Man Receives Conditional Discharge For Assault

September 15, 2011

Communicating through a Portuguese/English translator, 28-year-old guest worker Marco Carvalho this morning [Sept.15] pleaded guilty in Magistrates Court to unlawfully assaulting a man who was, at the time, working as a Security Guard at the Henry Vlll restaurant on South Shore Road, Southampton.

The DPP’s evidence was that around 5:00pm on 14th August, Mr Carvalho was causing a disturbance at the bar inside the Henry Vlll. The Security Guard was called and he escorted Mr Carvalho from the bar to the outside parking lot. It was while he was outside the establishment that Mr Carvalho was said to have head-butted the Security Guard.

Duty Counsel, Mr Dismont, speaking on behalf of Mr Carvalho, who was said to be a mason, said that Mr Carvalho admits to and apologizes for the incident and that the incident was caused by his excessive drinking but sparked by a comment, by the Security Guard, about his girlfriend.

The Duty Counsellor also said that Mr Carvalho and his Bermudian girlfriend had not been out since that time and that he was now trying to control his drinking.

Pointing out that as a non-Bermudian on a Work Permit, any conviction would have double consequences [a criminal conviction as well a likely revocation of permission to remain in Bermuda], Mr Dismont asked the Magistrate to grant Mr Carvalho an Absolute Discharge.

Magistrate Archie Warner considered that request and asked the DPP to give its view. The DPP offered that an Absolute Discharge would not be in the public interest.

Having heard from both sides on the matter of sentencing, Magistrate Warner gave Mr Carvalho a Conditional Discharge for six months.

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Comments (67)

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  1. Can't Take It Anymore says:

    Sorry Sa, no speaka da english Sa!!

  2. wondering says:

    guest worker
    conditional discharge
    two sides to the story
    bermudians out of work
    still employed in bermuda…………..hmmmmmmmmmmm

    • Talk2mestr8 says:

      Keep wondering….local using foul language fined $2000 or 30 days in prison….this just does not add up!!

      • bermy says:

        OR 30 days in prison …not AND 30 days in pison. when I was between 16 and 24 and speeding a lot I ended up in traffic court regularly and I knew for every $10 your were fined you couldnt pay you spent 1 day in jail. I was therefore told $200 or 20 days in jail…pay before you leave. I was told $100 or 100 days in jail…pay before you leave. It does not matter who you were or where you were from. stop complaining. You only get the jail IF YOU DONT PAY THE FINE! And if you haveone ounce of common sense you should have an idea of what it will be BEFORE you go to court. If you cant do the TIME DONT DO THE CRIME! Stop complaining or we will keep slipping behind!

  3. Huh?! says:

    I don’t think his work permit should be revoked because of what happened, but it should be revoked because he can’t speak/comprehend english. I thought that an understanding and ability to speak the english language is required in order to have a work permit…smh!

    • wondering says:

      did that get passed as a rule of having to speak/understand english? someone tell me the truth on this one…where is Col Burch

      • PEPPER says:

        I hope the old guy ( Col Burch ) has retired…I think we have all had enough of his crap ….and I also think we have had enough of Dame Jennifer.. it is time for these old warriors to retire !!!!and when is Alex Scott going to retire ? to think that the P.L.P. have a bunch of senior citizens running this Island !!!!they need their naps during the day !!!!so how the hell can they run this Island ? on another note how much are we paying for ms Webb as a consultant ? and do we still have Rolf Commisiong as a consultant to the Premier ? and how come we never here from our Premier ….

        • bermy says:

          Our Premier is busy doing damage control and rebuilding. She is a do’er not a talker. We had the opposite before her and look where that led us. Give her time …she has a big mess to clean up and I think she is brave to even take on the task. Sorry thing is that when things get better …many will want the job, the money , power and the glory. She isn’t doing a ton of “how great thow art” speeches like some before her. She is working. Give her time…and Im not even a PLP supporter…then again Im not a OBA supporter either…I am a HARD WORKING, HONEST WORKING, supporter.

  4. Down 'n' Dirty says:

    With broken english and a broke bank book .. We welcome you . Remember never to kick a man when he is down .

