Upcoming: Bermuda Compliance Seminar

October 20, 2011

After a number of catastrophic years in the capital markets, regulatory pressure is reaching further than ever before into the global economy. Compliance officers and senior managers recognize that volatile economies and the desparate need of some countries to increase tax revenue create unease and uncertainty for their customers and their employers.

Tackling these issues effectively and responding to regulatory demands is now front and centre in boardroom discussions around the world. Compliance professionals and managers need new techniques to address growing responsibilities. Over the past 10 years the failures in Compliance controls make it clear that continuous training is critical in the fight towards combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

With this in mind, the Association of Bermuda Compliance Officers (ABCO) announces the Bermuda Compliance Seminar will be held at the HSBC Bank Bermuda Ltd, Harborview Centre, located at 37 Front Street, Hamilton, on Thursday, 20 October, 2011, from 9:30am to 3:30pm. The theme for the one-day Seminar is “Emerging Threats” which will be presented by Mr. Ken Rijock. The goal will be to equip financial institutions and senior managers to deal with real-time compliance issues more effectively through a hands-on and interactive learning experience.

There will be 3 sessions presented by Mr. Ken Rijock:

TRADECRAFT, which explains the advanced and esoteric money laundering techniques, together with the methods of detecting them on a real time basis;

EMERGING THREATS, which covers all the new and potential issues that have evolved in 2011, and which may appear in 2012, and;

LIFE EXPERIENCES, which in the past has always proven to be an exciting topic.

Mr. Rijock is believed to be the only former banking attorney-turned career money launderer who actively consults with law enforcement and the financial community. He has more than 25 year’s experience in the field of money laundering, as a practicing laundryman, financial institution compliance consultant, and trainer/lecturer to law enforcement and the intelligence services of both the United States and Canada.

ABCO president, Mrs. Cheryl Mapp said “We are delighted to have arranged for Mr. Rijock, a consummate expert, to present again to a Bermuda audience. He has spoken at our conferences in the past so is no new-comer to Bermuda. He will be remembered for his uncanny ability to present and explain the concepts of Compliance with wit and humor. ”

Mrs. Mapp added, “The first two Bermuda Compliance Summits in 2007 and 2009 were unqualified successes. We are building on that success this year by bringing back Mr Rijock. The varied and interesting topics on the program have been chosen to amplify the theme of Emerging Threats by applying a risk based approach“

The cost of all 3 sessions is $175.00 and $125 for ABCO members, with refreshments and a light lunch included. If you have any questions please direct them to: – Tanya Esdaille @ tesdaille@applebyglobal.com

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  1. sarah montol says:

    Money laundering can save businesses and individuals a lot of money. It is hard to track too, that’s why it is usually used when the person is making money with illegal activities. If you don’t know what money laundering is, this article gives a great explanation.
