Demise Of The UBP Or Political Coup d’Etat?

June 25, 2011

question mark dec 2010 2[Opinion piece written by Alvin Williams]

Was the recent event in Bermuda’s history the demise of the United Bermuda Party (UBP) or another political coup d’etat?

Just months after former Bermuda Democratic Alliance (BDA) leader, Craig Cannonier, now Deputy Leader of the One Bermuda Alliance (OBA), made his infamous speech calling upon the United Bermuda Party “to turn out the lights and leave the political stage”, it would appear that he has gotten his wish with only two Members of Parliament calling themselves UBP and with the OBA becoming the new political opposition.

But credit in pronouncing the end of the UBP does not go to Mr. Cannonier, but to former Progressive Labour Party Leader, former Premier Dr Ewart Brown. While not able to declare the end of the UBP with the same triumphant air as President Obama’s declaration that America had finally gotten Osama Bin Laden, former Premier Brown can certainly say with respect to the political demise of the United Bermuda Party, “we got them” for without a doubt, the political defeat of 1998 and the UBP’s failure to regain the government has led to its demise, notwithstanding the rump of two remaining UBP Members of Parliament.

Many PLP supporters have been calling the radio talk shows expressing their sorrow at members and supporters of the UBP who seemingly have not had a full say in the wind-up of their party. I know one thing for sure, it would not have gone that way with regard to the internal political workings of the PLP. The Party’s branches would have had the last say.

It is also interesting that when the PLP was undergoing its political upheavals, there were no such expressions of sympathy from UBP members and supporters. But then, this is the nature of the political dynamic within the black community which largely makes up the PLP’s support base.

It is the same nature that the OBA hopes to capitalize on with the black community being the only political constituency likely to make up any kind of swing vote. So, it is hardly surprising that news has surfaced about some secret consultant report given to the former UBP political opposition that was supposed to deliver that crucial 25% of the black vote that in the past gave the UBP control of the government. But interestingly, we have not really heard from the UBP’s political support base.

With the OBA and its political operatives virtually taking over the position of being the official opposition, do they really think that this new political element will represent their political interest like the old UBP one did? But more importantly, will the OBA be able to walk that middle ground that will allow them to attract that 25% of the black vote that may give them the government?

The political opposition in this country is by and large conservative and that means also fiscally conservative. In recent times, there were loud cries over government spending and the budget deficit, but now that the current government has taken steps in that direction, there are loud cries that government should not cut spending in this area or that area.

But the most interesting cry that we have heard from the supposedly new political opposition was from its proposed future leader, now Senator Cannonier, taking the government to task for withdrawing its policy of free Bermuda College tuition. Students will now have to pay half of what the former fee was.

Does this mean that a future OBA government will restore the cuts this current government has made? And what about the current fiscal stance of its economically conservative Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards?

We should also question what will become of the UBP’s equally conservative support base which expects any government that they will support to carry on the former UBP policy of “no” in favour of the much vaunted balanced budgets that some of its former premiers, who are now emerging from the political woodwork, are calling for as they give their pragmatic support to the new political grouping calling itself the One Bermuda Alliance.

It is their hope that a new government will return to the old UBP policy of “no”. No expansion of social programmes for the people and bringing to a halt any further development of Bermuda’s infrastructure with government policy providing the lead.

One thing that has distinguished the PLP government from that of the former UBP government is that it did not follow the policy of “no” which was much beloved by the UBP government. It has provided the people with something and though economic times may require cut-backs in government spending.

What I have observed is that those governments who have attempted to put in place harsh austerity policies have paid a political price once the people have gone to the polls. Could this happen in regard to the political fate of the PLP government?

That would be ironic, given that the OBA would most likely follow in the footsteps of the UBP government. But then a political backlash would come much quicker as the real political colours of a possible OBA government would soon reveal itself.