    • ERICA says:

      I’m not afraid to hide behind a fake name, unlike many of you! I am the Bermudian girlfriend in this case. I would like to thank Down ‘n’ Dirty for being the voice of reason. I would take the time to respond to each of you individually, but it’s just not worth it1 All I have to say is that you shouldn’t speak on things of which you know nothing about. As ‘Wondering’ pointed out, there are always two sides to every story! none of you have any idea the abuses and bull that my boyfriend has suffered since he arrived in Bermuda. Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked in his shoes!!!! don’t you all have anything better to do than b!tch and moan about things that have no bearing on your own lives.

      • wondering says:

        yes there are two sides…..did the bouncer talk bad about you?

      • wondering says:

        do the injustices justify a head butt?

      • bermy says:

        Good for you Erica…stand by your man and tell your story.. These BERNEWS forum members are all so critical before knowing the facts …people that live in glass houses should not throw stones. No sinners in this forum……NOOOOOO WAY.

  5. downderoad says:

    How do you say oneway ticket back home in Portuguese!!!

    • ERICA says:

      How do you say GET STUFFED!!!

      • Ignorance Is Bliss says:

        I am so fed up with some of the comments from Bermudians on guest workers.

        Erica – we would both be wasting our time trying to ask ignorant people to step into anyone’s shoes for a day. Shame on the news to exploit a simple heated misunderstanding. There are more important things to be following. For instance; where was the news when a Bermudian employer was charged with removing health and social from a guest worker’s wage while all the time the employer was pocketing the money instead of paying it to government! The guest worker gets into an accident and ends up in hospital thinking they are covered and then get slapped with an enormous bill only to realize the employer lied the entire time. The employer gets charged in a Court of Law and then gets off free and hasn’t paid a dime. Meanwhile the guest worker is out of work due to injury and has to somehow pay the doctors bills and then loses his job! Now that’s a story to follow!

        Guest workers did not take a Bermudian’s job. Guest workers filled the jobs that Bermudian’s think they are too ‘good’ to do or expect to be paid the highest wage for; for less hours actually working. This country does not owe a Bermudian a job!

        I know for a fact that there are many guest workers either not receiving any pay for their weekly work or only half wage while the Bermudian workers are getting full pay. Guest workers are being held at ransom by Bermudian’s. It’s as if they are being told to shut up or as Downderoad says ‘how do you say one way ticket back home in Portuguese!!’.

        Buy Bermuda or sell Bermuda! Bull I say. I say we use the slogan Ignorance is Bliss in Bermuda. If you want a vacation or great place to work come here and get ridiculed by us. We’ll make you feel insignificant to mankind whether you shake a bit on a rental scooter or if you defend your girlfriend from a bully.

        I am not proud to be a Bermudian in these times when I find that my fellow Bermudians are acting prejudice against not only colour but also where a person hails from.

        • ERICA says:

          thank you “Ignorance Is Bliss”….I couldn’t have said it any better!

          • Umm umm says:

            What’s more ignorant than a unemployed guest worker with a bad temper, noooo work here go home & take Erica with you!!!!!!!!!!!! Col.. Burch said it everybody has their favorite foreigner.

    • bermy says:

      How do you SPELL “downderoad”…DOWN THE ROAD

  6. bermy says:

    His girlfriend is Bermudian so he must speak some English!!!! But if he is not fluent or comfortable speaking English to a JUDGE it would make sense to take a translator. Do you criticize our own that take LAWYERS to defend themselves for every little thing…speeding , DUI, whatever….and many times we PAY THE BILL! Im sure his English is good enough to do his job. He is a mason! Would you stop a deaf and mute persn from working as a mason! Speaking as someone who was a labourer for two summers its simple …they need bricks and mortar …bring those two ingredients to them regularly and job gets done! not much need for fluent english. He is not a waiter…there is no great demand for fluent English in his field. Heck…most of the Bermudians that I worked with for my two Summers barely spoke English…LOL. One was bi lingual…he spoke drunkaneese after lunch most days but my boss could not afford to loose him because there was so much work on and so few Bermudian Labourers and Masons. until he eventually moved on. They are not TAKING jobs…we’ve GIVEN THEM AWAY for years because the mindset was that there was another job site looking for help around the corner. Not true today so before we criticize someone for bring in foreign labour …we should ask ourselves ….what drove that employer to even consider the BS with Immigration Dept and extra fees (permits) instead of our own. We did it to ourselves…lets stop looking for reasons to HATE. let start loving again, working again, helping others again (including ourselves). We got so used to having and taking, that we lost our way. Im doing what I can to find the road back.

