Caribbean-Canada Emerging Leaders’ Dialogue

May 10, 2011

Twelve participants of the Caribbean-Canada Emerging Leaders’ Dialogue (CCELD) will be visiting Bermuda from Saturday 4 June to Tuesday 7 June, 2011.

The CCELD is an intensive two-week conference that provides a regional approach to leadership development by bringing together 120 high-calibre, men and women from business, government, labour, and civil society from across the Caribbean and Canada. There are 80 participants from the Caribbean and Bermuda and 40 from Canada. They are proven energetic leaders identified as having vision and a future focus, and who have demonstrated strong personal values.

Under its 2011 theme “Growth Through Connections: Enabling Sustainable Progress”, the CCELD shall expose participants to ideas, issues and people that will fundamentally change how they see themselves and the world they work in. “It gives them new knowledge and skills to engage successfully in the challenges and opportunities they face; as well as exposing them to new cultures and perspectives.” states Co-chair Sir Richard Gozney, Governor of Bermuda.

Canadian Dialogue Co-chair Sue Lee, Senior vice President, Human Resources & Communications, Suncor Energy Inc. indicates that the CCELD supports the many close commercial and cultural ties between Canada and the Caribbean. “We share a belief in democracy, human rights and the rule of law. We have strong human links through education, migration and tourism. We have significant investments in financial institutions and beyond. And, we also have a long history of economic and political co-operation and know that the best way to overcome our geography and small populations is to work together.”

CCELD is built on proven models of executive leadership development, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conference and the Governor-General’s Canadian Leadership Conference.

It begins in Gatineau/Ottawa, Canada where all participants engage in two days of presentations, discussion and networking. Global leaders will address participants, who will begin exploring with them the CCELD theme in its different dimensions. Participants then divide into study groups of 12 participants that travel to different locations in Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean to visit communities and workplaces from the public and private sectors as well as civil society.

Finally, the full CCELD reconvenes for three days in Barbados where each study group prepares a presentation on what they have observed and learned.

The CCELD provides a profound personal experience to participants that will expand their knowledge of issues of international importance and give insight into the thinking of top leaders throughout the region. “It is an entry point to being more effective in a globalized world” says Sir Roy Trotman, General Secretary of the Barbados Workers’ Union.

Financial support for CCELD comes from the Government of Canada, the Canadian labour sector, the private sector in Bermuda, Canada and the Caribbean and from alumni.

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