- Alvin Williams

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Comments (52)

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  1. Independent Voter says:

    OBA is not the answer, they are the exact old baggage they claimed to have left behind. They have changed the label of wine but the WINE is the same. All is speak to say they speak with fork tongues. ET calls for a balance budget and demands spending cuts, but then decries cuts backs. Gibbons calls for education reform, then wine. Jackson, she cries for nothing. Barritt in the house sends out mixed messages. If they were credible, they would of resigned and had bi elections as they called for the BDA founders. OBA = old boys association. Open up your eyes Bermuda, they are not the ones! Seek out independents contestants.

    • Scott says:

      your analogy is a bit one sided though..

      you can also take an empty bottle, pour in new wine, and keep the same level.

      does everyone think that those ex-ubp’s that joined the plp have suddenly “seen the light” and are converted, but anyone who stays against the plp are the same ol guard of decades ago?

      is it not possible to change ones opinion/outlook on things without having to completely do a 180 spin??

      granted i love the independent contestants idea.. i think a lot of people do… sadly thats not really a viable option at this present time.

  2. Independent Voter says:

    correction. All I speak to say they speak with fork tongues.

  3. J Galt says:

    “…While not able to declare the end of the UBP with the same triumphant air as President Obama’s declaration that America had finally gotten Osama Bin Laden, former Premier Brown can certainly say with respect to the political demise of the United Bermuda Party, “we got them” for without a doubt,….”

    Dr Brown is Obama and the UBP is Osama Bin Laden, that’s an interesting meme.

    • Face the Nation says:

      Obama says …He ain’t Me !!!!

  4. joe says:

    There is a reality check here. The last election results did not return the PLP with a landslide. The country is pretty evenly divided as it remains polarized on issues of race. Gradually, as our economy continues to shrink and the electorate come to understand that all the debt and borrowing will be the burden which will take away the ability of their children to become educated and enjoy opportunity, we will move to an issues related political landscape, as more advanced democracies have done. So what if more whites or blacks vote for one party over the other: this is not necessarily an issue of race (but of course we can make it one).
    To move forward…and the OBA must define itself in this regard- the party must give a clear picture of where it will take the country in the next generation (not in the next year). We know where the PLP will take us -more or less, but voters need a choice and that choice I believe will not be built on these old arguments which tediously take up so much blog space, but rather on future economic direction and opportunity.

    • Shorta ranks says:

      Economy is not shrinking. alvin knows the Premier is “the only candidate” to speak for the working class.

  5. BdaPapa says:

    When the party of “no” were in charge of this island you had no debt, low level of crime and low unemployment.FACT. Now we have $1 billion debt, a high spiralling crime rate and no jobs for Bermudians. Voters – who do you want at the helm?

    • Away says:

      Yes while all this is true, the same economic problems are happening to most countries in the world, so I would think that these issues are economic in nature, not 100% the fault of one political party. Both parties should make plans to weather the storm the next time the world goes into economic collapse. I think that the fault with the PLP was just no being prepared, rather than really causing this mess. And I doubt the UBP…I mean OBA, would have been prepared either…

      • United says:


      • BdaPapa says:

        Why wouldn’t they be the fault of one political party? I can appreciate how the global economy is affecting Bermuda BUT I will not let off the current government that easy. I know that when a political party replaces another there is a transitional period. Fine by me but how long does that excuse work? For me I give the party a couple of years to sort some things out and then they control and are solely responsible for the country! How long has the PLP been in power?? They may not have caused all of this mess but they caused a great deal of it.

      • star man says:

        I would think that these issues are economic in nature, not 100% the fault of one political party.

        No, it’s 100% the fault of ONE MAN… and we all know who he is.

    • United says:

      My thoughts exactly. People are trying to obfuscate the pink elephant in the room.It is high time the Bermuda voter votes for what is BEST for Bermuda and ALL her people and NOT for the pigment of skin colour. The saying here goes like this “If you voted for Obama to prove that you’re not racist who will you vote for in 2012 to prove that you’re not an idiot?”

  6. Original (Original) says:

    Contrary to what Glenn Blakeney said last Friday, the majority of voters in Bermuda obviously ARE nincompoops and that is why PLP would get in again if an election was called.

    • Believe it says:

      Blogs like yours, calling the Bermudian electorate vile names, will only get the same colored votes for the new UBP/OBA which will be lower than 2007!

