Convicted Stalker Jailed For Two Years
This morning [Sept.21] Magistrate Archie Warner sent 23-year-old Jay Cody Steede of Sandys parish to prison for two years. Steede had earlier been found guilty on two counts of prowling, one count of stalking, and one of intruding on the privacy of a female.
The Court heard that Steede first approached the female while she was sitting in a car, and asked her for her phone number. The lady refused, and Steede approached her again later that day, sticking his arm through her car window and touching her leg. Steede then reportedly proceeded to show up at her home, knocking on her door and windows, resulting in her calling the police.
Sentencing had been put off until today pending the receipt of psychiatric and psychological reports on Steede. In addition, Steede’s mother and sister spoke to the Magistrate saying that in previous incarcerations, Steede had not received any psychiatric help; and that he had, instead, spent a great deal of time ‘in segregation’.
Defence lawyer Peter Farge said Steede suffered from psychological problems, particularly after being the rider in the bike accident that killed 15-year-old Krystle Maya Babon in 2005.
Having heard from them, Magistrate Warner read a long section from the psychiatric report which pointed out that Steede was in the habit of either rejecting counseling help that was offered or of contributing to his own problems by his use and misuse of alcohol and cannabis.
Magistrate Warner ended by saying that the statements and allegations made by Steede’s mother and sister were “a load of nonsense” and that it was incorrect that “no one has offered him help.”
Sentencing Steede to two years on each of two counts and six months and each of the other two counts, the Magistrate also ordered that Steede should receive psychiatric care and counseling whilst he was incarcerated and during the two year probation period that was to follow his incarceration. The total five years of incarceration ordered will run concurrently so Steede must only serve two years.
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Sounds personal……
I wish he was in jail longer, he is a serial offender and I for one believe he will never rehabilitate. I know this young man and his mother personally. Congrats to the magistrate for seeing through her scheming. She has always made excuses for his anti-social behaviour and I believe that this is why he will never accept help – nothing is his fault EVER. Not even when he killed that poor little girl. And he was out on day release from the Co-Ed facility at that time. He should have been in his mother’s care but she didn’t even know where he was when the prison called for him when he did not report back. And that is why he was drunk and high and ran away when he crashed that bike and left that helpless young lady to die in the road alone. If his mother had done her job that day, he would have not stayed out past his curfew and Maya would be alive today. Nevermind all the other things he has done that are not in this article. So lock him up, throw away the key. He has done enough damage to Bermuda in 23 years. If you let him out, I guarantee the public is in plenty of danger for many years to come.
Amen … and … Amen
Very scary guy. I live in the same area as him. I was so glad when I heard they locked him up. A few women in the area are afraid of him. I sure hope when he comes out, the police patrol the area so these girls can get home safely. I only wish they would have given him more time and maybe he should have gotten additional time to spend at MAWI. The sentence is too lenient and he needs serious help. @ Finally, I know exactly where you are coming from with regards to the mother. She knows how disturbed he is but still defends his actions. I just hope he doesn’t seriously hurt someone.
Oh well, some mothers do have um and society pays the price…SMDH
I hope that all of you that have posted above live squeaky clean lives as do all your family members…my hope is that he gets the help that he needs..not for him to be locked away for the rest of his life..This case here simply shows that we do not have the facilities to assist young men such as Cody..and before anyone attempts to “shoot of at the mouth” I work with troubled teens. I see and hear lots in my field of work, things you wouldn’t believe..but who am I to judge? and that’s the same question that you should be asking the end of the day the young man in question does not have to answer to you..he is going to be held accountable for his own actions..It’s natural for a mother to protect her child..its a natural instinct that you would have only if you are a mother..we may view her protection as being wrong but at the end of the day she is doing what comes natural. Again my hope is that he gets the help that he needs and while he is incarcerated this time the powers that be realise that the treatment options that we have here are not adequate and will not meet his needs.
Thank you very much! Why are some SO QUICK to JUDGE?? Bermuda NEEDS to wake UP regarding MENTAL ILLNESS!! How could he slip through the cracks?? BECAUSE THE SYSTEM is NOT PREPARED WITH SUCH CASES as his!! TRAUMA to the head is VERY SERIOUS something the Mag. Warner is NOT FULLY aware of (This coould have been a MITIGATING FACTOR!!!)