    • wondering says:

      BIG UP BERMY!! WE CAPITAL W and CAPITAL E is right……we like to be paid well and I know because i am paid vell. i am a mason who no longer needs the trade but can fall back on it………………………..

      • bermy says:

        Thanks wondering, I know many wont agree and won’t look within before criticizing but good to know someone knows the difference. My cousin went to University got his CA and after 6 years decided construction was his true calling and went back to it…as an owner. He knew the value of EARNING and LEARNING a trade and having something to fall back on instead of EXPECTING a hand out and expecting that there would be another job tomorrow. I dint have the luxury or the desire of going away to school but after attending Bermuda College and working during the summer for him…I quickly learnt from him. I, like you, don’t do not NEED to do Construction any longer but I know there are many out there that would take me on today as a labourer if they could.

      • ERICA says:

        Thank you Bermy for being another voice of reason:)
        @Wondering….I don’t by any means feel that I owe you any kind of explanation, but I because the counsel who was acting as my boyfriends lawyer mis-spoke this morning, I do wish to clarify. it was not the bouncer who spoke ill of me….there was another patron in the bar who had offended me and when my boyfriend SPOKE to him about it, he further offended and both myself and Marco. this is why he got so upset and the unfortunate fact that he had consumed too much alcohol that night only served to amplify his anger and irritation. We (me and a couple of his friends) managed to talk him out of the actual bar area to the hallway, and that is where the bouncer got involved. Furthermore, of course the headbutt was not justified, but in the heat of the moment it did happen. My boyfriend has admitted that he was wrong, he has apologized, and he has drastically reduced his alcohol intake because he sees that there is nothing positive that comes from it. I am tired of people trying to color this situation into something other than what it was…an unfortunate, alcohol fueled situation that did not result in injury and has also been apologized for. He spent a night in jail, he’s been before the courts and the magistrate gave his ruling….enough already!

        • wondering says:

          he is a violent person………….do i want that in my country if he is an import worker? no offence but my answer is no.a night in jail. PLEASE!!!!! if he woulda hit you i would be expecting the same thing.

          • ERICA says:

            Actually, he’s not really a violent person!!! He has a lot of pent up anger and frustration and alcohol inhibits and those emotions are amplified…he was verbally provoked that night and unfortunately, he lost it! It’s happened to many. Also, if he actually was a “violent” person, are you saying that he’s less welcome here BECAUSE he is a guest worker….to use downderoad’s phrase “how do you say’ PREJUDICE’?

  7. i c were u are comin frm says:

    i can see your view on how people are writing up this comments n stuff but have of the comments are from the unjustly acts of the judicial system. as a fellow Bermudian how often have we seen assaults an the ruling was jail time of some sort, now the flip side we see a lot of guest workers committing criminal acts a getting just a harsh talking to not even a slap on the wrist anymore so don’t be upset when your own gets treated sooo unfairly when in comes the a lot of criminal offense. yes he is your boyfriend an yes you feel obligated to stick up for him but look at how feel about the unfairness it is to Bermudians.

  8. jus sayin says:

    Who am I supposed to be mad at when the black Bermudian const. firm I was workin for went out of business because of being underbid by ‘çonst. firms’ that pay their guest workers a lot less…and when I went to the ‘óther’ firms looking for work, I was expected to take a $10 pay cut, because that’s what they can hire a mason for now (from overseas of course).
    Then the companies try and say B’dians don’t want to work.

    • wondering says:

      yet another abuse. Bermudian firms owned by black bermudians, portugeuse bermudians AND jamaican bermudians all abuse the system and import cheap labour based on the old lie that bermudians dun wanny werk. who the h@ll wants to work for peanuts. Portagees, yardies and all the other bad names we as Bermudians call them come here to make a better way and the above named devlish employers pay them peanuts…………….make them pay them rent in their apsartments ansd allow them to live together 4-8 in a small apartment with apalling conditions…they live next to us and we accept it cuz it aink me then complain – i can’t get a job! well we get what we pay for so to speak while the low wage workers are suffering only 20% of what they would be in their own homeland and STILL making out like a bandit and are laffin at this grab-a-lishus cuntry called Bermuda….their money ain’t worth grass but that almighty bermuda dollar is worth 200-400% more in their country based on their low cost of living and exchange rate! so go figure.