      • Original (Original) says:

        Hey, I’m only quoting what Blakeney said in the Royal Gazette FOOL! He came up with the slur not me.

        And if people vote in the PLP yet again, I can only assume that they are simple – nincompoops.
        Again, your boy Glenn used the term first not me.

        In all likelyhood, the PLP will use the race card to get votes from uneducated people who are too stupid to see that they are being taken by a bunch of liars cheats & thieves.

        After all, the race card is all they got!!! That and a load of uneducated voters of course who are too stupid to know any better.

    • Shorta ranks says:

      Nin -com-poops is not politically correct
      Jewed down is NOt politically correct

      Saying “No comment” is politically correct.

  7. sparxx says:

    does anyone believe that there has been such a fundamental shift in ideals that would cause the UBP to leave en masse the way they did?

    If it walks like a duck… and talks like a duck…. it sure as heck isn’t a goose.

    • milk n honey says:

      They think the grass is greener but guest what its the same grass. Pamplin & Dunkley are speaking up on the alliance but its a bit too late, can we say they are just electioneers, a term they feel they should be exempt from? Or they are speaking up for their safe cushioned seats constituents who don’t look like us nor feeling the economic pinch but they want us to panic. Can’t attack Mrs. Jackson she speaks up for band aids. Go figure. They still are quack and quack like lame ducks. lol

  8. nunya says:

    As far as the PLP and its die hards are concerned there is no other political party here , opposition or otherwise , and never will be. They are all forever to be completely irrelevant. They answer to no-one.
    They are the chosen one. It was their destiny.

    @ Joe and United ..well stated .
    @ Away .. you really are in denial huh ? Not a clue and not understanding.

    • Believe it says:

      As far as you are concerned, it’s what party? And if one don’t hate on the PLP you degrade the blog. No vote there for you unless of course you are sitting pretty in one of those safe seat and can chat nonsense.

      • Original (Original) says:

        You’re chatting nonsense here – I certainly believe that!

  9. Original (Original) says:

    In fact, the term ‘Dumb Bermudian’ has been well earned when it comes to things like voting for PLP.

    • Believe it says:

      Very Nice original, only voters for the UBPOBA are smart. Nice real Nice. I have never voted PLP, but comments like that will sure sway me that way.

      • Original (Original) says:

        I never said that any voters were smart. I only said that the ones who voted PLP were stupid. I stand by my assumption. I believe if an election was called tomorrow, that I’d be proven right. The unintelligent and uninformed, and the easily lead would vote PLP yet again.

        • so are you saying if we as Bermudians voted for the UBP or PLP we would not be dumb.

          Who do you vote for if you vote and are you a Bermudian or Expat.

  10. Mr. Williams,

    I think you are right in stating that Dr Brown declare the end of the UBP, as well as he indicated that a new party will form. I am not sure if I would vote for the UPB/OBA as I was looking for real change in a political party that could really make a different. But so far I do not see any real difference between the UBP/OBA; it is the same individuals, (same financial backers) with the same Minister’s hats. As they begin to speak more and more…it sounds like the UBP with a name change.

    I also am struggling to hear a different message from OBA, but so far I see no evidence of that. As I ponder were to put my vote, I am not sure if the OBA can do anything different? They have been so good at finding every opportunity to criticize the PLP, but provide no real solutions, plans, or suggestions for change. To “criticize” is easy to do……but “to act and create change”…now that’s entirely different matter. It’s like they have fallen back into the same old rusty way of “Oh I got him now”.

    I was also concern that some of the members have move between 3 parties within a short period of time, so it leaves me with more questions about their level of commitment. If the OBA does not work out according to plan, will they move to another party?

    You make a good point, that the government is cutting-back….but no one is willing to take less, they cry government down….so what do we want ??

    • Scott says:

      just a question.. for clarity, not to be sarcastic… but if it was all fresh faces, would you then say you would not vote for them because they are too green and inexperienced?

      what exactly do people want in a new party that can be called 100% change that is worthy to lead a country?

