Mussenden Panel Upholds FIFA Bans

February 4, 2011

lmussenden2A FIFA appeals committee headed by former Bermuda Attorney General today [Feb.4] upheld bans on two executive committee members who had suspensions imposed following bribery claims involving bidding for the for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

Nigeria’s Amos Adamu had appealed against a three-year ban imposed by football’s world governing body for corruption and Reynald Temarii, from Tahiti, had contested a one-year ban for breaching FIFA rules.

FIFA said in a statement: “The FIFA Appeal Committee, under the chairmanship of judge Larry Mussenden (Bermuda), has confirmed the decisions taken by the ethics committee on 17 November 2010 regarding the bans on Reynald Temarii and Amos Adamu — who were at the time FIFA vice-president and FIFA executive committee member — for a breach of the FIFA code of ethics.”

Mr. Mussenden, President of the Bermuda Football Association, convened the two-day appeals hearing earlier this week.

Three former FIFA ethics committee members Slim Aloulou, Amadou Diakite and Ahongalu Fusimalohi, had their suspensions reduced but the decisions upheld.

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  1. One Love says:

    FIFA, what a motley crew, If it’s not their President, Blatter in the news for some form of corruption, it’s another one of their senior executives, Warner being blasted for corruption. Now this, 3 former FIFA ETHICS Committee members appealing their sentence for what else, corruption! And FIFA does what it does best, it continues the nonsense and reduces the suspensions. What a sad, sad group of folk,apparently devoid of ETHICS and INTEGRITY! With so many young boys and girls playing and watching the sport of football, surely the world deserves better custodians of this great sport. Is it to much to ask for?