UBP’s Richards on Union Overtime Agreement

January 14, 2011

[Written by Bob Richards, Shadow Minister of Finance] We support yesterday’s union decision to accept overtime cuts. It says workers are prepared to play their part to help the community through these tough times.

We also compliment the union for attaching a condition to its consent whereby the government is supposed to cut spending “elsewhere”.

This may be the first time Government has allowed itself to be held accountable for its spending. We applaud the union for this breakthrough. Its members know what they are dealing with and the deal, as it stands, should force Government to hold up its side of the bargain.

But no one should get carried away that this a game-changer, given that it represents just % of Premier Cox”s commitment to cut $150 million in spending.

The overtime cutbacks are nipping at the edges of a much bigger problem, which is that the Progressive Labour Party has saddled Bermuda with a government that has become too expensive for the country.

There are many areas of unchecked growth the Government can review to get a grip on spending. One of the ripest is the more than $100 million a year it spends on professional services, aka consultants.

Its use of consultants has grown extravagantly, soaking up 10% of the Government’s budget.

Finally, we note the disparity between Minister Wilson’s statement of the obvious that Bermuda ‘remains in the throes of an economic downturn” and the Premier’s Throne Speech statement that Bermuda is in “a post-recession environment.”

This amounts to official confusion about the state of our economy.

Bermuda needs its leaders to be clear, rational, realistic and unified in their understandings if we are to effectively confront national challenges. The Government needs to get its act together on the economy. Mixed signals are not helpful.

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Comments (14)

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  1. Terry says:

    Well Mr. Richards, the Union has no choice. It is quite evident that Bermuda is in deep s…. and it makes them look good along with Government by laying all this at our feet.

    As for consultants, I call it something else. I won’t get into it here but if you follow the money trail I can here Richard Nixons voice.

    “We also compliment” ? Either piss, or get of the pot.

    It’s called looking for votes. I suggest doing what others have done lately. Cross the floor, wax it, clear it et al.

    As for changes in the Constitution ( sorry of subject but related.) get real. Whom would people vote for with a majority of PLP supporters in every district.

    I doubt it would be your ‘milkman’………..

  2. Dragging A Lure says:

    Bob Richards,
    What cross secton of the Bermuda public, are you trying to convince to accept that the UBP and their membership are better qualified to govern this country. The UBP’s response to the topic regarding the overtime ban lacks any solution. Tell us what you would do? Read your statement and ask yourself, did I recruit anyone to my side.

    Your response Is Really Pathetic.


    • LOL (original) says:

      Are the PLP so dried out of talent that they are having thier PR guy ask the opposition for their input……………………


    • Robert Bryce says:

      Dragging a Lure,
      Your comment (and others you have mde elsewhere) probably mirrors that the same as a very large segment of the population. To you and those others everything is political or vote grabbing, pretty much regardless of who says what. Why is it that the PLP cannot bring themselves to accept that not everything that is not pro PLP must be anti PLP or pro UBP? That addiction is one reason, as Truth points out, why Bermuda is in the mess it’s in now. Try listening to, or reading, the message, and not focus on attacking the messenger.

    • 32n64w says:

      This is hilarious. The PLP (Dragging a Lure) are responsible for saddling this and future generations with +$billion(s) in debt and now want the advice of the opposition on how to dig us out of the very same hole they created. The Government truly has no idea what they’re doing or how we got there.

      • Dragging A Lure says:

        What’s Up 32n64w,
        We talk every day, why would you want to accuse a friend and drinking buddy of being “The PLP (Dragging a Lure)”?

        Your friend Drag

  3. Truth says:

    To dragging a lure

    That’s an unfair comment about Mr Richards. For starters, i remember it was Mr Richards who warned repeatedly about the incoming recession and the PLP brushed him aside as a fear mongerer. No one listened. Had they listened, we wouldn’t be in this financial position. Fact. We would have cut spending faster and we would have a reseve to fall back on now. It’s convenient to forget the forewarning that he gave and then say that he is not coming with any solutions.

    No, I’m not white
    Yes, I’m Bermudian
    No, I’m not a UBP supporter.

    • Dragging A Lure says:

      To Truth says:
      “No I’m not white
      Yes, I’m Bermudian,
      I’m not a UBP supporter,”

      To the above and who cares, because I don’t, those statements never entered my mind or thought process. My response was strictly based on what Mr. Bob Richards said regarding the overtime ban. Therefore the past statements from Mr.Richards and the above comments from you is a noise and a distraction that does not meet the criteria that is necessary for non UBP people to support/embrace the UBP.


    • Cleancut says:

      PREMIER COX stated in her Government House glossary handout- that 150,000.000 will be cut in her first year, i think it can be done. but i dont want to see a foreign company picking up my trash at 4am in the morning.

    • Tired of nonsense says:

      No, I’m not white
      Yes, I’m Bermudian
      No, I’m not a UBP supporter.

      What a sad and intolerant island we have become when people feel that in order for their opinion to be taken into consideration they must include such a disclaimer at the end of their posts.

      Sad indeed.

  4. Terry says:

    Hah much dey payin yoo “Dragging”………This is not the Bda Sun……hum…..

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      You could be right. I don’t see how anyone could steadily produce such nonsence unless they are trying to prorect an income.

      Incompetence & corruption is staring Bermuda in the face & there are still those who are so blind that they cannot see, so deaf that they cannot hear & so uneducated that they cannot understand the very basics of the position that Bermuda is in.

      • Dragging A Lure says:

        Triangle Drifter,
        You folks, still think that the only educated people are from your group. If you are not deaf, blind and so educated, why do you find the time to respond to my garbage. I really enjoy confirming that you are so educated but extremely gullible.Always singing the same ole tired tune. “only us can manage” People like you always help me achieve my objective. Ha Ha Ha

        I’m managing this conversqation and control you all.
        Let it rip.


  5. Dragging A Lure says:

    A Lot, Can’t tell you the amount, I hate competition. The numbers are frightening, I was told you are angry with Drag because he took your portion.If you only knew the new $$$$$$$ amount. Ha Ha Ha
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