      • Scott says:

        just to add too… i do not see what message the opposition needs to have either that will make them both worthy of votes, as well as opposing to current govt.

        if the policy and message put out by plp is what people want, they cant expect the new party to voice the same message and be taken seriously, otherwise why have two parties?

        on the other hand it seems that many people say they want the new party to show real change in their message, yet then turn and say its the same faces saying the new message..

        it seems that a lot of people admit the current govt is screwing up in a lot of serious areas (not all bad of coursE), yet the simply make excuses as to why they wont vote them out.

        i’ve seen a lot of people complain about things that the plp have cause/not helped, yet still refuse to vote in a party that had those issues under control. obviously there are other factors that determine ones vote besides certain island issues, but i think a lot of people are either being disingenuous as to what they really want, or are just using the excuse of “same faces” to bring about an emotional reactoin against the party.

        • NO OBA says:

          Scott, a new party with the baggage of an old party. The OBA did not gain votes as a new party. They lied to the electorates. They campaigned under the UBP ticket. They won all their seats under the UBP ticket. They are not to be trusted, they committed treason, which is worst than anything we can accuse the PLP of. They all represent who they were elected to represent.


      • A new party does not require all new faces, but what I am seeking is a new philosophy and ideology. This also will require a change in the behaviours and presentation of the party. If you listen and observe some of the behaviours of its members, there is little change. I still feel from the UBP/OBA a sense of carrying on their old ways of operating, and the power of the party remaining in the hands of few, with a figure head put forward to promote the cause. This requires one to really consider….where to put their vote.
        I am aware that all political parties screw up on things from time to time, it does not always mean one should walk away from it. It may mean work needs to be done, to help them land back on their feet. Being a part of a political party is not just for the good times, but also when the going gets tough!! (Like a marriage or family, there is not always agreement). That’s what the members of the UBP/OBA did when the UBP screw-up, they ‘walked away’, except Kim.

        While I have taken note of the financial monies the PLP have spent, I also recognize that some of those monies were well spent for future investment of Bermuda. Often we are not able to see the immediate results. But, most countries in the world are faced with the same financial challenges. So I remain unconvinced to give OBA a vote at present….. who knows what the future brings…..

        • LOL (original) says:

          I know who you will vote for it’s a no brainer.


    • next? says:

      Death to party politics.

    • srar man says:

      but (the OBA) provide no real solutions, plans, or suggestions for change. To “criticize” is easy to do……but “to act and create change”…now that’s entirely different matter.

      Why should the OBA give the simpleminded PLP any of their good ideas or plans or solutions for change… the PLP is supposed to come up with their OWN ideas and solutions for change. Where are these new ideas…? Nowhere to be seen, because the PLP are absolutely uncreative, and appear unable to foresee things to their logical conclusion. These guys seem to continually fall afoul of The Law of Unintended Consequences because of their shallow thinking. But they sure are the BEST at spending OUR money superfluously. On themselves, family, & friends. The end is near….

      ANYTHING is better than the PLP Gov’t we have now!!

      • NO OBA says:

        But the OBA Says they are putting Bermuda 1st. Would not that mean to share what is good for the country? Can’t trust those who go to church and don’t pray.

        • LOL (original) says:

          And this is any different from the PLP how?


  11. United says:

    As long as the populace vote for the party and not the ideals or betterment of any country that country is doomed. You see it in the states and here in Bermuda. The people have to vote for what’s best for the island and NOT the party affiliation. And as long as that keeps up NOTHING and I mean NO-THING will ever get done or fixed.

    • LOL (original) says:

      Bermuda votes based on race period. How many times have you heard how can a white man know what blacks (I’ve) gone through. I do not think they could have my best interests at heart. The reverse is also now being said by a lager potion of the community this is the legacy we have sealed in to are minds with all the back and forth crap. Until this issue is put to bed this is how it will be for the next 30-40 years. Worse I do not see any MP from any party trying to really solve this issue just trying to make it worse. Face it at the end of the day they (politicians) only want us to fight each other while they hide in the open.


