Lawyer Charles Richardson Charged in Court

January 7, 2011

This morning well-known defence lawyer Charles Richardson was faced with charges relating to alleged defamation stemming from remarks alleged to have been made by him in a Facebook status update about a police officer on May 11, 2010.

After hearing arguments by Mr Attridge, who was acting for Mr Richardson, and after hearing the DPP’s argument, Magistrate Archie Warner put the charges to Mr Richardson.

When asked how he plead to the charges, Mr Richardson said nothing at all and maintained a silence. Mr Warner noted that this was highly unusual but not unheard of. Mr Warner said that he would record that when charged, Mr Richardson ‘stood mute’. The case was adjourned for a later hearing.

Mr Richardson received bail.

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Comments (55)

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  1. Call as it is says:

    Charlie should have kept his Facebook WALL open ONLY to his friends!

  2. Jim Bean says:

    When we the standards of the lawyers in bermmuda rise? this guy should not be allowed to practice if he is convicted.

    • Grizz says:

      oh Jim stop being a hater!!!

    • ricky says:

      Be careful what you ask for Jimmy!

      • Peace and Love says:

        @ Jim…blah blah blah….he is one of the best lawyers on the island…as Grizz says stop being a hater!!! Certain folks are just angry that he rose above his circumsatnce and is now successful!!! give me a break!!!!!!

        • Uncle Ruckus says:

          Takes a criminal to know a criminal. Of course he’s the best lawyer! I don’t see how that’s a positive though.

          • areUserious says:

            Well that’s your opinion that you are entitled to just as I am entitled to mine!!! Have a Safe and Blessed weekend!!

          • Missy says:

            He is one less person out there commiting crimes and has a job and not asking for anymore handouts from the government! He took advantage of a bad situation and made it positive. SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER DONE NO WORNG!

        • Cleancut says:

          So was Julian Hall!

        • LOL (original) says:

          Who would those people be?


  3. Truth is killin' me says:

    Charlie should lead by example…Bermuda Bar Council is a JOKE!

  4. Terry says:

    He was charged in court?

    Damn Police….they tasered him. This is not right.

    Commission of enquiry needed here. And if I were in charge…this would be a Warnering to arrybuddy.

  5. Crazy says:

    It seems to me that Police officers are one bunch of sensitive individuals. Lets take that 28 year old female who was arrested for allegedly cursing at police officer. I mean really why are police so easily offended. Maybe they resent their jobs so anytime they have an excuse to arrest someone they jump at the chance.

    Sorry this is a bit off topic but I could not find this story on bernews.

    • ok says:

      Crazy you’re an idiot!! So people should be allowed to curse and carry on and Police should do nothing about it?? It is a law! Police didnt make the Law! If that chick would have spit in my face she would have got more than pepper spray.

  6. US Observer says:

    Bottom line…I always thought and have been taught that the police are the figure of authority and they are put in place to uphold the law of the land. Shouldn’t the law be respected? When you disrespect the police, you disrespect the law. Right? not to compare Bermuda to the US but there is a general respect (not fear) for the police.

  7. Terry says:

    And yes “Crazy” your comments are off topic.

    But the law is the law. It is an offence to swear in public, it is an offence to resist arrest et al.

    Swearing in public is common and today, acceptable. Everyone does it.

    Just don’t f… off a police officer. They have the power of arrest….”found committing”.

    Now as you were.

  8. Over 40's BABY says:

    Jim bean are you serious about that statement! I guess the gram of bad is out weighing the pound of good Mr. Richardson has done. Yes, he made a mistake in his younger years of life however he realized his mistake and used the bad and turned it in to something productive instead of continuing the undesirable way of life.
    Now that he is doing better and making more money then most of us the slightest bit of issues that arise his past is brought up even though it is irrelevant

    Charles your transition is remarkable and especially in the time period you have done it.

  9. Bermyman says:

    IS a Facebook Status deemed as public?? It is not in reality in public and in reality it is not directed at an individual like the spoken word. It is a statement, I feel it falls under freedom of speech. Is facebook under Bermuda laws jurisdiction, I think not? It is under no jurisdiction accept it’s own regulations which Mr.Richardson was with in his rights to post, on his own Facebook profile, so how can you take it in that context? There should be no legal grounds here. Sometimes this Island is like a facist state, no freedoms for the individual. Right wing, corrupt and it is a discrace that young men are still abused through conscription to add to the autocracy. Most of the modern western world would be apalled by the way things are done here. These types of things as small as they are, will lead to Bermuda’s decline and it is currently on the tipping point both economically and socially.

