Former Resident Dies “Mysteriously” In TCI

October 21, 2011

A Canadian businessman, sailor and athlete who lived in Bermuda in the 1990s has died in what are being described as “mysterious circumstances” in the Turks & Caicos Islands, a local newspaper is reporting.

Mark Glusing, 41, [pictured at far right aboard his boat] was found in the ocean in the Leeward area of Provo on Monday morning, “The Turks & Caicos Weekly News” is reporting.

Turks & Caicos police are appealing for help from islanders in determining the events which led up to Mr. Glusing’s untimely demise. An autopsy is due to be carried out on his body.

“Born in Montreal, Mark grew up in Barbados and also lived for some time in Bermuda where he made his name in the 1990s as a frequent Iron Man and triathlon contestant,” reports the newspaper.

Providenciales resident Kay Vanes told “The Turks and Caicos Weekly News” she would miss her close friend greatly.

“I am very sad at the moment as I’d spent a lot of time with Mark over the last few years or so,” she said.

“He was a very generous and unassuming person who loved taking people out on his boat, just because he loved to show off our beautiful islands and he enjoyed the company.

“He’ll be missed.”

Anne de la Durantaye remembered hockey fan Mr. Glusing, a trader and biofuel businessman, as “always smiling” and said he had even created an innovative, night snorkelling surf board.

“He was very smart, he always had dreams,” she added.

Fellow boat captain Bill Sewell said he would “miss the banter” and Mr. Glushing’s “forever smiling face”.

“May your lines be forever tight and the wind forever fair. Rest in peace buddy,” he added.

Mr. Glushing was president of Caribbean firm Infinite Holdings and CEO of biotechnology company GrowPond Organics.

In 2002 he was appointed president of and also had a strong background in international business, public company management and finance.

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  1. Sean Field-Lament says:

    Tragic news. Mark was a great guy and always very positive. A sad day indeed.
    Sean Field-Lament