      (those that want peace on this island can see it those that don’t will denounce this comment)

  12. Bermudian voter64 says:

    It is interesting that voters are somtimes referred to as uneducated when they do not do what candidates (or Parties) want them to do. In the Bermuda experience, it can be shown that these comments really relate to black Bermudian voters (and please do not accuse me of introducing the race card because it is a statistical fact that black Bermudians represent swing voters since white voters consistently vote for UBP virtually 100%). It is also a statistical fact that there is a core of Black voters that vote consistently PLP.

    By extension, therefore the major determinant in the PLP victories for the past 3 elections and for the UBP elections prior to 1998 have been black voters.

    An intelligent analysis has to accept that the electorate is indeed more educated and engaged than some have intimated. Therefore it is very dangerous and offensive for anyone to now state or infer that an election victory for PLP will only occur if the voters vote alog racial lines. When such comments are made, they are really a subtle or not so subtle avenue for criticising the black swing voter. The reality is that each voter has to consider whether their current status will be improved in the future under a PLP government or under the UBP/BDA banner.

    I intentionally use UBP/BDA since the BDA have not articulated a vision for Bermuda that is different from previous renditions of the UBP. I add to this the fact that previous financial backers of the UBP (Gibbons and Swan to name a few) have already stated their support for the BDA and financial support does not come without influence!

    Equally, we have to be realistic and observe that the PLP administration under under Premier Cox is very different than the leadership of Premier Brown. As is typical, the administration reflects the personality and style of each of the leaders and each have their individual strengths and weaknesses, real or perceived.

    My summary comment? Let us not take the electorate for granted in our analysis – we are in for a very hotly contested election period, whenever teh Premier chooses to call one. Let us all resist the temptation to criticise the black swing voters by accusing them of voting emotionally and along racial lines when they vote for PLP but intelligent and thoughtful when they vote UBP/BDA.

    • LOL (original) says:

      Funny that’s what the PLP would do to generate votes and thats how it has been done in the past at this point I feel that white do not even have to be there any more just the suggestion that thats what the white think should do it – the legacy of Doc Brown….. the race card will always be here until either white pack up or the choice is between blacks that is what ppl like Commision, Brown etc wanted is it not.


  13. Jus' Askin' says:

    People that will vote OBA are anti-PLP! OBA has not proven itself as the party to run the country. People will vote on racial and emotional lines. If the OBA won the next election that would be sad, for Bermuda. PLP would only have been in power for 14 years and voters would then easily vote UBP back in, and I stand by that, OBA is UBP. I would have voted BDA, but they showed me they lacked the qualities I would want in a government, by not staying in there during hard times. I am not a PLP or UBP supporter, so OBA, you can fool some of the people, some of the time…

    • LOL (original) says:

      you can fool some of the people, some of the time…

      I am not a PLP or UBP supporter

      can anyone else see this or what election time is here…………..


  14. The Milkman says:

    Very interesting comment line after the article by Mr. Williams.
    Jus’Askin’ says that the OBA has not proven itself as the party to run the country. In 1998 the PLP had not proven it could run the island and they were elected so what is your point? Now after 13 years the island and people are much worse off so clearly it is time for change! Wake up, stop making excuses. Another vote for the PLP at the next election will get you the same results. History shows that in 2007 they won another election and we are worse off today than at that time, and please don’t trot out the tired old excuses I heard recently.
    IMO the OBA has many very qualified people who can get the job done, their past record clearly shows such.
    At the next election we need to put people over party and get the best people elected and we will get the best results from their leadership. Hold them accountable and make thenm work for you!

    • Jus' Askin' says:

      Once again ” I am not a PLP or UBP supporter”. Thus OBA will never get my vote. To vote OBA in becuase I don’t care for the PLP would be dumb. But a lot of anti-PLP people are going to vote OBA(UBP). Nothing has changed it is the same two prong system that has plagued us all these years. We are in the state that we are in because of both the UBP and PLP. It will come down to the lesser of two evils. White people will vote OBA and Black people will vote PLP and PLP will win again. None of these parties have me in mind. They often confuse Doing Something with Progression. I say “No Vay, to de OBA”

      • LOL (original) says:

        ” I am not a PLP or UBP supporter”. Thus OBA will never get my vote

        So you support the PLP then…………

        anti-PLP a term the PLP came up with themselves and anti- government when fro generations that is what them themselves were (you know when they were interested in real change. This is getting old….)

