A.M. Best Issues Ratings For AmerInst

November 15, 2011

A.M. Best Co. has assigned an issuer credit rating [ICR] of “bbb-” to AmerInst Insurance Group, Ltd, which is the holding company of AmerInst Insurance Company Ltd (AmerInst). Both entities are domiciled in Bermuda.

The ICR for AmerInst Insurance Group, Ltd, is derived from the ICR of “a-” and the financial strength rating of A- [Excellent] of AmerInst, which were affirmed on September 12, 2011. The outlook for all ratings is stable.

The ratings reflect AmerInst’s strong capitalisation and experienced management team as well as its niche expertise as a reinsurer of professional liability policies.

Partially offsetting these positive rating factors is the company’s narrow spread of underwriting risk, in addition to the execution risk associated with the implementation of a new business plan.

A.M. Best remains the leading rating agency of alternative risk transfer entities, with more than 200 such vehicles rated in the United States and throughout the world

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