the terrible grammar, someone should ask them what they did to secure the new employment and why the same tactics aren’t being used for all the other unemployed people on the island.
“Rather than engage in a futile exercise in the media” – It’s only futile in the government’s eyes. If you are ever right about something, you should be able to explain your actions.
“Since the employment IS in the private sector we shall not release the name of the employer.” – If no wrong has been done, why NOT release the name so we can all congratulate the company for being so great in taking on these men.
Where to begin with Burch’s comments! The RG get this treatment because they dared to have a voice.
Any paper/news site/journalist worth their salt should question the government.
If anyones cares about this, send a comment into the RG. Send a letter to your local MP. Kick up a stink. Ask Brown or Burch if you see them out and about.
I appreciate your compassion. Please realise that your post has next to no validity at all. It would have been useful if you had gotten your facts straight, and had read our posts more closeful before making your irrelevant statements.
1. These men were not found by the US in their country. They were found outside of their country having abandoned their wives and children prior.
2. The Government did not grant them asylum. There was no vote. One man made a decision without proper authority. The British Government has not authorised them to leave so they are now trapped here.
3. No one is denying the fact that they have been through horrible times and that is not relevant to this issue here.
4. 51,000 is not a bad wage in Bermuda for the work that they were doing. Many Bermudians looking for work would have accepted that wage that position.
5. The Government has very quickly found these men jobs, bypassed/not addressed immigration laws, and had been unable to find jobs for it’s own people.
6. Bermudians are some of the most travelled people. Most of us have recent foreign ancestry, we don’t need to ‘travel more’. I have also worked directly with refugees; including those they have suffered from genocide. Again, not relevant to this particular issue.
7. Your use of the words ‘You people’ is both aggresive and offensive.
* and it isn’t the first time that Bermuda has done it *
Two completely different sets of circumstances. The Vietnamese ‘boat people ‘ ended up here all completely above the board with the assistance of the UK gov’t and OPEN actions of the then UBP gov’t . It all started when their BERMUDA REGISTERED ship sank …. remember ? ? ?
And can the ‘racism’ remarks .. not even remotely close , dissappointing to you maybe ? ?
After spending a great deal of time researching the history of these people I concluded:
1. They can return to their homeland without fearing for their lives.
2. The American government refused them for political reasons, despite having better employment prospects there.
3. Brown/Burch accepted them for political reasons, despite having limited employment prospects here. (unless B/B assist them)
4. Other countries received large payments to adopt their countrymen. (Bermuda ???)
5. B/B have placed the UK government in an embarrassing position.
6. Unless there is a major change in the UK government position,or Bermuda becomes independant we are stuck with them.
Hi Rockfish#2,
22 Uyghurs including babies were taken back from Cambodja by the Chinese Regime with military airplane when they seeked asylum at UNHCR. China did it under the eyes of the world. And now they are keeping quite when the world is aksing them about the whereabouts of those 22 Uyghurs. YOu can deffinitley find info about it by googling. YOur first conclusion is wrong. The rest of your comments are vrey political. I am not really going to write something about it. they seem quite narrow minded and lack of facts. in another word ( no offence) a bit childish. I hope you do some more research about what you have written there.
What exactly do you know about Bermuda and her people? You are telling us about the suffering of the Uighurs, but have you even tried to find what the cost of living is in Bermuda and why it is necessary to ensure Bermudians are gainfully employed especially during difficult economic times such as these?
You know Bermudians hold mortgages, personal, educational, healthcare loans which keep this economy running. So when they get made redundant through no fault on their own (see latest article in where another 17 jobs are being lost) and can’t find work then what happens to their outstanding debt obligations and financial well being? Nothing positive.
We don’t have an extensive social welfare system nor the funds to support mass unemployment. Every country in the world is facing these same issues with the natives/locals making their voice heard and demanding that the Govts to which they have PAID TAXES to all their working lives ensure they are looked after first.
If you cannot understand that people are upset that a ONE MAN decision is now directly affecting some Bermudian’s lives and well being, then it is you that is narrow minded.
It is terrible the oppression that Uighurs face, but what about the people who have contributed to this society their whole lives and love it like life?
I belive when they arrived in Bermuda, Bermuda was given money towards their stay from the US – but I’m not sure for how long – but from what I recall it was enough for them to last a year – so if they arrived last year – technically their employment at Port Royal Golf Course did not come out of the Public Purse. Which leads me to assume that the money has run out which is basically the reason whey they were let go.
Honestly I am happy that they have found employment – as this will alleviate the complaints about them receiving Financial Assistance (at the expense of the Public Purse). I honestly feel that they have replaced Work Permit Holders and will be doing a job that BERMUDIAN’s do not want to do.
It’s unfortunate that the innocent do suffer for the guilty – and I acknowledge that there are a number of unemployed Bermudians – but the Depart of Labour and Training has been working it’s hardest to place people – people have been placed – and on more than one occasion they (people) show up to work for the first week, get their paycheck, and never return or are not cut out for the job (because it’s too labor intensive) – it’s one of the number one complaints from Employers about Bermudians who work in Trades. There are a few who do what they are suppose to do, but the rest have spoiled it for others.
The Construction Industry has slowed down – so I doubt they will be doing Construction work – however I think they will be doing Landscaping or perhaps Cleaning – but again – not many Bermudians want to do a job like that.
I understand everyones frustration – but it’s wonderful that they are not affecting the public purse (like some Bermudian’s who have been abusing it over the years), will more than likely be working in a position that a Bermudian does not want “because it’s hard work (labor intensive)”, and someone’s business will keep open during this recession.
I bet – once everyone finds out what they will be doing – it’s not a job that majority of the unemployed Bermudians will even consider doing.
