BDOT/Hoteliers Team Up For Toronto PR Blitz

September 19, 2011

Recently, the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Patrice Minors led a team of tourism representatives and Island hotel partners to Toronto, Canada in an effort to raise awareness about and drive business to Bermuda

The group executed three days of meetings and events designed to keep Bermuda top of mind amongst key travel agents, meeting planners and members of the Toronto media.

The contingent included representatives from Elbow Beach Resort, Fairmont Hotels, Grotto Bay Beach Resort, Newstead and Rosewood Tucker’s Point, along with Director of Tourism William Griffith and members of the New York sales office.

According to Minister Minors, it was important to continue to build the momentum in Canada, which currently is Bermuda’s second largest market after the United States.

Pictured below: Minister Minors (centre) with L to R: Jeff Brooke, Globe & Mail, Mark Stevens, Canadian Yachting/Dreamscapes, Bob Mowatt, Canadian Travel Press Weekly and Catalina Margulis, Flare Magazine.

Photo 1 - Minister Minors and Toronto press

Minister Minors said, “There is a long history and mutual affinity between Canada. We saw outstanding growth from the market through the first six months of 2011 with 15,496 air arrivals and we want to continue to build upon that success. Canada’s economy is a particularly strong one, making it an excellent market for growth both now and in the future.”

The Toronto blitz began last Tuesday [Sept. 13[ with a trade show style event and lunch meeting comprised of meeting planners in the market to promote Bermuda as an outstanding destination for the group and incentive market.

On Tuesday evening the Bermuda team hosted travel agents for a reception at the Angus Glen Golf Course in nearby Markham, Ontario. Wednesday featured a luncheon and travel agent training session for representative agents at Itravel 2000 in Mississauga, ON and an evening agents’ reception at the Rosewater Room in Toronto.

A luncheon for more than 25 key Canadian media, including outlets as The Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun and Toronto Star, was held at Tappo Restaurant in Toronto. The blitz will concluded with an evening travel agents’ reception at Glen Abbey Golf Course in Oakville, ON.

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  1. MinorMatters says:

    Wow, this is great…who needs the Tourism Plan anyway because we’re just travelling to any city we want, Atlanta, now Toronto. What’s the next port of call and can I tag along with all the other hanger-ons?

  2. 32n64w says:


  3. MinorMatters says:

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