      • bermy says:

        dolt….have you checked the value of the Euro lately????

        • wondering says:

          not everybody comes from europe , DOLT!! south america, far east, you name it, their currency is worthless in Bermudian terms

      • ERICA says:

        well wondering, let me just clear up some things for you regarding THIS particular individual
        Marco gets paid just about on par to the going rate the the BIU has listed for his skill
        Marco did initially live in a beautiful 3 bedroom house that was well kept and landscaped with only 5 other guys
        for 2 years we have been living together and sharing expenses in a $2000 a month apartment
        ….stop generalizing and remember that there are individual cases here who do not fit the box you are putting them in….people travel to so many places in the world to make a better living, not just Bermuda. and Bermudians travel elsewhere to make better lives or grasp better opportunities.

        • wondering says:

          you look at the blue colar workers and tell me how many fit into the box of living in uncramped conditions to the standard that the average wage bermudian would expect to live in. take it from someone who knows A LOT of abuse cases in this island of many many deviant employers who we would turna blind eye who have got poor employment practices.

      • Lissa says:

        soooo True!!

  9. Chapel Road says:

    @ERICA. Are you two the same couple that was pulled over on chapel road yelling at each other earlier this summer? Seems like the same aggressive person (Marco that is). Just remember you screaming at the top of your lungs “Marco!” Wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Just a curious individual……….

  10. Thought says:

    Never tell people your problems. 80% dont care and 20% are glad you have them.

  11. Erica says:

    @ Chapel Rd….so what if that was us!!! You’re not just curious, you’re attempting to stir a pot that has absolutely nothing to do with you. No relationship is perfect, and sometimes arguments and disputes are dealt with in the wrong way. It baffles me that you would be so ugly as to even post that on here. It has no bearing on this situation at all and you have absolutely NO idea what had occurred prior to my stopping the car that day. Like I have already said….don’t judge a man until you’ve walked in his shoes. Get over yourself! Your intent here was not just being curious, it was to further make my boyfriend look bad.

    • Malachi says:

      …absolutely Erica: never, ever judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. Not only will you have his shoes but you will be a mile further away!

    • Chapel Road says:

      This guy is a drunk.

  12. Erica says:

    @ Thought! You’re so right! The crazy thing is that, other than what has been discussed on this page, people don’t really know anything about Marco or me or our situation but they have so much to say about it! What?! People don’t have enough going on in their own lives to keep them busy? They have to interfere in ours? Vais pra carralho to all of you who have only bad things to say!

    • maria achadinha says:

      Erica dont let people stress you out they know nothing about Marco and the stuff he has gone through in his life. Obviously BERMUDIANS have nothing else to do with their lives give it a rest already people it is not up to you to JUDGE others clean up your own houses and leave this man alone. SAD TO BE BERMUDIAN THIS DAY>

  13. Coach Spencer says:

    On the news last night they said this gentleman was an “unemployed” contract worker.
    Can someone explain to me how a contract worker can be in Bermuda and be unemployed?
    I thought once their employment was over they had to leave?

  14. MinorMatters says:

    @ the girlfriend: “Thou doth protesteth too much…” Throw the unemployed bum on the next plane smoking out of this country. Sounds like you could do a hell of lot better.

    • MinorMatters says:

      having seen the photos and writings out there in the public domain – I reaffirm my opinion that this intelligent, educated, accomplished and may I say older woman could do a hell of a lot better.

    • ERICA says:

      My personal relationship is not what is in question here, but I am seriously beginning to question YOUR intelligence.
      And one other thing, this “unemployed bum” would be working from sun up to sun down, seven days a week if he could. did you ever consider that there’s a reason he’s unemployed? and it most certainly is not that he doesn’t want to work. I am standing up for the truth in this case, not only because he’s the man I love, but because it’s the right thing to do. You chose a really good name for yourself, MINORMATTERS, since your opinion about my relationship is of little consequence to me.

  15. Ignorance is Bliss says:

    Coach Spencer- silly ending comment. There are many reasons a guest worker can still be residing here. Hhmmm let’s see… Aha! He has a girlfriend and they have future plans? Jeez how ignorant can one be by making such a commented question? Were you hoping someone would dig further into this matter? Maybe you are hoping someone makes a report to look into this young man?

