Minister: Dock X-Ray Equipment Installed

July 20, 2011

Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief said today [July 20] that the installation of the X-Ray scanning equipment on the Hamilton docks has been completed, and the balance of the work to allow for containers to enter and exit the unit will begin next month.

Minister Perinchief said, “I am pleased to update the public on this project. This Government is committed to the interdiction of firearms, drugs and illicit goods being imported into the Island.”

“HM Customs has now purchased and installed a specialised container X-Ray scanning unit on the Hamilton docks but it is not yet operational as the civil works required to support the traffic flow and the examination of containers will commence in the first week of August.”

“It is anticipated that the equipment will be fully operational by January 2012. In the interim, HM Customs has advised that training will be provided to all stakeholders involved in the movement of containers.”

Minister Perinchief continued, “Once fully operational, this specialised equipment will enable a greater percentage of containers to be examined. Additionally, the introduction of this equipment will ensure compliance with international standards.”

“This is important because the United States will shortly require all containers destined for their ports to be X-rayed prior to departure from the port of embarkation. ”

“I have been made aware of the Shadow Minister’s comments in the Senate today and unfortunately, it seems he is more interested in headlines than in genuine information. Interdictive efforts take place at Bermuda’s ports of entry every day and hard-working men and women keep Bermuda’s borders safe in sometimes trying conditions.”

“The Shadow Minister’s support of these efforts would be more productive as opposed to using this project as a means to question their work and this Government’s commitment.”

“I wish to thank all the stakeholders, including the Corporation of Hamilton, Stevedoring Services and the Ministry of Public Works for their cooperation and their on-going assistance with this important project. The introduction of this equipment will greatly assist in making Bermuda safer,” concluded the Minister.

Later this afternoon Shadow Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley said, “Sadly the Minister has missed the point of what I said in the Senate today or perhaps he was misinformed by his colleagues.”

“Of course my colleagues and I fully support the current interdictive efforts by all those involved. That was not the focus of my comments. I did however question the Government’s commitment to the scanning project at the Hamilton docks, and who wouldn’t with the shell of a building being the only visible sign of progress after many months?”

“After all when the Government announced this project, stating their commitment to crack down on the flow of narcotics and weapons into the island, it was said that the project would be completed in April 2011. It is clear that there remains much to be done and it is highly unlikely that this project can be completed before the end of the year.”

“My comments were indeed critical of the Government for the slow progress of this project but also highlighted the poor relationship with the City of Hamilton which has impeded the pace of the work and sought information on the progress of this project.”

“For the record, once again, we support this initiative. However a caring government would make sure it was done in a timely manner with an efficient and accountable use of all resources.”

“The questions remain unanswered…Why the delay? When will it be completed? Is it on budget? Will it efficiently scan the cargo that comes in through the port without any unreasonable delays?”

“Perhaps the Minister, instead of shooting the messenger, can provide some answers,” said Senator Dunkley.

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Comments (13)

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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    Wasn’t all that SUPPOSED to be completed & up & running by last winter sometime?

  2. Declare your Interest says:

    OBAer – get over the electioneering – Its here now! Congrats Minister Perinchief and government. When they complete something good for goodness sake give them credit. go question your shadow finance about how much $$$ he made from your taxes whether its bidding or not – is this why we never heard him say a negative statement about TCD?

    • Scott says:

      true. its done, and as long as its not horrendously over budget then i tip my hat n say thanks.

  3. Credit Due says:

    the OBA can’t stand when the government does something right eh? so what its here now. Blasting the government on something as good for Bermuda as this will only gain you less votes.

  4. global village says:

    By telling Criminals this wont work until January arent we inviting them to import their wares quickly before this technology is implemented?

    dont wait, please assume that every other box of corn flakes in the case of 36 from New Jersey has been tampered with.

    Our safety depends on this being installed quickly.

    • Yes I says:

      That may be exactly the reason why he said that. Don’t forget that Minister Perinchief was a decorated Policeman and probably hasn’t lost a step. Let the criminals make a ‘rush’ delivery to beat the scanner and they may have rushed into a trap ;) )

  5. You got me says:

    Mmm…………..Kinda quite round here….good.

  6. Hmmm says:

    “the United States will shortly require all containers destined for their ports to be X-rayed prior to departure from the port of embarkation.”
    Does this mean that the new X-ray machine we have will spend most of its time x-raying empty containers going to the US?
    Note the Minister said “enable a greater percentage of containers to be examined.” So not all incoming containers will be x-rayed, but as stated above, all our empties will be x-rayed.
    Will the US be chipping in to pay the bill?

  7. Heading Home says:

    Very good info that the container building was erected without a power source being considered.Nowhere to plug in the xray machine….hello,that’s why it’s not working.

  8. Geza says:

    Ok I’ll say it,

    you can not scan all the containers.

  9. Triangle Drifter says:

    Sorry to disappoint the Kool Aid drinkers but the OBA & election was not even a thought when mentioning how late, & probably over budget, this scanner project is.

    But, now that you two faithfuls mention it, this really does provide another reason to vote the PLP out, no matter what other options are available. It is another item on a very long list of ineptitude.

  10. Kudos says:

    More evidence of Senator Dunkley just speaking and criticizing for the sake of it, and not with the complete or correct information.
    I guess he put his foot directly in his mouth.

  11. Takbir Sharrieff says:

    What my fellow Bermudians must realize is that this flip flop game of Politics is designed to distract the real People Power from being effective.People speaking out as you are doing right here and now and holding your government and the opposition’s feet to the fire and demanding accountability from every quarter is the most effective way of making change…those people who throw their hands in the air in futility and give up speaking out do just what the people in power want……Dictatorship.!Whether it be Economic Dictatorship…Political Dictatorship…or just plain power for the sake of Power.It does not matter which Party ….Parties …or just Plain Money Power Brokers are in Power…the people have to check them at the gate….no free lunch here.As we say in cricket… have to come to the Wicket…..That’s the Bermy Way.People Power.!Thanks for input here ..Proud to be a Bermudian.!