Video: Pettingill On ‘Checks And Balances’

May 21, 2011

Mark Pettingill May 20 2011-1-2Shadow Minister For Public Works & Housing Mark Pettingill said an amendment he introduced in the House of Assembly yesterday [May 20] helped to restore “checks and balances” to new legislation which will allow police officers to arrest those they suspect might be likely to breach bail.

The One Bermuda Alliance MP said the amendment — supported by both Government and the Opposition — will provide criminal suspects with the right to have their bail conditions reviewed.

He said: “While we have to ensure that we are doing all we can to fight crime, we must not lose sight of the fact … we have a system of checks and balances which works for all — members of the public that need to be protected and including people that are arrested: some of them are actually innocent.

“I think that is what has been embraced by Members in the House: the recognition of that balanced approach … We needed to add that little piece I put forward in order to pass a good piece of legislation. And we did.

“… The law ever grows and as we have more challenges to meet in society then the law has to grow and change … always will and always must.”

During the bill’s second reading, Attorney General Michael Scott said the intent of the new legislation was aimed, in part, at preventing criminal suspects from fleeing Bermuda.

“The bill’s amendments provide a new power of arrest that is granted to the police in circumstances where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a person is likely to breach the conditions of their bail,” he said. This power will pre-empt circumstances in which waiting until conditions have been breached is too late to effect the cause of justice.”

“For example, if someone has been issued a bail condition preventing them from travelling outside Bermuda, or surrendering their passport, who then proceeds to LFW International and boards an aircraft, the conditions will have been breached and they will have made good their escape.

“Therefore, provisions are in place under this bill for the police to have the power to arrest a person on bail when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a person will breach bail.

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  1. BermudaFreePress says:

    Mr Pettingill,

    How about basic human rights laws.

    How about passing a law to make it mandatory that the union produce up to date books.

    How about upgrading Bermuda’s out dated labour laws.

    How about environmental Health and Safety legislation.

    You are right we need a system of checks and balances that works for all.

    You need to concentrate on the bigger picture, “the people’s business”.

    Stop looking at the law in black and white and shades of gray.

    Now is the time for Change!

    For the sake of the working poor, you and the OBA need to look at issuses in living Colour and stop the politicking!

  2. Terry says:

    Yo!!! Free press….. Read what what wrote to ‘influence’. From top to bottom the laws are there. Come on..your just spinning, thats what ‘yoo luut doo bast’……

    Ps. Murder is not a crime in Bermuda. Section 341 Criminal code……..Saxsheeon 3……….”Fist fights, shootings, hanging and or dead bodies are not…..As read with section 007 whereas the Government AG states that it ……”Well his momma said……..

  3. Common Sense says:

    I disagree with the comments from BermudaFreePress when he asks, “How about basic human rights laws.” That is exactly what Marc Pettingill is referring to. We, the public, generally could not care less about “human rights laws” until such time as they are denied to us. Like it or not the law is in shades of gray. If you say, for example, that anyone who kills someone else should be hanged you will very soon realize that every case is different. Marc Pettingill is carrying out the business of the people, and he’s doing a damned good job doing so.

  4. PEPPER says:

    I agree with you….enough of black and white and shades of gray…. we have had enough of you so called politicians BS, AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE !!!!

  5. Down 'n' Dirty says:

    I maybe Down ‘n’ Dirty , but , I will never be delusional . This dudes out to Balance his Check just like the rest of them . All that hollerin and screamings falling on fallow ground . Throw your pennies in a wishing well , you’re more likely to achieve peace of mind , that way .