    Some of the comments being made are not valid if you do not know the true facts. How is it that persons are basing a news article as fact. The news got only half the truth and the rest is twisted.

    Erica – make no more comments. They have succeeded in stirring the pot and adding unnecessary ingredients. You know the truth. All the public likes is gossip. Keep you head up high.

    Once again discrimination against a guest worker! Ignorance is bliss in our country.

    • KARMA says:

      FYI – Future plans or not, if he is Non-Bermudian and Non-Employed he should be a Non-Issue and removed from the Island. So many other people have been removed from Bermuda for similiar issues and put on the stop list for returning to the Island for a specified amout of time (usually years).
      Immigration – HELLO?

      • Ignorance is Bliss says:

        A guest worker can reside in Bermuda with a permit other than a work contract! Duh. get your facts straight before you go mouthing off. None of us know other than the main parties involved if they may have a fiancé permit which actually will allow him to reside and work here. So even if he is a guest worker and unemployed maybe there was another legal way he is here still. So ‘Karma’ you should refrain from any comments on which you don’t think outside the small ‘box’ you are currently in. And further more just because he has this one issue that was brought before Court ir should not define him as some of the above remarks have.

        • Ignorance is Bliss says:

          I guess Bermudians think they got powers! Sheesh a guest worker gets In trouble for such a small issue and we want to fly him out on the next plane. But yet we have Bermudian repeat offenders that are in and out of the system and we can’t ship them anywhere.

          It’s not a big shock that once again a Bermudian is discriminating a guest worker. They pay rent and bills and have mouths to feed just like the rest of the world. Take a step closer to the mirror and ask yourself this question ‘if i make sour comments about non-Bermudians does that make me racist?’
          I’ll answer it. Yes it does because you are discriminating against him because of where he’s from.

          Wake up Bermuda! We need non-Bermudians here to make the money go around whether guest worker or vacationer.

      • ERICA says:

        Immigration is well aware of Mr. Carvalho’s situation, you, however, are not!

  16. Ignorance is Bliss says:

    The public should hunt down this guest workers former employer and ask him why he is unemployed! Maybe then the truth will come out about that employer and what he did to this guest worker. Then the public would have an understanding on the why the ‘unemployed bum’ still here.

  17. Betty Rech says:

    there are 2 sides to a story – I can assure you the portugeese that have left this country and were in the landscaping business over the past 10 years the Island is in a mess with overgrown shrubbm, trees and roadside cleaning –

    Bermudiana always running down guest workers – but its alright for them to go abroad where ever in this world either for schooling, work, medical live whatever and that’s okay you don’s see or hear the people on the otherside running the Bermudians that go overseas for these matters DO YOU !!!

  18. My two cents says:

    Here we go again another assault case with conditional discharge.
    You can go around this island getting drunk as a skunk and beat people up and in some cases break their bones but don’t get caught with 0.2 grams of weed!!! The justice system here is saying its okay beat up people, cool glad I know that now.

  19. Erica says:

    OMG! Some of you people are so ignorant! As I have ALREADY said, why do you insist on speaking about matters that you know nothing about! I have a question for all of you…do you know Marco Carvalho?

  20. Erica says:

    when did Bermudians become such narrow minded and ugly people?

