Research Boat Returns: Possible Stroke Victim

March 30, 2011

On Monday [Mar 28] morning at approximately 12:50am, the captain of the German registered research vessel Walther Herig III contacted Bermuda Harbour Radio to report a crew member showing symptoms of having had a stroke.

Walther Herig III Penno's Wharf Bermuda Mar 30th 2011-1_wm

A Harbour Radio spokesperson said “Under medical advisement the Walther Herwig III, which was reported to be 540 nautical miles south east of Bermuda at the time, was advised to come in to Bermuda port. The ship arrived last night [Mar.29] at approximately 8:00pm and docked at Penno’s Wharf.”

“The sick crew member, a 55 year old male German national, was transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to King Edward Memorial Hospital for treatment”.

The Walther Hewrig III departed Bermuda on March 15th 2011 and has been conducting spawning research in the Sargasso Sea. The ship is expected to leave tomorrow morning [Mar 31].

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