        But a lot of anti-PLP people are going to vote OBA(UBP). a dig at white people completely missing that blacks voted UBP/OBA (this in it self is a line to remind people of the UBP boogie man even though I still think any opposition would have been labeled this way even new faces IMO after all who do you think the people that are not satisfied with the PLP are going to vote for)

        Nothing to see here folks “it’s election time in Bermuda, election time,” I’m taking bets on which candidates and die hard supporters use the most racial rhetoric or try to evoke fear to get the votes it’s started already but hey lets wait till election time is official……………..


  15. NO WAY OBA says:

    “Jus’Askin’ says that the OBA has not proven itself as the party to run the country”

    The OBA has not proven to be a party of integrity for one. They joined in with low grade opportunists. Have a past jailed drug convict as the house whip and then turn around and denounce those with records in the PLP. They have not proven nothing but to give out the same whine and cheese to anyone except themselves and a few loyal blind followers of the UBP that they are a new party. Same Gibbons, Barritt, Dunkley, Richards, Pamplin, Jackson, Simons, Moniz and Alan Marshall, Dodwell, Sir John, Sir David – NOTHING IS NEW, Bermuda don’t be fooled! You will now see them showing up at your churches to gain support. NOTHING IS NEW, Bermuda don’t be fooled!

    • srar man says:

      Sorry, dude, Bermuda already has been fooled — by the PLP. And, by the way, NOTHING NEW has come from their ranks for a long, long time.

      • LOL (original) says:

        We need all new politicians preferably independs that are about Bermuda. Whose got the money to campaign oh right old money = same faces amazing that the wealth has not been spread around so this could be a possibility happen. Who said this again riiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhhtttttttt rich people…………………


    • navin johnson says:

      Bermuda has been fooled for the last 13 years and look at the mess the country is in..If it is the same Gibbons,Barrit,Dunkley,Richards,Pamplin et al thats great…They proved they could successfully manage Bermuda….everyone had a job and the country was not in debt…who more qualified to speak of blind followers than those who support the PLP…certainly cannot be on their record of complete and total failure…Bermuda was one of the few places on earth that could have been immune from the global recession but sent IB packing with foolish policies only desinged to appeal to their Blind followers and they are back tracking on all of them now…work permits, homeowner licenses,taxes and on and on..everything promised for free has a price and we are paying for it….the racial rhetoric will reach a fever pitch because that’s all they have…I am not a UBP,PLP,BDA,OBA supporter just Bermuda and what is best for all…any change is better than what we have now…any change…

  16. Dennis Williams says:

    What OBA record?? They have just formed…or do you admit that they are the same UBP but under a different name. The OBA has no track record…it was the UBP record… You want us to vote for the OBA because you think anything is better then the PLP…really….I would sooner vote for a UBP candidate in the next election then an OBA one….One other thing ….do any of you race voters…you know…the ones that vote almost 100% UBP historically know how the UBP would have done under the global recession? didn’t think so…Should the OBA get in please tell me how long before Bermuda will be back to how you like it…maybe that same night for you in it…all of a sudden you’ll be saying everythings okay and running proper I bet……Also the next one of you that calls me a name because of how I vote…I’ll track you down and bring you up on libelous charges……

  17. navin Johnson says:

    Bermuda would have completely escaped the global recession under a UBP government as they would not have driven IB away with nonsensical immigration policies. Full employment and sound,ethical financial policy with the country’s best interest at heart. All of the freebies that Brown gave away were proven to be nothing more than electioneering in its finest form….say anything to get elected regardless of the financial sense.. In the end as long as there are party politics in the present format we are doomed to continue the downward spiral with mounting debt,empty buildings and crumbling infrastructure so who really cares about plp,ubp,oba,bda,nlp or any other acronym you can think of just do what is right.. all speculation just like David Allen turning tourism around in 100 days…not in 100 years….change is needed if only for changes sake…we cannot afford 5 more years…