  21. ERICA says:

    Ok, it’s time to set the record straight! and unlike everyone else who is posting comments, I actually know the facts regarding Mr. Carvalho and his situation! I am the Bermudian girlfriend. If any of you really want to know the truth I would encourage you to read on. If you don’t really care then feel free to exercise you right to remain ignorant and narrow minded! Firstly, Mr. McClarron, thank you for being a voice of reason here…there should be no discrimination based on nationality or status.
    Now, for the facts. Mr. Carvalho (Marco from this point on), is a mason and an extremely hard worker who arrived in Bermuda more than 3 years ago on a permit to work for a Bermudian construction company. Unfortunately, his employer, who I will not name because I do not wish to call him out or ruin his reputation based solely on mistakes that he has made (unlike most of you). If you think that guest workers come here and have it easy, think again. They live and work here with the constant threat of being sent packing if they complain about abuses being done to them. Marco has been married, yes, but his marriage is over, so any of you implying that something deceitful is going on there, lets get that fact straight right now!!! That is as far into out personal business as I will delve, as it really has NO bearing on this situation. Marco has endured alot since he has been here. Last year, he lost his finger due to an accident that occurred on a job, using substandard equipment that had been provided by his employed. Upon receiving the necessary treatment and care at KEMH it was discovered that Marco’s employer had been deducting money from his weekly wage and not actually paying for his insurance (med or soc). Marco decided to seek legal counsel on both matters, all the necessary reports we made to the correct government agencies and an investigation ensued. Under British law, there is a particular amount that an employer is liable for if an employee is injured on the job, the extent of the injury determines the amount. Marco did everything by the book, just as he had done in order to be employed on the island. After months of waiting, and court appearances, judgement was given in Marco’s favor. That was in May of this year. However, his employer made no effort to contact him or provide him with any form of work after early December 2010. Because of the legal matter, he was advised not to leave the island as he normally would have for Christmas vacation, and therefore lost out on seeing his son for both Christmas and his birthday. This caused him a great deal of hurt and frustration. On top of that, he was without work, without income and still having to pay for living expenses here and also send money home to support his child. Under British law, he had the right to stay in this jurisdiction and defend his case so that is exactly what he did. As many know, sitting at home all day every day can get very boring very quickly, and it is not in the nature of a Portuguese man to do this. They are workers, plain and simple, and having nothing to do is frustrating enough, add not earning any income, not being able to contribute the way you’d like, it’s demeaning and embarrassing, it leads to depression and anxiety. To then have a child who is wondering why you have not been to visit,…really, how would that make anyone out there feel? After months of not working and still contributing to our expenses and sending money home, funds dwindled. We have submitted necessary applications and letters to the immigration department in an effort to obtain their permission for Marco to seek employment so that he can make some money and travel home to see his child and settle his affairs their, so that he can then return and we can go about getting on with our life together. We have been in consistent contact with Immigration over the duration of the summer and have followed their instructions….Marco is not trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes and remain here out of convenience. We have a life together, we are planning a future together, and he wants to work. Even if he didn’t need to make a living, anyone who knows him has seen his passion for work. How else do you think he became so good at what he does? Lack of money cause other stresses, here and abroad, and these have taken an emotional toll on him, just as they would on anyone. I have seen him agonizing over his situation, but he has done everything by the book. His former employer never made any appearance in court and we have been waiting for a warrant to be executed so that a payment schedule can be determined and Marco can receive what he is owed. This is not peanuts we are talking about…if it was he would have left the matter alone and gone home in the winter to be with his boy. The added frustration of constantly seeing his former employer going on about his daily life, smiling in his face, it just added to his irritation and his lack of faith in rights being protected.
    So that is the history leading up to this unfortunate incident at Henry’s.
    Marco did not hide behind a lawyer…he did not take a lawyer to court….Duty Counsel was assigned to him and we didn’t know this until walking into the court room on the day his case was heard. Marco does understand some quite a lot of English and he is able to speak basic English, enough to communicate on a job site where he is familiar with the terminologies used and instructions given. He can get by ordering food or drinks and have basic casual conversations, but when giving a statement or appearing in court, there are many things being said that are not common, everyday speech for him and in order that he be given a fair chance to communicate, a translator is very important. How dare anyone accuse him of using not knowing English as an excuse or a means of being treated specially. Also, the counselor appointed to Marco misunderstood what was said because he was rushing to get information prior to the case being heard. I also called him over and corrected him in the court room after he spoke in error, but he did not make the correction known. It was not the bouncer (security guard) who offended me, it was another patron, who was known by my boyfriend, and who has also made me feel very uncomfortable on previous occasions. Marco approached him verbally, however, what the man said in response was something that further offended and was a provocation. A couple of Marco’s friends and I actually managed to get him away from the bar into the hallway, and that is where the security guard got involved. I know that he did his duty and I have no quarrel with that, but Marco’s physical reaction was in response to being physically restrained and the feeling of being trapped, not in an effort to do physical harm to the security guard. Had Marco not been drinking, or had less to drink, perhaps things might not have escalated the way they did, but the fact is that he had been drinking and, alcohol, although it can make you feel euphoric, if there are negative emotions that are being repressed, hurt, anger, frustration, alcohol can serve as an amplifier. I am not making excuses for my boyfriend, as witnesses can attest to, I was quite upset with him that night, BUT….I also knew where that aggression was stemming from. He did not beat the security guard up and this was not a violent crime and it did not result in injury to anyone. I have seen many instances where bar fights have taken place that have resulted in injury and the police have not gotten involved, or if they’ve been called, no one was arrested and no one ends up in court. And yes, I am talking about Bermudians fighting. Marco drank too much, Marco let his emotions get the better of him, and Marco made an error in judgement….he spent a night in prison, this was his first offense, no one was injured, he showed up to give his statement in Somerset, where he spent another amount of time in a cell waiting for the translator to arrive, and he went before the magistrate, who, much to my gratitude and Marco’s, saw fit to not further kick a man while he’s down and give him another chance. Now you can all complain that justice wasn’t served, but people make mistakes, and if it was your son or boyfriend or husband, wouldn’t you hope for a similar outcome. Marco has been called a liar, bullheaded, an opportunist (in so many words), a thug (violent criminal). Marco is none of these things and if you knew him, you would see that he is a man who was taken advantage of, suffered personal physical loss, emotional hurt due to that loss, continues to feel physical pain at times, has yet to receive any compensation for his injury or requisition of his money, and who has not been given the opportunity to continue to make a living and provide for the people who depend on him. I ask any man, how would you feel, and women, would you turn your backs on your men if they had been through this. Think before you speak people. Don’t take everything you read or hear as fact! None of us really have the right to judge another, but if you are going to do so, at least take the time to learn the facts and make an informed decision. Besides that, what ever happened to compassion, forgiveness, and being entitled to a second chance. We all make mistakes people. Marco is far from perfect, but he is none of these things that he is being accused of by all of you. Give the guy a break!
    Yes, I am Marco Carvalho’s girlfriend, yes I do love him dearly, and yes I am standing by my man. However, even if he wasn’t my boyfriend, and I knew the history, I would still feel the need to speak up.