Stalking in by NO MEANS PLEASANT I had been the VICTIM of one for several years HOWEVER he has a MENTAL ILLNESS and if he is NOT taking his MEDS I was the OBJECT of his ATTENTION (gifts, followings,invading my privacy etc.) When the mental health nurse explained this to me I had MORE COMPASSION for the guy then ANNOMOSITY!! Forgiveness is SIMPLE! UNDERSTANDING PRICELESS!!!!
You couldn’t have said it any better, thanks you. I do not know this young man or any of his family members, but locking him up without the proper help will not solve the problem. I hope that he gets some type of counseling, and i am in no way condoning any of his behaviour….
Not everyone is able to be rehabilitated! You need to accept this.
@ It is what it is says, I am a mother of a young daughter of midlle school age. He doesn’t discriminate. I like you are very concerned about his release date if he has not received the appropriate help he needs. So I am not “shoot of at the mouth”, I am concerned for the young women in the neighborhood. You have obviously had contact with him so you must know how creepy he is.
How can u say that all she was doing was protecting her son. if she really had that in her heart, why was he running around getting high drinking and acting like a little child. MAYBE IF SHE WAS DOING A LITTLE BIT OF PROTECTING he wouldn’t have had all this time to do these type of behaviour. I also have work with the public and seen many of these so called gangsters do criminal offences. And before they get back to the police station their mothers are already there stating “NOT MY CHILD.” So get a grip and tell it for what it is. You have to make your children stand up to the music or they never will. I am so glad my mum didn’t PROTECT me in this manner. BERMUDA HEAR ME NOW STOP MAKING accuses for this unacceptable behaviour. I wonder if “it is what it is says” had his daughter killed like this would he still be defending this loser.
So what you both are saying is we as a community and the victims and potential victims should have compassion on him because he has a mental illness? Like I said in an earlier post, I agree he needs help but the public also needs to be protected from him. Sounds like you two are his mother and sister. You two don’t seem to have compassion for his victims.
Please don’t think for me or assume. I am not his mother so therefore I am not his sister. I am just a qualified worker (working with troubled teens) so I see both points of view. My statement if read and understood correctly simply states who are we to judge? I work in this field so therefore I am not on the outside looking in I actually have an inside track per say. So my comments are based on fact. I know for a fact that we do not have adequate facilities on the island to treat the young man in question and if he does not receive the treatment that he needs he will re-offend.
“Lordsaint” maybe you should another read of what I have posted. I am not defending this young man (that you refer to as a loser) I am merely stating facts.
1.) We have no right to past judgement because at the end of the day HE is going to be held accountable for HIS actions and HE must answer to a higher being and 2.) The facilities and services we have here will not suffice in servicing him.
I have every right to express my opinion just as you have been able to express yours! my apologies if my FACTS offend you. Another fact is that we will never ever all agree on any topic that is presented.
From the article:
“Defence lawyer Peter Farge said Steede suffered from psychological problems, particularly after being the rider in the bike accident that killed 15-year-old Krystle Maya Babon in 2005.”
I knew this guy back when he was in Co-Ed before his so called ‘psychological’ problems started with Maya’s death and he was already a bad seed. He was refusing to take responsibility for himself then and also did everything possible to hamper the progress of the other inmates who were trying to do something better for themselves.
I AM a mother and I will be the harshest judge of my child and her behaviour. That is my job so that she becomes a positive force to herself, her family and society. If she doesn’t, it is MY fault – I will have failed.
Can we all stop being so harsh and judgmental on the mother in this situation. At the end of the day she is doing her best for her child that still needs child like caring due to his proclaimed situation.
I don’t think one person that was/is a parent can say that they have done everything right but what you can say is that I did or am doing my best.
At a point in life “yes” everyone Man or Woman needs to be responsible for their actions as an individual. Whether or not you think this is condoned or concealed we are not in a position to judge or as I have read post blame on the mother here.
Her son is 23 and needs to suffer the consequence as the judge has laid down for his actions.
As it stands we obviously have another family that is hurting in our island that we need to surround with love and encouragement not strict judgment.
What I am asking is that we not harden our hearts to the mother or sister or any other family members in this situation. If you are angry with the case and what happened then be mad at the person convicted of the crime.
PS. No I am not related to this family in anyway. I just feel for the mother and I don’t feel that she deserves all of the ridiculing that she is getting.