Before I loose my job- I’m going to go back to work – and hopefully you all will do the same – now that you’ve had a place to vent.
sorry I don’t have a job to go too…. wish I did and no finacial assistance here either….
Let me clarify that statement – I am not aware of them currently receiving Financial Assistance – but I am assuming that they would have been given that had they been unemployed. And I’m sure if that was the case – All Hell would break loose – so basically the choices would have been make a situation worse because they are unemployed or help them secure a job to ease the tension.
If I see them out…I’m gonna buy them all a nice big ice cream!!!!!Including the ones that brought them here!!!!!!!!!
@ D
I have read the previous posts. Many are laced with wrong facts and hate. The Government has stated that they were aware of the situation for a while, so we do not know how long it took to find them jobs. lets not speculate. My facts about uighurs are indeed true,I have stated nothing that is not. I made no comment about how extensively Bermudians as a whole may trave. Judging by the posts, those who wrote them seem like people who have not experienced living in any country other than Bermuda, due to their intolerant tone.
Must be a Brownite…
I bet you are one of those that are constantly railing against ex-pats, but now since these are Dr. Brown’s friends you have become the most tolerant of individuals…Noticed that alot in the last day and a half
Where’s you compassion for the Bermudians (who did not have a choice of being born here I might add) and who truly want to work, but can’t due to massive redundancies and the state of the economy?
You are just trying to spin all the criticisms into some sort of hate for the 4 gentleman in question. The anger is at the one man decision, which violated the constitution and our deomcratic principles, to bring in these 4 innocent persons.
Then on top of the violation of the constitution they bypass all immigration and employment laws (which they so vigirously tightened as a “protection for Bermudians”)and secure employment for these guys despite the fact that they have over 2 weeks left on this job.
Tell the Bermudians that truly do want to be employed but can’t and are thus struggling with the enormous expense of having to live in BDA to have compassion for these gentelemen who have been on the island for a whopping 14/15 months.
Stop trying to deflect from the main point. If you do go onto one of the propaganda stations and spew your nonsense for all the kool aid drinkers.
I just want a JOB!!!!!
Tired, Plantation hours ..Monday-Friday 11.30am-12.00pm…..4.30pm-5.00pm . All other hours are a non-event.
Judging by the traffic here it seems employers are not getting their monies worth.
As for me? Um a bum…………………….
88 comments so far is pretty good. However, last time Bermudians were really pissed off only a few hundred decided to show up at Cabinet and it was passed off as few frustrated white folks. Perhaps this time we could do it again but with some frustrated black folks too? The only way to take back this island is to stand up to these a-holes who are clearly our to ruin Bermuda.
Seems like people here started to compare their situation with the Uyghurs. Who wants to change their position with those 4 uyghurs?
The Uyghurs have got:
- a job.
The Uyghurs have not got:
- Their family in Berumuda. ( in fact they have not seen their any relatives since 2000 and who knows if they ever can see their family and the place they grow up)
- their friends and social network which they used to have at home
- a passport nor nationality
- travel permit
- equal rights at the job market. ( they are new in Bermuda, to find job you have to have a skill and language. Bermudians deffinitely have got more advantages finding jobs at the free market. If it is difficult to find job for Bermudians how can those 4 find a job without assistance? if they get social benifit, im sure there will be even more Bermudians start to blame them and who brought them over Bermuda.)
Besides Being locked up in Guantanama for 7 years for the crime of escaping the Chinese Regime.
Job market is bad everywhere at this moment. 4 Uyghurs got 4 jobs, not more then that. Do not Bermudians go to other countries and work there?
Your argument stance is ignorning our issues.
“If it is difficult to find job for Bermudians how can those 4 find a job without assistance”
They did not just have assitance, the jobs were found by the government. Clearly you do not know enough about this situation to have an informed opinion.
They left their homes and families well before they ended up in the camp. This has been said numerous times.
They left home becasue of the oppression. Who would go to Afganistan for a better life? especially at that time. Who would like to live under oppressive government? Uyghurs are not only oppressed by the Chinese gov but also by the Chinese people. If an Uyghur has a problem or an argument with a Chinese, Uyghurs get the blame. They are regared as seperatists who are agaisnt the Chinese presence in East Turkistan. If the issues of Bermuda are not caused by the Uyghurs, I do not understand why people should critisize Bermudain gov for bringing those Uyghurs to Bermuda? Probably Bermudian gov also did it for the benefit of Bermuda in the future.
I heard there was not a big problem in Holland for foreiners. They were welcome. Now the economy is going down, bad job market, then some people started to dislike foreiners. Natural reaction probably.
If these four refuse the jobs they were offered by the gov at private sector, how can they find jobs? If they can not find jobs and if they start receiving social benefit, would not you critisize Bermudian gov again as Mayson says?
You clearly are missing the point…
It is my understanding after reading the comments and I read English. Seems like I am missing YOUR point and you r MINE.
@D and Bri,
You are wasting your time,he/she has a severe case of tunnel vision.
I think you are missing the point!
The irony once again folks is the fact that they were given jobs.
They should not have been awared employment in the first instance. Re-read all that has been written since their arrival, whether Government releases or opinions.
The Prison Farm would have been more appropriate until things could/should/have been sorted out.
Ethical? To some degree that benefited some to a degree.
Illegal? You bet your ass.
Arguing about whether they are guilty or shouldn’t be here is pointless. Bermudians should have got off their colective fat butts and marched on Cabinet last year when this happened. Instead a few ‘frustrated whites’ went there. Stupid lazy Bermudians – you get what you deserve. Can’t blame it on ‘Whitey’ this time. If you want change then DO SOMETHING!!!!!