    • wondering says:

      a bag of excuses

      • Erica says:

        Actually, not excuses, Marco was wrong that night and he admits it! No one is trying to justify his behaviour. Simply informing all of the facts since everyone seems so determined to speak on Marco’s character without knowing any more about him than this one particular incident. Because Duty Counsel assigned to Marco for the court proceedings misunderstood what he was told about that night and mis-informed the court, I also wanted to clear up that it wasn’t Tio who offended me that night and that he was doing his duty to try to keep the peace. The fact of the matter is that Marco made a mistake, he has admitted to it and apologised. The Magistrate gave his ruling and the matter is closed. I’m done! Marco is very important to me, but this bickering is a waste of time. If he is so important to the rest of you, then please, feel free to continue talking about him.
        The following is from both of us:
        “Aos invejosos, obrigado por cuidarem da minha vida, enquanto eu resolvo os meus problemas.
        Aos que tentaram derrubar-me, obrigado por perderem o seu tempo e obrigado por terem me deixado mais forte.
        Aos que trairam a minha amizade, obrigado por me ensinarem a ignorar quem não presta.”

  22. MinorMatters says:

    …still goin on about this loser…drama! Even when you cut and paste the Portuguese provided above into a translator, it still doesn’t make any damn sense! Enough already!

    • ERICA says:

      Hey MinorMatters!
      1. Marco is not a loser!
      2. Most languages do not translate directly into English, but if you put a little thought into it, you get the point.
      3. It makes sense that this matter is of importance to me, but apparently it’s pretty important to you too. You say “…still going on…..enough already” but you took the time to check for updated comments and to also leave one of your own. hmmm

  23. MinorMatters says:

    Tammy Wynette: “Stand by Your Man”
    Sometimes its hard to be a woman
    Giving all your love to just one man
    You’ll have bad times
    And he’ll have good times
    Doing things that you don’t understand
    But if you love him you’ll forgive him
    Even though he’s hard to understand
    And if you love him
    Oh be proud of him
    ‘Cause after all he’s just a man
    Stand by your man
    Give him two arms to cling to
    And something warm to come to
    When nights are cold and lonely
    Stand by your man
    And tell the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man
    Stand by your man
    And show the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man

    …even if he is a loser.

    I’m done!

    • Erica says:

      And that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Your opinion of him is just like your name, a “MinorMatter”, but apparently our relationship is quite important to you! I could stoop to your level, but I’m not about putting labels on people so as a token of my gratitude to you for caring SO much about Marco and me to take the time to keep coming back and make your comments. Maybe you should put that label you like so much on your forehead:)