Thanks BDA
It’s sad that ppl are so quick to judge others. This is a young black male that may need psychiatric help. until the results come back i think u all should shut up. Cause it could happen to 1 of ur friends/family. U NEVER KNOW!!!
Hello this is Jay”s sister and sorry none of the above comments have come from myself or my mother!!! You know nothing of the situation in depth and its not your place to know!!! I do apologize for the harm he has cost we as a family are not looking for sympathy nothing all im askin is to give up with the negative feed back!!! N for those whom believe my mother condones this act no she doesnt all she wants for her son is the right help where she feels his not gonna get which has been proven!! As for the Woman who believes him to be a scary guy clearly your a new comer to the neighborhood because thats not him!! You sha look up what it means to pass JUDGEMENT May God be with you all!!!
To U Miss Finally…. U Know Nothing!!!!!!! U Sound like you are Very Lonely!!! You Claim say you know My Mother and Brother Personally so who gives you right to go at them like that!!!! If You knew them so u say you would know the Truth so whoever you are I feel sorry for you and When trouble comes knocking On your Door You Poor Unfortunate Soul I hope you can deal cause its Coming!! Say what u like No one is making up no bodies Excuses but you wana go back to the Accident and say things that are not so this is where I get mad!!!! Let The Baboons Keep their Peace of Mind!!!! This is Sick and I apologize to them for Such Behavior!!!! My Brother Loved Crystal they where both very Close!!! If u must know he was not speeding!!!!! He was totally unaware of wtf happened to her and with not knowing yes he fled the sene not to run from her but because he wanted to be with her so badly he did not wana go back jail!!! He got the chance he took it!! As for being antisocial that didn’t come about until after the fact he was being made out to be this and that!!!! Shame on you whomever you really!!!! My brother is NOT innocent no!!! The lost of a friend he loved darely has taken a tole over him but no you will never be able to understand cuse ya not him!! So before you go throwing stones let’s make sure you dnt live in a Glass house!!! If You where so Concerned of what was going on u Weak Soul u Should have came to my Mother beings u know her personally so dnt bring that talk on here serious! I believe what’s right is right n his being Punished for that understand we get that but our Concern is him getting help mentally!!! You sound silly Clearly u all know he has a issue you ya still gonna bring Malice to this!!! I cnt respect that at all!! N I wish no longer to be on this sill lil Gossip site its Ludicrous! Have a good evening! This Sunday when I go to Church ill pray for u!!! PEACe!!!
F$ck that piece of s%$t I bet half of these f%$kers would snap out of their so-called mental illness!
For Sis,
Are you not judging yourself? Reread your post.
i knew your brother before the accident and believe me he was already engaging in anti-social behaviour then. how do you think he got into Co-Ed?
he may not have been speeding (no one said he was) but address the fact that he was both high and drunk that night. i KNOW this.
If he is so depressed about losing his good friend then why the hell is he continuously harassing other females? That doesn’t even make sense.
You can act like your brother is a certain way to those that don’t know him but if you read the other postings of those people who do know him, it is quite evident that he is someone that people fear will harm them and others. What does that say?
It is not society’s responsibility to get him help, it is his family’s and particularly the one who born and raised him.Many people know your mother and would not come to her personally as they as well as the magistrate can see through her.
This Sunday when you go act fake and pretend you are a good person, pray for your brother.
Magistrate Warner ended by saying that the statements and allegations made by Steede’s mother and sister were “a load of nonsense” and that it was incorrect that “no one has offered him help.”
Steede was in the habit of either rejecting counseling help that was offered or of contributing to his own problems by his use and misuse of alcohol and cannabis.
@Sister, it seems that you care a lot about your brother. I challange you to incourage him to take advantage of the help that is available to him instead of shutting it down and it hasn’t even been tried by him. If he hasn’t sort help for himself by the time he gets out, please continue to encourage him to seek help before he commits a more serious crime. I am a mother too and I will be watching for when he is released because while he is your brother he may not seem scary to you but he makes a lot of women/children in the neighborhood very uncomfortable. I am very concerned for the saftey of my teen daughter when he is around. I am not being judgemental, I am just telling you what others in the neighborhood aren’t telling you. Please keep him off the streets when he is released so he is not tempted to commit even more serious crimes to young women.