    • Tigga says:

      Bermyman – doesnt need to be public – defamatory remark just needs to be communicated to another person.

      Freedom of speech comes with a responsibility. Do you honestly think that if said police officer made a defamatory comment about Richardson on his FB that it wouldnt be him at Magistrate’s Court?

      • Grizz says:

        @Tigga….no I don’t think that if the officer made a defamatory about Charles he would be in Magistrate’s Court…..difference Charles doesn’t care what you think!! What ever happened to Sticks and Stones theory…

    • Scott says:

      plus, if you think this “lack of free speech” is that bad, and the rest of the western world would be appalled at this, you definitely dont have a good representation of all the people in hte US who get in hot water for critisicing the govt, mentioning any word remotely related to something terrorist-like in any place/form/ etc.. and it happens in other countries too.

  10. areUserious says:

    @ Tigga and others..many times people post things on their FB profile page..and no names are used..but if you see it and the shoe fits and you choose to wear it than it must have a ring of truth..nobody else is going to know that its YOU the statement is referring to and I’m not saying that this is what happened in this case..Also Tigga in reference to the question you asked would the case be the same if the roles were reversed I would probably say see they are taught to CYOA! so they would find a way to weasle out of it…wouldn’t be the first time either!!!

    • Tigga says:

      FYI – if the statment made is true then that is a defense for defamation. The validity of the statement made will obviously be an issue considered by the court.

      • areUserious says:

        Not tonight Tigga.. I have a headache!!!!!! My opinion that I am going to stick to..don’t agree with you..but I’ll let it slide!!!!

  11. areUserious says:

    Freedom of Speech is:

    1) “The right to FREELY state what one pleases”

    2) “Liberty to express opinions and ideas without hindrance, and especially WITHOUT FEAR OF PUNISHMENT”

    3) ‘The freedom to speak freely WITHOUT CENSORSHIP or LIMITATION or BOTH”

    while written differently it boils down to the same thing…I’m just saying!!!

    • Tigga says:

      Read the fine print….Freedom of speech does have it’s limitations, like it or not.

      • areUserious says:

        your definition!!!! like it or not!! again my opinion that I am free to express of course without fear of reprisal..your free to do the same so go ahead!!

        • Tigga says:

          Not my definition – the definition in the real world. You will suffer reprisal if you defame someone. You will also face reprisals if your words incite violence, threaten a head of state etc. All these are limitations to freedom of speech.

          • areUserious says:

            Okay Tigga off of me I told you not tonight..I have a headache!! Your opinion is respected although not accepted!!!

            Have a read of Charles post below: To those who do not (and probably never have), I offer the following words

            He didn’t use no names but he might be referring to you! whoops I better be careful..before I get accused of defemation

            Have a great weekend!!

            • Tigga says:

              Serious – you sound like my wife with that headache routine…

              I read Charles’ post and really dont care either way. Just pointing out some facts about this whole defamation thing.

              Enjoy your weekend.

              • areUserious says:

                You have a great weekend too Sunshine!! Remember the key word in the whole defemation “thingy” is ALLEGATION!!! Check out “Webster” and see what he has to say about it!!! Peace and Love!!

              • charles richardson says:

                You are absolutely correct Tigga…there are limits to the freedom of speech. I accept that. But those limits must permit the expression of “opinions” or the posing of “speculative questions”, especially when the inquiry or opinion is based on a reasonable belief. That is just a general principle and I say that without confirming that it relates to this case. One of the individuals in this sites blog on facebook (Sal Fine) wrote an article about me on May 12th 2010 on a site called “NowPublic” in which he called me all sorts of vicious things….but you know what….I have thick skin and my ego is not hypersensitive and I respect his freedom of speech.

                Freedom of speech means that although I my disagree with or even hate what you have said I will defend to the death YOUR RIGHT to say it!

        • LOL (original) says:

          So what happened to the guy who told off Dr. Brown and was arrested? Freedom of speech or the illusion of……….


  12. PEPPER says:

    Charles , needs to grow up and take responsibilty for his actions….

    • Grizz says:

      Pepper what are you talking about? He did take responsibility for his actions, that doesn’t mean that he is going to stop speaking his mind……so sad, another Charles hater. The world is full of em but I will continue to be a Charles supporter. It amazes me at the amount of people that really don’t like the guy. I am forever arguing with people defending him, like what has he ever done to you!!

  13. charles richardson says:

    Sigh…..the substance of the allegation is that I asked whether a certain policeman “could be” racist or vindictive. I made no statement of fact.

    To those who support me and always have….thank you….i greatly appreciate it.

    To those who do not (and probably never have), I offer the following words:

    “Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.

    • Cleancut says:

      I think you should join jonny Barnes mornings Mr. Richardson, Because it seems to me you are after a statue. Trying to get on the big pages of History.

  14. areUserious says:

    @ Charles you know that you have support from those that are REAL!! Continue to stand strong and stand proud! Don’t let the naysayers hold you back..Continue to shine!!

    My favorite T-Shirt reads..’Haters Make Me Famous!” I’ll have to see if they have one in your size!!!!

  15. Michael says:

    Charles do you… They hating on ya success thats all it is… a bunch of jealous individuals that can’t get their lives to take flight so they trying to shoot you down. As long as your happy within yourself, forget the rest a dem, some are never satisfied.

  16. Mr. Wonder says:

    Thats My boy good at getting them talking LOL!!

    • charles richardson says:

      @ Mr. Wonder…and thats the point! Healthy dialogue and debate is the backbone of idea development. Out of each disagreement comes a possible alternative. But we cannot fetter the free expression of ideas and words!

      • Cleancut says:

        This is a Movie Mr.Richardson directed by yourself. Of course you are also the star of the movie. Can’t wait for your next movie. Maybe Col. Burch could be in your next movie, he is also a great movie star.

  17. John Drake says:

    It seems to me that Ewart Brown spent the better part of the past twelve years defaming pretty much anybody who got in his way, not to mention his racial incitement against minorities…So why bother with this pip squeak…Sort of like drug busts, the seventeen year old kid on the corner gets done, but Mr. Big walks…Typical Cops, gotta love em.

    • Grizz says:

      @John Drake…ANOTHER HATER!! u say why bother with this pip squeak? Answer your own question cause you surely took time to post a comment about him..don’t hate him just because in the face of adversity he still rises!!

  18. Terry says:

    So why all this talk on Bernews Mr. Richardson.

    You cannot answer a charge in a body that you claim to represent that being the Judicial System yet salivate on “Mute”.

    Maybe Mr. Warner will hold court here or on Facebook.

    Thats right……it’s against the law.

    • Confused Again says:

      Sooooo if what Mr. Richardson has stated on FB is against the law (defamation of character), then those that came out publicly, for example, and accused our former premier of getting a kickback for taking the Uighurs should most certainly be facing criminal charges, especially in the light of the facts that there were no kickbacks involved!

      Wanna talk about that or would you now prefer to remain MUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Tigga says:

        Perhaps – yes, although government debate/questions are protected from defamation. But Im afraid I dont see what one has to do with the other – can you explain because now I’m confused again…..

        • Confused Again says:

          Clarification Tigga: Debates/questions are one thing, outright accusations are another . . . true?????????????????

    • areUserious says:

      Whatever!!!!!!!!!! Join the line of haters!!! like TCD..Pick a number and stand in Line!!!!

    • Grizz says:

      Terry it is HIS RIGHT to remain mute….get over it

  19. William Ernest Henley says:

    Nice poem….. I saw the movie “Invictus” as well !!!!!

  20. Mr. W says:

    Charles, they can’t find nothing else on you, your success threatens them. As small as a comment, you have the right to express your feelings on Facebook. This is the their way of controlling us and suppressing or thoughts and feelings… If they take that away from us… What else do we have… KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT CHARLES RICHARDSON

  21. Apocalytpo says:

    I think some of you are missing the point. We have to remember that face book is a public domain. If anyone writes something about some one or posts pictures, they are going to be subject to scrutiny. I mean if this were an entirely different case and let’s say for example an individual had inappropriate pictures or comments towards minors, there would be no contest that the person should be held accountable.

    I believe in a right to our opinion, but perhaps to put it on blast on FB is not wise. More and more cases are coming to light like this, and people have lost there jobs, families, gone to jail etc. And BTW even every search you carry out on Google is saved and for up to 18 months if they need to (google, the government, FBI, CIA) can retrieve this information & hold it against you. It is safe to say that anthing done on a computer, smart phone, iPad etc etc. Is not private.

    Enjoy your Sunday people and learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Peace.

  22. yup says:

    charles is a f***** beast